5 research outputs found

    Fabrication and characterisation of 45º and Ex 45º:tilted fibre gratings and their applications in fibre lasers and sensors

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    In this thesis, I present the studies on fabrication, spectral and polarisation characterisation of fibre gratings with tilted structures at 45º and > 45º (namely 45º- TFGs and ex 45º-TFGs throughout this thesis) and a range of novel applications with these two types of grating. One of the major contributions made in this thesis is the systematic investigation of the grating structures, inscription analysis and spectral and polarisation properties of both types of TFGs. I have inscribed 45º-TFGs in standard telecom and polarisation maintaining (PM) fibres. Two wavelength regions of interest have been explored including 1.55 µm and 1.06 µm. Detailed analysis on fabrication and characterisation of 45º-TFGs on PM fibres have also been carried out for the first time. For ex 45º- TFGs, fabrication has been investigated only on low-cost standard telecom fibre. Furthermore, thermal responses have been measured and analysed showing that both types of TFG have low responsivity to temperature change. More importantly, their refractive index (RI) responses have been characterised to verify the high responsivity to surrounding medium. Based on the unique polarisation properties, both types of TFG have been applied in fibre laser systems to improve the laser performance, which forms another major contribution of the research presented in this thesis. The integration of a 45º-TFG to the Erbium doped fibre laser (EDFL) enables single polarisation laser output at a single wavelength. When combing with ex 45º-TFGs, the EDFL can be transformed to a multi-wavelength switchable laser with single polarisation output. Furthermore, by utilising the polarisation property of the TFGs, a 45º-TFG based mode locked fibre laser is implemented. This laser can produce laser pulses at femtosecond scale and is the first application of TFG in the field of nonlinear optics. Another important contribution from the studies is the development of TFG based passive and active optical sensor systems. An ex 45º-TFG has been successfully developed into a liquid level sensor showing high sensitivity to water based solvents. Strain and twist sensors have been demonstrated via a fibre laser system using both 45°- and ex 45º-TFG with capability identifying not just the twist rate but also the direction. The sensor systems have shown the added advantage of low cost signal demodulation. In addition, load sensor applications have been demonstrated using the 45º-TFG based single polarisation EDFL and the experimental results show good agreement with the theoretical simulation

    Fabrication and characterisation of 45º and Ex 45º : tilted fibre gratings and their applications in fibre lasers and sensors

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    In this thesis, I present the studies on fabrication, spectral and polarisation characterisation of fibre gratings with tilted structures at 45º and > 45º (namely 45º- TFGs and ex 45º-TFGs throughout this thesis) and a range of novel applications with these two types of grating. One of the major contributions made in this thesis is the systematic investigation of the grating structures, inscription analysis and spectral and polarisation properties of both types of TFGs. I have inscribed 45º-TFGs in standard telecom and polarisation maintaining (PM) fibres. Two wavelength regions of interest have been explored including 1.55 µm and 1.06 µm. Detailed analysis on fabrication and characterisation of 45º-TFGs on PM fibres have also been carried out for the first time. For ex 45º- TFGs, fabrication has been investigated only on low-cost standard telecom fibre. Furthermore, thermal responses have been measured and analysed showing that both types of TFG have low responsivity to temperature change. More importantly, their refractive index (RI) responses have been characterised to verify the high responsivity to surrounding medium. Based on the unique polarisation properties, both types of TFG have been applied in fibre laser systems to improve the laser performance, which forms another major contribution of the research presented in this thesis. The integration of a 45º-TFG to the Erbium doped fibre laser (EDFL) enables single polarisation laser output at a single wavelength. When combing with ex 45º-TFGs, the EDFL can be transformed to a multi-wavelength switchable laser with single polarisation output. Furthermore, by utilising the polarisation property of the TFGs, a 45º-TFG based mode locked fibre laser is implemented. This laser can produce laser pulses at femtosecond scale and is the first application of TFG in the field of nonlinear optics. Another important contribution from the studies is the development of TFG based passive and active optical sensor systems. An ex 45º-TFG has been successfully developed into a liquid level sensor showing high sensitivity to water based solvents. Strain and twist sensors have been demonstrated via a fibre laser system using both 45°- and ex 45º-TFG with capability identifying not just the twist rate but also the direction. The sensor systems have shown the added advantage of low cost signal demodulation. In addition, load sensor applications have been demonstrated using the 45º-TFG based single polarisation EDFL and the experimental results show good agreement with the theoretical simulation.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Contribution to the development of new photonic systems for fiber optic sensing applications

