608 research outputs found

    Dial a Ride from k-forest

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    The k-forest problem is a common generalization of both the k-MST and the dense-kk-subgraph problems. Formally, given a metric space on nn vertices VV, with mm demand pairs V×V\subseteq V \times V and a ``target'' kmk\le m, the goal is to find a minimum cost subgraph that connects at least kk demand pairs. In this paper, we give an O(min{n,k})O(\min\{\sqrt{n},\sqrt{k}\})-approximation algorithm for kk-forest, improving on the previous best ratio of O(n2/3logn)O(n^{2/3}\log n) by Segev & Segev. We then apply our algorithm for k-forest to obtain approximation algorithms for several Dial-a-Ride problems. The basic Dial-a-Ride problem is the following: given an nn point metric space with mm objects each with its own source and destination, and a vehicle capable of carrying at most kk objects at any time, find the minimum length tour that uses this vehicle to move each object from its source to destination. We prove that an α\alpha-approximation algorithm for the kk-forest problem implies an O(αlog2n)O(\alpha\cdot\log^2n)-approximation algorithm for Dial-a-Ride. Using our results for kk-forest, we get an O(min{n,k}log2n)O(\min\{\sqrt{n},\sqrt{k}\}\cdot\log^2 n)- approximation algorithm for Dial-a-Ride. The only previous result known for Dial-a-Ride was an O(klogn)O(\sqrt{k}\log n)-approximation by Charikar & Raghavachari; our results give a different proof of a similar approximation guarantee--in fact, when the vehicle capacity kk is large, we give a slight improvement on their results.Comment: Preliminary version in Proc. European Symposium on Algorithms, 200

    Fast and Deterministic Approximations for k-Cut

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    In an undirected graph, a k-cut is a set of edges whose removal breaks the graph into at least k connected components. The minimum weight k-cut can be computed in n^O(k) time, but when k is treated as part of the input, computing the minimum weight k-cut is NP-Hard [Goldschmidt and Hochbaum, 1994]. For poly(m,n,k)-time algorithms, the best possible approximation factor is essentially 2 under the small set expansion hypothesis [Manurangsi, 2017]. Saran and Vazirani [1995] showed that a (2 - 2/k)-approximately minimum weight k-cut can be computed via O(k) minimum cuts, which implies a O~(km) randomized running time via the nearly linear time randomized min-cut algorithm of Karger [2000]. Nagamochi and Kamidoi [2007] showed that a (2 - 2/k)-approximately minimum weight k-cut can be computed deterministically in O(mn + n^2 log n) time. These results prompt two basic questions. The first concerns the role of randomization. Is there a deterministic algorithm for 2-approximate k-cuts matching the randomized running time of O~(km)? The second question qualitatively compares minimum cut to 2-approximate minimum k-cut. Can 2-approximate k-cuts be computed as fast as the minimum cut - in O~(m) randomized time? We give a deterministic approximation algorithm that computes (2 + eps)-minimum k-cuts in O(m log^3 n / eps^2) time, via a (1 + eps)-approximation for an LP relaxation of k-cut

    Network Design Problems with Bounded Distances via Shallow-Light Steiner Trees

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    In a directed graph GG with non-correlated edge lengths and costs, the \emph{network design problem with bounded distances} asks for a cost-minimal spanning subgraph subject to a length bound for all node pairs. We give a bi-criteria (2+ε,O(n0.5+ε))(2+\varepsilon,O(n^{0.5+\varepsilon}))-approximation for this problem. This improves on the currently best known linear approximation bound, at the cost of violating the distance bound by a factor of at most~2+ε2+\varepsilon. In the course of proving this result, the related problem of \emph{directed shallow-light Steiner trees} arises as a subproblem. In the context of directed graphs, approximations to this problem have been elusive. We present the first non-trivial result by proposing a (1+ε,O(Rε))(1+\varepsilon,O(|R|^{\varepsilon}))-ap\-proxi\-ma\-tion, where RR are the terminals. Finally, we show how to apply our results to obtain an (α+ε,O(n0.5+ε))(\alpha+\varepsilon,O(n^{0.5+\varepsilon}))-approximation for \emph{light-weight directed α\alpha-spanners}. For this, no non-trivial approximation algorithm has been known before. All running times depends on nn and ε\varepsilon and are polynomial in nn for any fixed ε>0\varepsilon>0

    Thresholded Covering Algorithms for Robust and Max-Min Optimization

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    The general problem of robust optimization is this: one of several possible scenarios will appear tomorrow, but things are more expensive tomorrow than they are today. What should you anticipatorily buy today, so that the worst-case cost (summed over both days) is minimized? Feige et al. and Khandekar et al. considered the k-robust model where the possible outcomes tomorrow are given by all demand-subsets of size k, and gave algorithms for the set cover problem, and the Steiner tree and facility location problems in this model, respectively. In this paper, we give the following simple and intuitive template for k-robust problems: "having built some anticipatory solution, if there exists a single demand whose augmentation cost is larger than some threshold, augment the anticipatory solution to cover this demand as well, and repeat". In this paper we show that this template gives us improved approximation algorithms for k-robust Steiner tree and set cover, and the first approximation algorithms for k-robust Steiner forest, minimum-cut and multicut. All our approximation ratios (except for multicut) are almost best possible. As a by-product of our techniques, we also get algorithms for max-min problems of the form: "given a covering problem instance, which k of the elements are costliest to cover?".Comment: 24 page

