2,980,603 research outputs found

    Peritoneal adhesions after laparoscopic gastrointestinal surgery

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    Although laparoscopy has the potential to reduce peritoneal trauma and post-operative peritoneal adhesion formation, only one randomized controlled trial and a few comparative retrospective clinical studies have addressed this issue. Laparoscopy reduces de novo adhesion formation but has no efficacy in reducing adhesion reformation after adhesiolysis. Moreover, several studies have suggested that the reduction of de novo post-operative adhesions does not seem to have a significant clinical impact. Experimental data in animal models have suggested that CO2 pneumoperitoneum can cause acute peritoneal inflammation during laparoscopy depending on the insufflation pressure and the surgery duration. Broad peritoneal cavity protection by the insufflation of a low-temperature humidified gas mixture of CO2, N2O and O2 seems to represent the best approach for reducing peritoneal inflammation due to pneumoperitoneum. However, these experimental data have not had a significant impact on the modification of laparoscopic instrumentation. In contrast, surgeons should train themselves to perform laparoscopy quickly, and they should complete their learning curves before testing chemical anti-adhesive agents and anti-adhesion barriers. Chemical anti-adhesive agents have the potential to exert broad peritoneal cavity protection against adhesion formation, but when these agents are used alone, the concentrations needed to prevent adhesions are too high and could cause major post-operative side effects. Anti-adhesion barriers have been used mainly in open surgery, but some clinical data from laparoscopic surgeries are already available. Sprays, gels, and fluid barriers are easier to apply in laparoscopic surgery than solid barriers. Results have been encouraging with solid barriers, spray barriers, and gel barriers, but they have been ambiguous with fluid barriers. Moreover, when barriers have been used alone, the maximum protection against adhesion formation has been no greater than 60%. A recent small, randomized clinical trial suggested that the combination of broad peritoneal cavity protection with local application of a barrier could be almost 100% effective in preventing post-operative adhesion formation. Future studies should confirm the efficacy of this global strategy in preventing adhesion formation after laparoscopy by focusing on clinical end points, such as reduced incidences of bowel obstruction and abdominal pain and increased fertility

    The Improvement of Laparoscopic Surgical Skills Obtained by Gynecologists after Ten Years of Clinical Training Can Reduce Peritoneal Adhesion Formation during Laparoscopic Myomectomy: A Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Objective. To evaluate if improvement of laparoscopic skills can reduce postoperative peritoneal adhesion formation in a clinical setting. Study Design. We retrospectively evaluated 25 women who underwent laparoscopic myomectomy from January 1993 to June 1994 and 22 women who underwent laparoscopic myomectomy from March 2002 to November 2004. Women had one to four subserous/intramural myomas and received surgery without antiadhesive agents or barriers. Women underwent second-look laparoscopy for assessment of peritoneal adhesion formation 12 to 14 weeks after myomectomy. Adhesions were graded according to the Operative Laparoscopy Study Group scoring system. The main variable to be compared between the two cohorts was the proportion that showed no adhesions at second-look laparoscopy. Results. Demographic and surgical characteristics were similar between the two cohorts. No complications were observed during surgery. No adverse events were recorded during postoperative course. At second-look laparoscopy, a higher proportion of adhesion-free patients was observed in women who underwent laparoscopic myomectomy from March 2002 to November 2004 (9 out of 22) compared with women who underwent the same surgery from January 1993 to June 1994 (3 out of 25). Conclusion. The improvement of surgeons' skills obtained after ten years of surgery can reduce postoperative adhesion formatio

    Phase-shifting Haar Wavelets For Image-based Rendering Applications

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    In this thesis, we establish the underlying research background necessary for tackling the problem of phase-shifting in the wavelet transform domain. Solving this problem is the key to reducing the redundancy and huge storage requirement in Image-Based Rendering (IBR) applications, which utilize wavelets. Image-based methods for rendering of dynamic glossy objects do not truly scale to all possible frequencies and high sampling rates without trading storage, glossiness, or computational time, while varying both lighting and viewpoint. This is due to the fact that current approaches are limited to precomputed radiance transfer (PRT), which is prohibitively expensive in terms of memory requirements when both lighting and viewpoint variation are required together with high sampling rates for high frequency lighting of glossy material. At the root of the above problem is the lack of a closed-form run-time solution to the nontrivial problem of rotating wavelets, which we solve in this thesis. We specifically target Haar wavelets, which provide the most efficient solution to solving the tripleproduct integral, which in turn is fundamental to solving the environment lighting problem. The problem is divided into three main steps, each of which provides several key theoretical contributions. First, we derive closed-form expressions for linear phase-shifting in the Haar domain for one-dimensional signals, which can be generalized to N-dimensional signals due to separability. Second, we derive closed-form expressions for linear phase-shifting for two-dimensional signals that are projected using the non-separable Haar transform. For both cases, we show that the coefficients of the shifted data can be computed solely by using the coefficients of the original data. We also derive closed-form expressions for non-integer shifts, which has not been reported before. As an application example of these results, we apply the new formulae to image shifting, rotation and interpolation, and demonstrate the superiority of the proposed solutions to existing methods. In the third step, we establish a solution for non-linear phase-shifting of two-dimensional non-separable Haar-transformed signals, which is directly applicable to the original problem of image-based rendering. Our solution is the first attempt to provide an analytic solution to the difficult problem of rotating wavelets in the transform domain

    Econometric Analysis of Supply and Demand for Log and Sawn Timber in Sabah

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    This study investigates the main factors affecting supply and demand of log and sawn timber of Sabah. The partial adjustment and adaptive expectation (PAAE) frameworks for log and sawn timber were developed and estimated using time series data. The regression results and simulation tests indicate that the estimated models are satisfactory. All the significant coefficients have the correct signs. The Root Mean Square Percentage Error (RMSPE) and Theil inequality Coefficient values of the estimated models are low. The finding sindicate that the long run supply elasticity value with respect to logged area is low (0.19). On the contrary the factors influencing domestic demand for log are elastic. The long run domestic demand elasticity value with respect to domestic price and construct ion activities are -1.23 and 2.43 respectively. In the world market, log export demand is influenced by export price and construct ion activities of industrial countries. The long run export demand elasticity value with respect to export price and industrial construct ion activities are (-7.61) and (3.34) respectively. In the sawn timber market, the long run supply elasticity value with respect to domestic price, log input price,saw milling recovery rate and dummy variable for government incentives are 5.23, -0.79, 0.64, and 0.5 1 respectively. On the domestic demand side, only the construction activity is found to have an influence o n the quantity demanded. The long run domestic demand elasticity with respect to this variable is 7.54. Meanwhile in the world market, the long run export demand elasticity value with respect to export price, real effective exchange rate, construct ion activities of industrial countries and world economic recession are -4.00, -1.32, 4.21 and -0.35 respectively. The regression results revealed that the government policy to reduce logging area does not seem to have a substantial impact on the supply of logs. Also indirectly, log export royalty and restriction ion policies could influence log export volume(ceteris peribus). The government incentives such as low royalty rates on logs utilised domestic ally can encourage further down stream processing

    Filipino Youth Success in Vancouver

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