25 research outputs found

    Detecting circular shapes from areal images using median filter and CHT

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    One of the challenging topics in image processing is extracting the shapes from noisy backgrounds. There are some methods for doing it from different kinds of noisy backgrounds. In this paper, we are going to introduce another method by using 4 steps to extract circular shapes from impulse noisy backgrounds. First step is applying median filter to disappear "salt and pepper" noise. This step causes edge smoothing. So, as the second step, a laplacian sharpening spatial filter should be applied. It highlights fine details and enhances the blurred edges. Using these two steps sequentially causes noise reduction in an impressive way. Third step is using Canny edge detection for segmenting the image. Its algorithm is talked during the paper. Finally, forth step is applying Circular Hough Transform (CHT) for detecting the circles in image. At the end of paper different use cases of this method is investigated

    Subpixel Detection of Circular Objects using Geometric Property

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    In this paper, we propose a method for detecting circular shapes with subpixel accuracy. First, the geometric properties of circles have been used to find the diameters as well as the circumference pixels. The center and radius are then estimated by the circumference pixels. Both synthetic and real images have been tested by the proposed method. The experimental results show that the new method is efficient

    Automatic Detection of Circular Objects by Ellipse Growing

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    We present a new method for automatically detecting circular objects in images: we detect an osculating circle to an elliptic arc using a Hough transform, iteratively deforming it into an ellipse, removing outlier pixels, and searching for a separate edge. The voting space is restricted to one and two dimensions for efficiency, and special weighting schemes are introduced to enhance the accuracy. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method using real images. Finally, we apply our method to the calibration of a turntable for 3-D object shape reconstruction

    Combination of the Level-Set Methods with the Contourlet Transform for the Segmentation of the IVUS Images

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    Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) imaging is a catheter-based medical methodology establishing itself as a useful modality for studying atherosclerosis. The detection of lumen and media-adventitia boundaries in IVUS images constitutes an essential step towards the reliable quantitative diagnosis of atherosclerosis. In this paper, a novel scheme is proposed to automatically detect lumen and media-adventitia borders. This segmentation method is based on the level-set model and the contourlet multiresolution analysis. The contourlet transform decomposes the original image into low-pass components and band-pass directional bands. The circular hough transform (CHT) is adopted in low-pass bands to yield the initial lumen and media-adventitia contours. The anisotropic diffusion filtering is then used in band-pass subbands to suppress noise and preserve arterial edges. Finally, the curve evolution in the level-set functions is used to obtain final contours. The proposed method is experimentally evaluated via 20 simulated images and 30 real images from human coronary arteries. It is demonstrated that the mean distance error and the relative mean distance error have increased by 5.30 pixels and 7.45%, respectively, as compared with those of a recently traditional level-set model. These results reveal that the proposed method can automatically and accurately extract two vascular boundaries

    Pellet Size Distribution Using Circular Hough Transform in Simulink

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    Abstract This paper presents fast and effective technique for determining the size of pellets fro m real-time v ideo stream. The circular Hough transforms had been used by several researches in iris detection for face recognition, auto matic ball recognition and detecting fingertips position. Here we used circular Hough transform to determine size of pellets in steel plant. This system consists of five steps i.e., take input image, convert into grey scale image, normalize grey scale image, detect edges & perform circular hough transform and do the size analysis. In itially the real-t ime RGB image is being read fro m the webcam, as the image is obtained it is converted to grey scale image following that the light normalization of the image is done, after all the circu lar hough technique is used to detect the pellets and to determine the size of pellets. Since detection and recognition in noisy and cluttered images is challenging problem in co mputer vision. So me of the pellets are overlapping each other and some itself noise that make the recognition process challenging. So to get rid fro m all such difficulties the technique used is circular hough transform. Th is technique helps in determining the centres of the pellets and to measure the radius of pellets and to mark the pellets wh ich are selected. The system is so fast that any change in the input image causes change in the output

    Occluded iris classification and segmentation using self-customized artificial intelligence models and iterative randomized Hough transform

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    A fast and accurate iris recognition system is presented for noisy iris images, mainly the noises due to eye occlusion and from specular reflection. The proposed recognition system will adopt a self-customized support vector machine (SVM) and convolution neural network (CNN) classification models, where the models are built according to the iris texture GLCM and automated deep features datasets that are extracted exclusively from each subject individually. The image processing techniques used were optimized, whether the processing of iris region segmentation using iterative randomized Hough transform (IRHT), or the processing of the classification, where few significant features are considered, based on singular value decomposition (SVD) analysis, for testing the moving window matrix class if it is iris or non-iris. The iris segments matching techniques are optimized by extracting, first, the largest parallel-axis rectangle inscribed in the classified occluded-iris binary image, where its corresponding iris region is crosscorrelated with the same subject’s iris reference image for obtaining the most correlated iris segments in the two eye images. Finally, calculating the iriscode Hamming distance of the two most correlated segments to identify the subject’s unique iris pattern with high accuracy, security, and reliability