    Stochastic Vehicle Routing with Recourse

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    We study the classic Vehicle Routing Problem in the setting of stochastic optimization with recourse. StochVRP is a two-stage optimization problem, where demand is satisfied using two routes: fixed and recourse. The fixed route is computed using only a demand distribution. Then after observing the demand instantiations, a recourse route is computed -- but costs here become more expensive by a factor lambda. We present an O(log^2 n log(n lambda))-approximation algorithm for this stochastic routing problem, under arbitrary distributions. The main idea in this result is relating StochVRP to a special case of submodular orienteering, called knapsack rank-function orienteering. We also give a better approximation ratio for knapsack rank-function orienteering than what follows from prior work. Finally, we provide a Unique Games Conjecture based omega(1) hardness of approximation for StochVRP, even on star-like metrics on which our algorithm achieves a logarithmic approximation.Comment: 20 Pages, 1 figure Revision corrects the statement and proof of Theorem 1.

    Hypergraphic LP Relaxations for Steiner Trees

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    We investigate hypergraphic LP relaxations for the Steiner tree problem, primarily the partition LP relaxation introduced by Koenemann et al. [Math. Programming, 2009]. Specifically, we are interested in proving upper bounds on the integrality gap of this LP, and studying its relation to other linear relaxations. Our results are the following. Structural results: We extend the technique of uncrossing, usually applied to families of sets, to families of partitions. As a consequence we show that any basic feasible solution to the partition LP formulation has sparse support. Although the number of variables could be exponential, the number of positive variables is at most the number of terminals. Relations with other relaxations: We show the equivalence of the partition LP relaxation with other known hypergraphic relaxations. We also show that these hypergraphic relaxations are equivalent to the well studied bidirected cut relaxation, if the instance is quasibipartite. Integrality gap upper bounds: We show an upper bound of sqrt(3) ~ 1.729 on the integrality gap of these hypergraph relaxations in general graphs. In the special case of uniformly quasibipartite instances, we show an improved upper bound of 73/60 ~ 1.216. By our equivalence theorem, the latter result implies an improved upper bound for the bidirected cut relaxation as well.Comment: Revised full version; a shorter version will appear at IPCO 2010

    On Generalizations of Network Design Problems with Degree Bounds

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    Iterative rounding and relaxation have arguably become the method of choice in dealing with unconstrained and constrained network design problems. In this paper we extend the scope of the iterative relaxation method in two directions: (1) by handling more complex degree constraints in the minimum spanning tree problem (namely, laminar crossing spanning tree), and (2) by incorporating `degree bounds' in other combinatorial optimization problems such as matroid intersection and lattice polyhedra. We give new or improved approximation algorithms, hardness results, and integrality gaps for these problems.Comment: v2, 24 pages, 4 figure

    Robust and MaxMin Optimization under Matroid and Knapsack Uncertainty Sets

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    Consider the following problem: given a set system (U,I) and an edge-weighted graph G = (U, E) on the same universe U, find the set A in I such that the Steiner tree cost with terminals A is as large as possible: "which set in I is the most difficult to connect up?" This is an example of a max-min problem: find the set A in I such that the value of some minimization (covering) problem is as large as possible. In this paper, we show that for certain covering problems which admit good deterministic online algorithms, we can give good algorithms for max-min optimization when the set system I is given by a p-system or q-knapsacks or both. This result is similar to results for constrained maximization of submodular functions. Although many natural covering problems are not even approximately submodular, we show that one can use properties of the online algorithm as a surrogate for submodularity. Moreover, we give stronger connections between max-min optimization and two-stage robust optimization, and hence give improved algorithms for robust versions of various covering problems, for cases where the uncertainty sets are given by p-systems and q-knapsacks.Comment: 17 pages. Preliminary version combining this paper and http://arxiv.org/abs/0912.1045 appeared in ICALP 201

    Approximating Activation Edge-Cover and Facility Location Problems

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    What approximation ratio can we achieve for the Facility Location problem if whenever a client u connects to a facility v, the opening cost of v is at most theta times the service cost of u? We show that this and many other problems are a particular case of the Activation Edge-Cover problem. Here we are given a multigraph G=(V,E), a set R subseteq V of terminals, and thresholds {t^e_u,t^e_v} for each uv-edge e in E. The goal is to find an assignment a={a_v:v in V} to the nodes minimizing sum_{v in V} a_v, such that the edge set E_a={e=uv: a_u >= t^e_u, a_v >= t^e_v} activated by a covers R. We obtain ratio 1+max_{x>=1}(ln x)/(1+x/theta)~= ln theta - ln ln theta for the problem, where theta is a problem parameter. This result is based on a simple generic algorithm for the problem of minimizing a sum of a decreasing and a sub-additive set functions, which is of independent interest. As an application, we get the same ratio for the above variant of {Facility Location}. If for each facility all service costs are identical then we show a better ratio 1+max_{k in N}(H_k-1)/(1+k/theta), where H_k=sum_{i=1}^k 1/i. For the Min-Power Edge-Cover problem we improve the ratio 1.406 of [Calinescu et al, 2019] (achieved by iterative randomized rounding) to 1.2785. For unit thresholds we improve the ratio 73/60~=1.217 of [Calinescu et al, 2019] to 1555/1347~=1.155