244 research outputs found

    MAC Scheduling With Low Overheads by Learning Neighborhood Contention Patterns

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    Towards a Collision-Free WLAN: Dynamic Parameter Adjustment in CSMA/E2CA

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    Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Enhanced Collision Avoidance (CSMA/ECA) is a distributed MAC protocol that allows collision-free access to the medium in WLAN. The only difference between CSMA/ECA and the well-known CSMA/CA is that the former uses a deterministic backoff after successful transmissions. Collision-free operation is reached after a transient state during which some collisions may occur. This article shows that the duration of the transient state can be shortened by appropriately setting the contention parameters. Standard absorbing Markov Chain theory can be used to describe the behaviour of the system in the transient state and to predict the expected number of slots to reach the collision-free operation. The article also introduces CSMA/E2CA, in which a deterministic backoff is used two consecutive times after a successful transmission. CSMA/E2CA converges quicker to collision-free operation and delivers higher performance than CSMA/CA in harsh wireless scenarios with high frame error rates. To achieve collision-free operations when the number of contenders is large, it may be necessary to dynamically adjust the contention parameter. The last part of the article suggests an approach for such parameter adjustment which is validated by simulation results

    Flexible Spectrum Assignment for Local Wireless Networks

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    In this dissertation, we consider the problem of assigning spectrum to wireless local-area networks (WLANs). In line with recent IEEE 802.11 amendments and newer hardware capabilities, we consider situations where wireless nodes have the ability to adapt not only their channel center-frequency but also their channel width. This capability brings an important additional degree of freedom, which adds more granularity and potentially enables more efficient spectrum assignments. However, it also comes with new challenges; when consuming a varying amount of spectrum, the nodes should not only seek to reduce interference, but they should also seek to efficiently fill the available spectrum. Furthermore, the performances obtained in practice are especially difficult to predict when nodes employ variable bandwidths. We first propose an algorithm that acts in a decentralized way, with no communication among the neighboring access points (APs). Despite being decentralized, this algorithm is self-organizing and solves an explicit tradeoff between interference mitigation and efficient spectrum usage. In order for the APs to continuously adapt their spectrum to neighboring conditions while using only one network interface, this algorithm relies on a new kind of measurement, during which the APs monitor their surrounding networks for short durations. We implement this algorithm on a testbed and observe drastic performance gains compared to default spectrum assignments, or compared to efficient assignments using a fixed channel width. Next, we propose a procedure to explicitly predict the performance achievable in practice, when nodes operate with arbitrary spectrum configurations, traffic intensities, transmit powers, etc. This problem is notoriously difficult, as it requires capturing several complex interactions that take place at the MAC and PHY layers. Rather than trying to find an explicit model acting at this level of generality, we explore a different point in the design space. Using a limited number of real-world measurements, we use supervised machine-learning techniques to learn implicit performance models. We observe that these models largely outperform other measurement-based models based on SINR, and that they perform well, even when they are used to predict performance in contexts very different from the context prevailing during the initial set of measurements used for learning. We then build a second algorithm that uses the above-mentioned learned models to assign the spectrum. This algorithm is distributed and collaborative, meaning that neighboring APs have to exchange a limited amount of control traffic. It is also utility-optimal -- a feature enabled both by the presence of a model for predicting performance and the ability of APs to collaboratively take decisions. We implement this algorithm on a testbed, and we design a simple scheme that enables neighboring APs to discover themselves and to implement collaboration using their wired backbone network. We observe that it is possible to effectively gear the performance obtained in practice towards different objectives (in terms of efficiency and/or fairness), depending on the utility functions optimized by the nodes. Finally, we study the problem of scheduling packets both in time and frequency domains. Such ways of scheduling packets have been made possible by recent progress in system design, which make it possible to dynamically tune and negotiate the spectrum band [...

