4,079 research outputs found

    Lower bounds for Arrangement-based Range-Free Localization in Sensor Networks

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    Colander are location aware entities that collaborate to determine approximate location of mobile or static objects when beacons from an object are received by all colanders that are within its distance RR. This model, referred to as arrangement-based localization, does not require distance estimation between entities, which has been shown to be highly erroneous in practice. Colander are applicable in localization in sensor networks and tracking of mobile objects. A set SR2S \subset {\mathbb R}^2 is an (R,ϵ)(R,\epsilon)-colander if by placing receivers at the points of SS, a wireless device with transmission radius RR can be localized to within a circle of radius ϵ\epsilon. We present tight upper and lower bounds on the size of (R,ϵ)(R,\epsilon)-colanders. We measure the expected size of colanders that will form (R,ϵ)(R, \epsilon)-colanders if they distributed uniformly over the plane

    Application of Neural Networks to Acoustic Localization

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    The intent of the work conducted was to build a neural network for the purposes of acoustic localization. The target of this localization is a sound source underwater. For our purposes, it is an acoustic pinger, as it produces consistent sound at a fixed rate making it ideal for testing. The network was intended to ingest raw data streams and output location information based on the arrangement of sensors employed. To achieve an accurate network, a simulation factoring in the environment was to be created to produce a data set large and diverse enough to describe the unique parameters of the signals, including: frequency, environmental reflections, and range. This problem will be approached in multiple steps. Initial models will consider simplified problem spaces, such as individual frequencies and less descriptive training sets. Through development, this will be refined and extended. Where required, simplifications will be kept managing the scope of the problem to allow for a demonstration of the technology to be made at all. Discussion of what is the root cause of the issue navigated will be presented when this occurs. Results will then be shown to demonstrate the performance of the network created as compared to the classical approach to this problem, time difference of arrival. This paper will demonstrate the performance of a neural network as applied to the problem of acoustic localization. The network developed can accurately localize an acoustic sound source to the same order of magnitude of accuracy and execution time as the current approaches to the problem. However, the network also showed a lacking in some areas of robustness due to training factors not considered, hampering the full potential

    A Hybrid Global Minimization Scheme for Accurate Source Localization in Sensor Networks

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    We consider the localization problem of multiple wideband sources in a multi-path environment by coherently taking into account the attenuation characteristics and the time delays in the reception of the signal. Our proposed method leaves the space for unavailability of an accurate signal attenuation model in the environment by considering the model as an unknown function with reasonable prior assumptions about its functional space. Such approach is capable of enhancing the localization performance compared to only utilizing the signal attenuation information or the time delays. In this paper, the localization problem is modeled as a cost function in terms of the source locations, attenuation model parameters and the multi-path parameters. To globally perform the minimization, we propose a hybrid algorithm combining the differential evolution algorithm with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Besides the proposed combination of optimization schemes, supporting the technical details such as closed forms of cost function sensitivity matrices are provided. Finally, the validity of the proposed method is examined in several localization scenarios, taking into account the noise in the environment, the multi-path phenomenon and considering the sensors not being synchronized

    Robust data-driven leak localization in water distribution networks using pressure measurements and topological information

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    This article presents a new data-driven method for locating leaks in water distribution networks (WDNs). It is triggered after a leak has been detected in the WDN. The proposed approach is based on the use of inlet pressure and flow measurements, other pressure measurements available at some selected inner nodes of the WDN, and the topological information of the network. A reduced-order model structure is used to calculate non-leak pressure estimations at sensed inner nodes. Residuals are generated using the comparison between these estimations and leak pressure measurements. In a leak scenario, it is possible to determine the relative incidence of a leak in a node by using the network topology and what it means to correlate the probable leaking nodes with the available residual information. Topological information and residual information can be integrated into a likelihood index used to determine the most probable leak node in the WDN at a given instant k or, through applying the Bayes’ rule, in a time horizon. The likelihood index is based on a new incidence factor that considers the most probable path of water from reservoirs to pressure sensors and potential leak nodes. In addition, a pressure sensor validation method based on pressure residuals that allows the detection of sensor faults is proposed.This work has been partially funded by SMART Project (ref.num. EFA153/16 Interreg Cooperation Program POCTEFA 2014-2020), L-BEST Project (PID2020-115905RB-C21) funded by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and AGAUR ACCIO RIS3CAT UTILITIES 4.0–P1 ACTIV 4.0. ref.COMRDI-16-1-0054-03.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Use of Machine Learning for Partial Discharge Discrimination

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    Partial discharge (PD) measurements are an important tool for assessing the condition of power equipment. Different sources of PD have different effects on the insulation performance of power apparatus. Therefore, discrimination between PD sources is of great interest to both system utilities and equipment manufacturers. This paper investigates the use of a wide bandwidth PD on-line measurement system to facilitate automatic PD source identification. Three artificial PD models were used to simulate typical PD sources which may exist within power systems. Wavelet analysis was applied to pre-process the obtained measurement data. This data was then processed using correlation analysis to cluster the discharges into different groups. A machine learning technique, namely the support vector machine (SVM) was then used to identify between the different PD sources. The SVM is trained to differentiate between the inherent features of each discharge source signal. Laboratory experiments indicate that this approach is applicable for use with field measurement data

    Habitat Monitoring using wireless sensor networks

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    The deployment of wireless sensor networks in habitat monitoring is gaining importance as the manpower cost is increasing day by day. The positions of the cattle is detected and if detections at successive time intervals indicate that the position of the cattle is hardly changing, there is a chance that the cattle is sick or injured and a warning message is issued to the owner of the farm. The positions have been estimated using the Direction of Arrival estimation by maximum likelihood and MUSIC (MUltiple SIgnal Classification) algorithms. The performance of the system has been evaluated in terms of minimum root mean square error and probability of resolution. The results of direction of arrival have been improvised using the averaging process and the multimodal problem has been optimized using differential evolution. Since Direction of Arrival estimation gives only the direction and not the precise position, the phase detection of the signals is done to differentiate different positions having the same direction of arrival. Finally analysis is done regarding the movement of cattle. If it is found that they do not move and occupy the same position for a considerably large period of time, warning message is issued to the owner of the farmland