3,564 research outputs found

    MAC with Action-Dependent State Information at One Encoder

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    Problems dealing with the ability to take an action that affects the states of state-dependent communication channels are of timely interest and importance. Therefore, we extend the study of action-dependent channels, which until now focused on point-to-point models, to multiple-access channels (MAC). In this paper, we consider a two-user, state-dependent MAC, in which one of the encoders, called the informed encoder, is allowed to take an action that affects the formation of the channel states. Two independent messages are to be sent through the channel: a common message known to both encoders and a private message known only to the informed encoder. In addition, the informed encoder has access to the sequence of channel states in a non-causal manner. Our framework generalizes previously evaluated settings of state dependent point-to-point channels with actions and MACs with common messages. We derive a single letter characterization of the capacity region for this setting. Using this general result, we obtain and compute the capacity region for the Gaussian action-dependent MAC. The unique methods used in solving the Gaussian case are then applied to obtain the capacity of the Gaussian action-dependent point-to-point channel; a problem was left open until this work. Finally, we establish some dualities between action-dependent channel coding and source coding problems. Specifically, we obtain a duality between the considered MAC setting and the rate distortion model known as "Successive Refinement with Actions". This is done by developing a set of simple duality principles that enable us to successfully evaluate the outcome of one problem given the other.Comment: 1. Parts of this paper appeared in the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2012),Cambridge, MA, US, July 2012 and at the IEEE 27th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel (IEEEI 2012), Nov. 2012. 2. This work has been supported by the CORNET Consortium Israel Ministry for Industry and Commerc

    Multiple Access Channels with Combined Cooperation and Partial Cribbing

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    In this paper we study the multiple access channel (MAC) with combined cooperation and partial cribbing and characterize its capacity region. Cooperation means that the two encoders send a message to one another via a rate-limited link prior to transmission, while partial cribbing means that each of the two encoders obtains a deterministic function of the other encoder's output with or without delay. Prior work in this field dealt separately with cooperation and partial cribbing. However, by combining these two methods we can achieve significantly higher rates. Remarkably, the capacity region does not require an additional auxiliary random variable (RV) since the purpose of both cooperation and partial cribbing is to generate a common message between the encoders. In the proof we combine methods of block Markov coding, backward decoding, double rate-splitting, and joint typicality decoding. Furthermore, we present the Gaussian MAC with combined one-sided cooperation and quantized cribbing. For this model, we give an achievability scheme that shows how many cooperation or quantization bits are required in order to achieve a Gaussian MAC with full cooperation/cribbing capacity region. After establishing our main results, we consider two cases where only one auxiliary RV is needed. The first is a rate distortion dual setting for the MAC with a common message, a private message and combined cooperation and cribbing. The second is a state-dependent MAC with cooperation, where the state is known at a partially cribbing encoder and at the decoder. However, there are cases where more than one auxiliary RV is needed, e.g., when the cooperation and cribbing are not used for the same purposes. We present a MAC with an action-dependent state, where the action is based on the cooperation but not on the cribbing. Therefore, in this case more than one auxiliary RV is needed

    Successive Refinement with Decoder Cooperation and its Channel Coding Duals

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    We study cooperation in multi terminal source coding models involving successive refinement. Specifically, we study the case of a single encoder and two decoders, where the encoder provides a common description to both the decoders and a private description to only one of the decoders. The decoders cooperate via cribbing, i.e., the decoder with access only to the common description is allowed to observe, in addition, a deterministic function of the reconstruction symbols produced by the other. We characterize the fundamental performance limits in the respective settings of non-causal, strictly-causal and causal cribbing. We use a new coding scheme, referred to as Forward Encoding and Block Markov Decoding, which is a variant of one recently used by Cuff and Zhao for coordination via implicit communication. Finally, we use the insight gained to introduce and solve some dual channel coding scenarios involving Multiple Access Channels with cribbing.Comment: 55 pages, 15 figures, 8 tables, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. A shorter version submitted to ISIT 201

    Bounds on the Capacity of the Relay Channel with Noncausal State Information at Source

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    We consider a three-terminal state-dependent relay channel with the channel state available non-causally at only the source. Such a model may be of interest for node cooperation in the framework of cognition, i.e., collaborative signal transmission involving cognitive and non-cognitive radios. We study the capacity of this communication model. One principal problem in this setup is caused by the relay's not knowing the channel state. In the discrete memoryless (DM) case, we establish lower bounds on channel capacity. For the Gaussian case, we derive lower and upper bounds on the channel capacity. The upper bound is strictly better than the cut-set upper bound. We show that one of the developed lower bounds comes close to the upper bound, asymptotically, for certain ranges of rates.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theor

    Wiretap and Gelfand-Pinsker Channels Analogy and its Applications

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    An analogy framework between wiretap channels (WTCs) and state-dependent point-to-point channels with non-causal encoder channel state information (referred to as Gelfand-Pinker channels (GPCs)) is proposed. A good sequence of stealth-wiretap codes is shown to induce a good sequence of codes for a corresponding GPC. Consequently, the framework enables exploiting existing results for GPCs to produce converse proofs for their wiretap analogs. The analogy readily extends to multiuser broadcasting scenarios, encompassing broadcast channels (BCs) with deterministic components, degradation ordering between users, and BCs with cooperative receivers. Given a wiretap BC (WTBC) with two receivers and one eavesdropper, an analogous Gelfand-Pinsker BC (GPBC) is constructed by converting the eavesdropper's observation sequence into a state sequence with an appropriate product distribution (induced by the stealth-wiretap code for the WTBC), and non-causally revealing the states to the encoder. The transition matrix of the state-dependent GPBC is extracted from WTBC's transition law, with the eavesdropper's output playing the role of the channel state. Past capacity results for the semi-deterministic (SD) GPBC and the physically-degraded (PD) GPBC with an informed receiver are leveraged to furnish analogy-based converse proofs for the analogous WTBC setups. This characterizes the secrecy-capacity regions of the SD-WTBC and the PD-WTBC, in which the stronger receiver also observes the eavesdropper's channel output. These derivations exemplify how the wiretap-GP analogy enables translating results on one problem into advances in the study of the other

    Addressee and Response Selection in Multi-Party Conversations with Speaker Interaction RNNs

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    In this paper, we study the problem of addressee and response selection in multi-party conversations. Understanding multi-party conversations is challenging because of complex speaker interactions: multiple speakers exchange messages with each other, playing different roles (sender, addressee, observer), and these roles vary across turns. To tackle this challenge, we propose the Speaker Interaction Recurrent Neural Network (SI-RNN). Whereas the previous state-of-the-art system updated speaker embeddings only for the sender, SI-RNN uses a novel dialog encoder to update speaker embeddings in a role-sensitive way. Additionally, unlike the previous work that selected the addressee and response separately, SI-RNN selects them jointly by viewing the task as a sequence prediction problem. Experimental results show that SI-RNN significantly improves the accuracy of addressee and response selection, particularly in complex conversations with many speakers and responses to distant messages many turns in the past.Comment: AAAI 201