    Green and Secure Medium Access Control for Wireless Sensor Network

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    Recent Developments on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks and Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

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    This book presents collective works published in the recent Special Issue (SI) entitled "Recent Developments on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks and Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks”. These works expose the readership to the latest solutions and techniques for MANETs and VANETs. They cover interesting topics such as power-aware optimization solutions for MANETs, data dissemination in VANETs, adaptive multi-hop broadcast schemes for VANETs, multi-metric routing protocols for VANETs, and incentive mechanisms to encourage the distribution of information in VANETs. The book demonstrates pioneering work in these fields, investigates novel solutions and methods, and discusses future trends in these field

    E-MAC: an evolutionary solution for collision avoidance in wireless ad hoc networks

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    Transmission collision is a main cause of throughput degradation and non-deterministic latency in wireless networks. Existing collision-avoidance mechanisms for distributed wireless networks are mostly based on the random backoff strategy, which cannot guarantee collision-free accesses. In this paper, we design a simple collision-avoidance MAC (E-MAC) for distributed wireless networks that can iteratively achieve collision-free access. In E-MAC, each transmitter will adjust its next transmission time according to which part of its packets suffering from the collision. And the iteration of this adjustment will quickly lead group of nodes converging to a collision-free network. E-MAC does not require any central coordination or global time synchronization. It is scalable to new entrants to the network and variable packet lengths. And it is also robust to system errors, such as inaccurate timing.Transmission collision is a main cause of throughput degradation and non-deterministic latency in wireless networks. Existing collision-avoidance mechanisms for distributed wireless networks are mostly based on the random backoff strategy, which cannot guarantee collision-free accesses. In this paper, we design a simple collision-avoidance MAC (E-MAC) for distributed wireless networks that can iteratively achieve collision-free access. In E-MAC, each transmitter will adjust its next transmission time according to which part of its packets suffering from the collision. And the iteration of this adjustment will quickly lead group of nodes converging to a collision-free network. E-MAC does not require any central coordination or global time synchronization. It is scalable to new entrants to the network and variable packet lengths. And it is also robust to system errors, such as inaccurate timing

    A cross-layer middleware architecture for time and safety critical applications in MANETs

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    Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) can be deployed instantaneously and adaptively, making them highly suitable to military, medical and disaster-response scenarios. Using real-time applications for provision of instantaneous and dependable communications, media streaming, and device control in these scenarios is a growing research field. Realising timing requirements in packet delivery is essential to safety-critical real-time applications that are both delay- and loss-sensitive. Safety of these applications is compromised by packet loss, both on the network and by the applications themselves that will drop packets exceeding delay bounds. However, the provision of this required Quality of Service (QoS) must overcome issues relating to the lack of reliable existing infrastructure, conservation of safety-certified functionality. It must also overcome issues relating to the layer-2 dynamics with causal factors including hidden transmitters and fading channels. This thesis proposes that bounded maximum delay and safety-critical application support can be achieved by using cross-layer middleware. Such an approach benefits from the use of established protocols without requiring modifications to safety-certified ones. This research proposes ROAM: a novel, adaptive and scalable cross-layer Real-time Optimising Ad hoc Middleware framework for the provision and maintenance of performance guarantees in self-configuring MANETs. The ROAM framework is designed to be scalable to new optimisers and MANET protocols and requires no modifications of protocol functionality. Four original contributions are proposed: (1) ROAM, a middleware entity abstracts information from the protocol stack using application programming interfaces (APIs) and that implements optimisers to monitor and autonomously tune conditions at protocol layers in response to dynamic network conditions. The cross-layer approach is MANET protocol generic, using minimal imposition on the protocol stack, without protocol modification requirements. (2) A horizontal handoff optimiser that responds to time-varying link quality to ensure optimal and most robust channel usage. (3) A distributed contention reduction optimiser that reduces channel contention and related delay, in response to detection of the presence of a hidden transmitter. (4) A feasibility evaluation of the ROAM architecture to bound maximum delay and jitter in a comprehensive range of ns2-MIRACLE simulation scenarios that demonstrate independence from the key causes of network dynamics: application setting and MANET configuration; including mobility or topology. Experimental results show that ROAM can constrain end-to-end delay, jitter and packet loss, to support real-time applications with critical timing requirements
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