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    En este trabajo de doctorado se presentan nuevos sistemas y subsistemas de sensores de fibra óptica. Así, se proponen y desarrollan nuevas técnicas, componentes y tecnologías basadas en láseres de fibra con espejos distribuidos (random), fibras de cristal fotónico, estructuras de luz lenta, multiplexores de inserción y extracción (add and drop), conmutadores tele-alimentados por luz, reflectometría óptica tanto en el dominio del tiempo como de la frecuencia o filtros ópticos reconfigurables. También se han demostrado nuevas aplicaciones para estructuras de sensores tradicionales y técnicas de medida ya conocidas. Todas ellas dirigidas a la mejora del funcionamiento de los actuales transductores, redes de sensores y aplicaciones de monitorización de salud estructural. De este modo, y en primer lugar, se han desarrollado nuevos transductores puntuales. En concreto, dos sensores interferométricos basados en fibras de cristal fotónico y otro basado en una estructura resonante en anillo. También se han realizado diferentes redes de sensores utilizando OTDRs comerciales. Por un lado, se han multiplexado diferentes sensores utilizando una red en forma de bus y, por el otro, se ha interrogado de manera remota un sensor FLM/LPG a una distancia de 253 km sin necesidad de amplificación. Se han estudiado láseres basados en efecto de realimentación distribuida random (RDFB) para su uso en interrogación de sensores. Para ello, se han demostrado dos nuevos láseres multi-longitud de onda y también, por primera vez, se ha modulado un laser random. Después, se han demostrado experimentalmente varias redes de sensores de fibra óptica teniendo en cuenta los principales desafíos que estas presentan: multiplexar varios sensores en una misma red y permitir su monitorización de manera remota. En primer lugar, se han multiplexado sensores basados en la modulación de la intensidad óptica utilizando técnicas de multiplexación en dominio del tiempo. En segundo lugar, se han multiplexado sensores basados en fibras de cristal fotónico. En tercer lugar, se presentan tres nuevos métodos para la medida remota de sensores. Por último, se incluye la demostración de un conmutador de fibra óptica tele-alimentado a través de luz. Éste se utiliza en tres redes diferentes para añadir robustez e incrementar la versatilidad en la multiplexación. Finalmente, se han realizado tres pruebas de campo para aplicaciones de monitorización de salud estructural.In this PhD work, different new photonic systems and subsystems for fiber optic sensing are presented. The aim of this thesis has been to contribute to the fiber optic sensors field using modern techniques, components and technologies such as random fiber lasers, photonic crystal fibers, slow light structures, add and drop multiplexers, powered by light switches, optical frequency and time domain reflectometry or reconfigurable optical filters, among others. New applications of traditional sensing structures or techniques have been also demonstrated. All of them focused on improving the performance of current sensors transducers, multiplexing networks and structural health monitoring applications. Thus, new point transducers have been developed: two of them are interferometric sensors based on photonic crystal fibers; and another one is based on a fiber ring resonator structure. Fiber optic sensor networks using commercial OTDRs have been also explored. On the one hand, different sensors have been successfully multiplexed in the same bus network. And, on the other hand, a FLM/LPG sensor was remotely interrogated at a distance of 253 km without using amplification. Random distributed feedback (RDFB) lasers have been explored for sensors interrogation. Two multi-wavelength Raman fiber lasers suitable for sensors interrogation have been demonstrated. Also, a random fiber laser has been internally modulated for the first time. Then, some experimental demonstrations of fiber optic sensors networks have been carried out taking into account the principal challenges they pose: multiplexing a number of optical sensors in a single networks, and enabling the possibility of remote sensing. Firstly, intensity sensors using TDM technology have been multiplexed. Secondly, PCF sensors have been successfully multiplexed. Thirdly, three new approaches to enable remote sensing are presented. Finally, a remote powered by light fiber optic switch have been included in three networks in order to add robustness and multiplexing versatility.Este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo gracias a las aportaciones económicas recibidas de los siguientes organismos, entre otros: - Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España a través del programa de Formación del Personal Investigador y asociado al proyecto de investigación TEC2010-20224-C02-01. - Universidad Pública de Navarra mediante las ayudas a tesis doctorares. - Acción Europea COST- TD1001: Novel and Reliable Optical Fibre Sensor Systems for Future Security and Safety Applications (OFSeSa) - También se ha recibido financiación del Proyecto de Investigación de la Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España TEC2013-47264-C2-2-R, de Innocampus, del Proyecto Europeo SUDOE-ECOAL-Intereg Project ECOAL-MGT y de los Fondos FEDER.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Tecnologías de las Comunicaciones (RD 1393/2007)Komunikazioen Teknologietako Doktoretza Programa Ofiziala (ED 1393/2007

