3 research outputs found

    Determinants of Mobile Commerce Adoption in Developing Countries: Evidence from Rwanda

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    The rapid development of wireless technology and telecommunication networks has led to mobile devices playing an increasing role in people's lives. Businesses have recognised the value of mobile communication tools and trading platforms. A new type of technology-aided commerce – mobile commerce including mobile financial services – has gained importance in theory and practice. However, in the context of developing countries, the literature on the potential of mobile commerce and its driving factors is still limited. Along five empirical studies conducted in Rwanda, this research identifies the factors that drive the success of mobile commerce and financial services. It defines an appropriate infrastructure (power supply and network connectivity), a suitable regulatory setting, sufficient consumer awareness, and a proper distribution network as crucial for adopting mobile commerce and harvesting its potential. Thereupon, the research derives recommendations to Rwandan policymakers and practitioners in order to achieve economic growth, reduce poverty, and enhance national welfare Rwanda

    Framework utilizando código 2D para pagamentos com base em dispositivos móveis

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2013.Esta dissertação descreve um framework utilizando código 2D para pagamentos com base em dispositivos móveis (por exemplo, terminal celular, smartphone e tablet). O trabalho inicialmente apresenta conceitos de códigos 2D, comparações entre os diversos tipos e funcionalidades de pagamentos móveis, tais como serviço de confirmação por SMS e email. O framework proposto utiliza serviços de diferentes provedores, nas áreas de telecomunicações, logística, pagamento, segurança, autoridade certificadora e outros, permitindo popularizar o pagamento móvel no Brasil, ainda pouco explorado. A implementação inclui a construção de uma aplicação Web móvel desenvolvida em C#, HTML5 e JavaScript, apresentada como prova de conceito. Tal aplicação utiliza o .NET framework Microsoft para construção do código, jQuery para interface gráfica do usuário e Web Services para comunicação entre plataformas. Usamos também o protocolo SSL(Security Socker Layer) a fim de proporcionar segurança, junto do padrão avançado de criptografia (AES) Advanced Encryption Standard e o protocolo HTTP para compor o m-Payment. O framework possibilita também o comércio eletrônico utilizando o Sistema Brasileiro de TV Digital, possibilitando ao usuário pagar usando a sua carteira virtual (celular, smartphone ou tablet) em frente ao aparelho de TV. Dessa forma tem-se a convergência de modelos de comércio virtual, capaz de realizar transações comerciais independentes de dispositivos. O uso de Web Services possibilitou a comunicação e integração com outras plataformas como a de TV Digital, por meio do protocolo SOAP. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis paper describes a framework for 2D code using payments with your mobile device (mobile terminal, smartphone and tablet). The work initially presents concepts of 2D code, making comparisons between different types and functionalities of mobile payments, such as confirmation service by SMS or email. The proposed framework utilizes services from different providers in the areas of telecommunications, logistics, payment, security, certificate authority and others, allowing popularize mobile payment service in Brazil, still unexplored. We also use SSL to provide security, with the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Advanced Encryption Standard and the HTTP protocol to compose the m-Payment. This implementation of the framework includes building a mobile web application developed in C#, JavaScript and HTML5, presented as proof of concept. This application uses the. NET Microsoft framework for building code, jQuery for graphical user interface and Web Services for communication between platforms. The framework also permit to make commerce transactions using Brazilian Digital TV System, allowing the user to be able to pay using your virtual wallet (mobile, smartphone or tablet) in front of the TV set. Thus there has been a convergence of virtual commerce models, able to perform commercial transactions independently from devices. The use of Web Services enabled communication and integration to other platforms such as Digital TV, using the SOAP protocol

    Factors that influence the successful adoption of m-Commerce via SIM-enabled devices in Nigeria

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    This research sought to identify the factors that influence m-Commerce adoption by micro and small businesses in Nigeria. However, considering that different categories of these businesses are likely to be influenced by different set of factors, depending on their level of exposure and adoption of m-Commerce, a stage model was designed. This stage model provided a prototype of the progression of m-Commerce adoption by micro and small businesses in Nigeria. Through the analysis of data collected from semi-structured interviews and questionnaires, the stage model was confirmed. Also, unique factors that influence m-Commerce adoption by micro and small businesses in Nigeria were identified such as: Nigeria’s mobile phone culture, the Central Bank of Nigeria’s regulatory cashless policy, Nigeria’s ostentatious culture, and cultural emphasis on physical contact in the conduct of business activities. Within the thesis, recommendations for leveraging the presence of the identified factors were discussed. These recommendations include creating awareness of security features among customers and introduction of regulatory policies that can support increased adoption of m-Commerce such as money back guarantee. Theoretical implications of the research include contributing to the debate on the divide between m-Commerce and e-Commerce, providing an update to existing literature on m-Commerce adoption factors and presenting a stage model that can guide business adoption of m-Commerce. Practical implications of the research include highlighting opportunities to create additional sources of revenue for businesses, strategies towards optimising business processes, increasing brand or business awareness and inspiring customer loyalty. Practical steps towards leveraging Nigeria’s unique socio-cultural factors were highlighted including the use of Pay on Delivery service. Although this study focused on micro and small businesses in Nigeria, findings from the study may be generalised to countries that have similar socio-cultural contexts such as Pakistan and India