279 research outputs found

    Cloud resource orchestration in the multi-cloud landscape: a systematic review of existing frameworks

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    The number of both service providers operating in the cloud market and customers consuming cloud-based services is constantly increasing, proving that the cloud computing paradigm has successfully delivered its potential. Nevertheless, the unceasing growth of the cloud market is posing hard challenges on its participants. On the provider side, the capability of orchestrating resources in order to maximise profits without failing customers’ expectations is a matter of concern. On the customer side, the efficient resource selection from a plethora of similar services advertised by a multitude of providers is an open question. In such a multi-cloud landscape, several research initiatives advocate the employment of software frameworks (namely, cloud resource orchestration frameworks - CROFs) capable of orchestrating the heterogeneous resources offered by a multitude of cloud providers in a way that best suits the customer’s need. The objective of this paper is to provide the reader with a systematic review and comparison of the most relevant CROFs found in the literature, as well as to highlight the multi-cloud computing open issues that need to be addressed by the research community in the near future

    An Infrastructure Modeling Approach for Multi-Cloud Provisioning

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    Cloud Computing has become the primary model of pay-per-use used by practitioners and researchers to obtain an infrastructure in a short time. DevOps uses the Infrastructure as Code approach to infrastructure automation based on software development practices. Moreover, the DevOps community provides different tools to orchestrate the infrastructure provisioning in a particular cloud provider. However, the traditional method of using a single cloud provider has several limitations regarding privacy, security, performance, geography reach, and vendor lock-in. To mitigate these issues industry and academia are implementing multiple clouds (i.e., multi-cloud). In previous work, we have introduced ARGON, which is an infrastructure modeling tool for cloud provisioning that leverages the model-driven engineering (MDE) to provide a uniform, cohesive, and seamless process to support the DevOps concept. In this paper, we present an extension of ARGON to support the multi-cloud infrastructure provisioning and propose a flexible migration process among cloud

    Efficient Migration of Application to Clouds: Analysis and Comparison

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    Owing to the immense popularity in the last couple of years Cloud technology is being regarded as one of the most influential technology in new era. Given the long term benefits of adopting this new phenomenon, many organizations have decided to migrate to the cloud. However, due to rapidly evolving market and the security issues hovering over the cloud, most of the organizations are unsure about how to proceed with the migration into the cloud. After a brief introduction about the technology, this paper aims to provide an understanding of migration challenges. The paper analyses the migration of a web-based application, used for an academic organization, to the cloud. It also compares the application’s performance when deployed to a traditional server versus its deployment to Windows Azure

    UML-based Cloud Application Modeling with Libraries, Profiles, and Templates

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    Recently, several cloud modeling approaches have emerged. They address the diversity of cloud environments by introducing a considerable set of modeling concepts in terms of novel domain-specific languages. At the same time, general-purpose languages, such as UML, provide modeling concepts to represent software, platform and infrastructure artifacts from different viewpoints where the deployment view is of particular relevance for specifying the distribution of application components on the targeted cloud environments. However, the generic nature of UML’s deployment language calls for a cloud-specific extension to capture the plethora of cloud provider offerings at the modeling level. In this paper, we propose the Cloud Application Modeling Language (CAML) to facilitate expressing cloud-based deployments directly in UML, which is especially beneficial for migration scenarios where reverse-engineered UML models are tailored towards a selected cloud environment. We discuss CAML’s realization as a UML internal language that is based on a model library for expressing deployment topologies and a set of profiles for wiring them with cloud provider offerings. Finally, we report on the use of UML templates to contribute application deployments as reusable blueprints and identify conceptual mappings between CAML and the recently standardized TOSCA.European Commission ICT Policy Support Programme 31785

    Conceptualizing a framework for cyber-physical systems of systems development and deployment