    The Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting

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    The three volumes of the proceedings of MG15 give a broad view of all aspects of gravitational physics and astrophysics, from mathematical issues to recent observations and experiments. The scientific program of the meeting included 40 morning plenary talks over 6 days, 5 evening popular talks and nearly 100 parallel sessions on 71 topics spread over 4 afternoons. These proceedings are a representative sample of the very many oral and poster presentations made at the meeting.Part A contains plenary and review articles and the contributions from some parallel sessions, while Parts B and C consist of those from the remaining parallel sessions. The contents range from the mathematical foundations of classical and quantum gravitational theories including recent developments in string theory, to precision tests of general relativity including progress towards the detection of gravitational waves, and from supernova cosmology to relativistic astrophysics, including topics such as gamma ray bursts, black hole physics both in our galaxy and in active galactic nuclei in other galaxies, and neutron star, pulsar and white dwarf astrophysics. Parallel sessions touch on dark matter, neutrinos, X-ray sources, astrophysical black holes, neutron stars, white dwarfs, binary systems, radiative transfer, accretion disks, quasars, gamma ray bursts, supernovas, alternative gravitational theories, perturbations of collapsed objects, analog models, black hole thermodynamics, numerical relativity, gravitational lensing, large scale structure, observational cosmology, early universe models and cosmic microwave background anisotropies, inhomogeneous cosmology, inflation, global structure, singularities, chaos, Einstein-Maxwell systems, wormholes, exact solutions of Einstein's equations, gravitational waves, gravitational wave detectors and data analysis, precision gravitational measurements, quantum gravity and loop quantum gravity, quantum cosmology, strings and branes, self-gravitating systems, gamma ray astronomy, cosmic rays and the history of general relativity

    The Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting

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    The three volumes of the proceedings of MG15 give a broad view of all aspects of gravitational physics and astrophysics, from mathematical issues to recent observations and experiments. The scientific program of the meeting included 40 morning plenary talks over 6 days, 5 evening popular talks and nearly 100 parallel sessions on 71 topics spread over 4 afternoons. These proceedings are a representative sample of the very many oral and poster presentations made at the meeting.Part A contains plenary and review articles and the contributions from some parallel sessions, while Parts B and C consist of those from the remaining parallel sessions. The contents range from the mathematical foundations of classical and quantum gravitational theories including recent developments in string theory, to precision tests of general relativity including progress towards the detection of gravitational waves, and from supernova cosmology to relativistic astrophysics, including topics such as gamma ray bursts, black hole physics both in our galaxy and in active galactic nuclei in other galaxies, and neutron star, pulsar and white dwarf astrophysics. Parallel sessions touch on dark matter, neutrinos, X-ray sources, astrophysical black holes, neutron stars, white dwarfs, binary systems, radiative transfer, accretion disks, quasars, gamma ray bursts, supernovas, alternative gravitational theories, perturbations of collapsed objects, analog models, black hole thermodynamics, numerical relativity, gravitational lensing, large scale structure, observational cosmology, early universe models and cosmic microwave background anisotropies, inhomogeneous cosmology, inflation, global structure, singularities, chaos, Einstein-Maxwell systems, wormholes, exact solutions of Einstein's equations, gravitational waves, gravitational wave detectors and data analysis, precision gravitational measurements, quantum gravity and loop quantum gravity, quantum cosmology, strings and branes, self-gravitating systems, gamma ray astronomy, cosmic rays and the history of general relativity