9,849 research outputs found

    Lyapunov-type Inequalities for Partial Differential Equations

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    In this work we present a Lyapunov inequality for linear and quasilinear elliptic differential operators in NN-dimensional domains Ω\Omega. We also consider singular and degenerate elliptic problems with ApA_p coefficients involving the pp-Laplace operator with zero Dirichlet boundary condition. As an application of the inequalities obtained, we derive lower bounds for the first eigenvalue of the pp-Laplacian, and compare them with the usual ones in the literature

    Estimation of Solutions of Differential Systems with Delayed Argument of Neutral Type

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    Tato disertační práce pojednává o řešení diferenciálních rovnic a systémů diferenciálních rovnic. Hlavní pozornost je věnována asymptotickým vlastnostem rovnic se zpožděním a systémů rovnic se zpožděním. V první kapitole jsou uvedeny fyzikální a technické příklady popsané pomocí diferenciálních rovnic se zpožděním a jejich systémů. Je uvedena klasifikace rovnic se zpožděním a jsou zformulovány základní pojmy stability s důrazem na druhou metodu Ljapunova. Ve druhé kapitole jsou studovány odhady řešení rovnic neutrálního typu. Třetí kapitola se zabývá systémy diferenciálních rovnic neutrálního typu. Jsou odvozeny asymptotické odhady pro řešení i pro derivace řešení. V závěru kapitoly jsou uvedeny příklady a srovnání výsledků s pracemi jiných autorů. Výpočty byly prováděny pomocí programu MATLAB. Poslední, čtvrtá kapitola, se zabývá asymptotickými vlastnostmi systémů se speciálním typem nelinearity, tzv. sektorové nelinearity. Jsou odvozeny vlastnosti řešení a derivace řešení. Základní metodou pro důkazy je v celé práci druhá Ljapunovova metoda a použití funkcionálů Ljapunova-Krasovského.This dissertation discusses the solutions to the differential equation and to systems of differential equations. The main attention is paid to study of asymptotical properties of equations with delay and systems of equations with delay. In the first chapter are given physical and technical examples described by differential equations with delay and their systems. The classification of equations with delay is given and basic notions of theory of stability are formulated (mainly with the emphasis on the Lyapunov second method). In the second chapter estimates of solutions of equations of neutral type are studied. The third chapter deals with systems of differential equations of neutral type. Asymptotic estimates for solutions and their derivatives are proved. At the end of the chapter examples and comparisons of our results and of other authors are given. The calculation were performed with the MATLAB software. Last, the fourth chapter deals with asymptotical properties of systems having a special type of nonlinearities, so called ``sector nonlinearities''. Properties and estimations of solutions and derivatives are derived. The basic tools used in the dissertation are the Lyapunov second method and functionals of Lyapunov-Krasovskii type.

    A De Giorgi Iteration-based Approach for the Establishment of ISS Properties for Burgers' Equation with Boundary and In-domain Disturbances

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    This note addresses input-to-state stability (ISS) properties with respect to (w.r.t.) boundary and in-domain disturbances for Burgers' equation. The developed approach is a combination of the method of De~Giorgi iteration and the technique of Lyapunov functionals by adequately splitting the original problem into two subsystems. The ISS properties in L2L^2-norm for Burgers' equation have been established using this method. Moreover, as an application of De~Giorgi iteration, ISS in LL^\infty-norm w.r.t. in-domain disturbances and actuation errors in boundary feedback control for a 1-DD {linear} {unstable reaction-diffusion equation} have also been established. It is the first time that the method of De~Giorgi iteration is introduced in the ISS theory for infinite dimensional systems, and the developed method can be generalized for tackling some problems on multidimensional spatial domains and to a wider class of nonlinear {partial differential equations (PDEs)Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication by IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, and is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TAC.2018.2880160. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1710.0991