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    ABSTRACT Cyber-physical systems (CPS) refer to the next generation of embedded ICT systems that are interconnected, collaborative and that provide users and businesses with a wide range of smart applications and services. Software in CPS applications ranges from small systems to large systems, aka. Systems of Systems (SoS), such as smart grids and cities. CPSoS require managing massive amounts of data, being aware of their emerging behavior, and scaling out to progressively evolve and add new systems. Cloud computing supports processing and storing massive amounts of data, hosting and delivering services, and configuring selfprovisioned resources. Therefore, cloud computing is the natural candidate to solve CPSoS needs. However, the diversity of platforms and the low-level cloud programming models make difficult to find a common solution for the development and deployment of CPSoS. This paper presents the architectural foundations of a cloud-centric framework for automating the development and deployment of CPSoS service applications to converge towards a common open service platform for CPSoS applications. This framework relies on the well-known qualities of the microservices architecture style, the autonomic computing paradigm, and the model-driven software development approach. Its implementation and validation is on-going at two European and national projects

    Models@Runtime for Continuous Design and Deployment

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    Model-Driven Process Enactment for NFV Systems with MAPLE

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    The Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) advent is making way for the rapid deployment of network services (NS) for telecoms. Automation of network service management is one of the main challenges currently faced by the NFV community. Explicitly defining a process for the design, deployment, and management of network services and automating it is therefore highly desirable and beneficial for NFV systems. The use of model-driven orchestration means has been advocated in this context. As part of this effort to support automated process execution, we propose a process enactment approach with NFV systems as the target application domain. Our process enactment approach is megamodel-based. An integrated process modelling and enactment environment, MAPLE, has been built into Papyrus for this purpose. Process modelling is carried out with UML activity diagrams. The enactment environment transforms the process model to a model transformation chain, and then orchestrates it with the use of megamodels. In this paper we present our approach and environment MAPLE, its recent extension with new features as well as application to an enriched case study consisting of NS design and onboarding process.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figures, 1 tabl

    Continuous Deployment of Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems.

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    While the next generation of IoT systems need to perform distributed processing and coordinated behaviour across IoT, Edge and Cloud infrastructures, their development and operation are still challenging. A major challenge is the high heterogeneity of their infrastructure, which broadens the surface for security attacks and increases the complexity of maintaining and evolving such complex systems. In this paper, we present our approach for Generation and Deployment of Smart IoT Systems (GeneSIS) to tame this complexity. GeneSIS leverages model-driven engineering to support the DevSecOps of Smart IoT Systems (SIS). More precisely, GeneSIS includes: (i) a domain specific modelling language to specify the deployment of SIS over IoT, Edge and Cloud infrastructure with the necessary concepts for security and privacy; and (ii) a [email protected] engine to enact the orchestration, deployment, and adaptation of these SIS. The results from our smart building case study have shown that GeneSIS can support security by design from the development (via deployment) to the operation of IoT systems and back again in a DevSecOps loop. In other words, GeneSIS enables IoT systems to keep up security and adapt to evolving conditions and threats while maintaining their trustworthiness.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Commission’s H2020 Programme under grant agreement numbers 780351 (ENACT)

    A TOSCA-Based Conceptual Architecture to Support the Federation of Heterogeneous MSaaS Infrastructures †

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    Modeling and simulation (M&S) techniques are effectively used in many application domains to support various operational tasks ranging from system analyses to innovative training activities. Any (M&S) effort might strongly benefit from the adoption of service orientation and cloud computing to ease the development and provision of M&S applications. Such an emerging paradigm is commonly referred to as M&S-as-a-Service (MSaaS). The need for orchestrating M&S services provided by different partners in a heterogeneous cloud infrastructure introduces new challenges. In this respect, the adoption of an effective architectural approach might significantly help the design and development of MSaaS infrastructure implementations that cooperate in a federated environment. In this context, this work introduces a MSaaS reference architecture (RA) that aims to investigate innovative approaches to ease the building of inter-cloud MSaaS applications. Moreover, this work presents ArTIC-MS, a conceptual architecture that refines the proposed RA for introducing the TOSCA (topology and orchestration specification for cloud applications) standard. ArTIC-MS’s main objective is to enable effective portability and interoperability among M&S services provided by different partners in heterogeneous federations of cloud-based MSaaS infrastructure. To show the validity of the proposed architectural approach, the results of concrete experimentation are provided
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