7 research outputs found

    Key-and-Argument-Updatable QA-NIZKs

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    There are several new efficient approaches to decreasing trust in the CRS creators for NIZK proofs in the CRS model. Recently, Groth et al. (CRYPTO 2018) defined the notion of NIZK with updatable CRS (updatable NIZK) and described an updatable SNARK. We consider the same problem in the case of QA-NIZKs. We also define an important new property: we require that after updating the CRS, one should be able to update a previously generated argument to a new argument that is valid with the new CRS. We propose a general definitional framework for key-and-argument-updatable QA-NIZKs. After that, we describe a key-and-argument-updatable version of the most efficient known QA-NIZK for linear subspaces by Kiltz and Wee. Importantly, for obtaining soundness, it suffices to update a universal public key that just consists of a matrix drawn from a KerMDH-hard distribution and thus can be shared by any pairing-based application that relies on the same hardness assumption. After specializing the universal public key to the concrete language parameter, one can use the proposed key-and-argument updating algorithms to continue updating to strengthen the soundness guarantee

    Smooth Zero-Knowledge Hash Functions

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    We define smooth zero-knowledge hash functions (SZKHFs) as smooth projective hash functions (SPHFs) for which the completeness holds even when the language parameter lpar and the projection key HP were maliciously generated. We prove that blackbox SZKHF in the plain model is impossible even if lpar was honestly generated. We then define SZKHF in the registered public key (RPK) model, where both lpar and HP are possibly maliciously generated but accepted by an RPK server, and show that the CRS-model trapdoor SPHFs of Benhamouda et al. are also secure in the weaker RPK model. Then, we define and instantiate subversion-zero knowledge SZKHF in the plain model. In this case, both lpar and HP are completely untrusted, but one uses non-blackbox techniques in the security proof

    On QA-NIZK in the BPK Model

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    Recently, Bellare et al. defined subversion-resistance (security in the case the CRS creator may be malicious) for NIZK. In particular, a Sub-ZK NIZK is zero-knowledge, even in the case of subverted CRS. We study Sub-ZK QA-NIZKs, where the CRS can depend on the language parameter. First, we observe that subversion zero-knowledge (Sub-ZK) in the CRS model corresponds to no-auxiliary-string non-black-box NIZK in the Bare Public Key model, and hence, the use of non-black-box techniques is needed to obtain Sub-ZK. Second, we give a precise definition of Sub-ZK QA-NIZKs that are (knowledge-)sound if the language parameter but not the CRS is subverted and zero-knowledge even if both are subverted. Third, we prove that the most efficient known QA-NIZK for linear subspaces by Kiltz and Wee is Sub-ZK under a new knowledge assumption that by itself is secure in (a weaker version of) the algebraic group model. Depending on the parameter setting, it is (knowledge-)sound under different non-falsifiable assumptions, some of which do not belong to the family of knowledge assumptions

    A Non-Interactive Shuffle Argument With Low Trust Assumptions

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    A shuffle argument is a cryptographic primitive for proving correct behaviour of mix-networks without leaking any private information. Several recent constructions of non-interactive shuffle arguments avoid the random oracle model but require the public key to be trusted. We augment the most efficient argument by Fauzi et al. [Asiacrypt 2017] with a distributed key generation protocol that assures soundness of the argument if at least one party in the protocol is honest and additionally provide a key verification algorithm which guarantees zero-knowledge even if all the parties are malicious. Furthermore, we simplify their construction and improve security by using weaker assumptions while retaining roughly the same level of efficiency. We also provide an implementation to the distributed key generation protocol and the shuffle argument

    On Average-Case Hardness in TFNP from One-Way Functions

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    The complexity class TFNP consists of all NP search problems that are total in the sense that a solution is guaranteed to exist for all instances. Over the years, this class has proved to illuminate surprising connections among several diverse subfields of mathematics like combinatorics, computational topology, and algorithmic game theory. More recently, we are starting to better understand its interplay with cryptography. We know that certain cryptographic primitives (e.g. one-way permutations, collision-resistant hash functions, or indistinguishability obfuscation) imply average-case hardness in TFNP and its important subclasses. However, its relationship with the most basic cryptographic primitive -- i.e., one-way functions (OWFs) -- still remains unresolved. Under an additional complexity theoretic assumption, OWFs imply hardness in TFNP (Hubacek, Naor, and Yogev, ITCS 2017). It is also known that average-case hardness in most structured subclasses of TFNP does not imply any form of cryptographic hardness in a black-box way (Rosen, Segev, and Shahaf, TCC 2017) and, thus, one-way functions might be sufficient. Specifically, no negative result which would rule out basing average-case hardness in TFNP solely on OWFs is currently known. In this work, we further explore the interplay between TFNP and OWFs and give the first negative results. As our main result, we show that there cannot exist constructions of average-case (and, in fact, even worst-case) hard TFNP problem from OWFs with a certain type of simple black-box security reductions. The class of reductions we rule out is, however, rich enough to capture many of the currently known cryptographic hardness results for TFNP. Our results are established using the framework of black-box separations (Impagliazzo and Rudich, STOC 1989) and involve a novel application of the reconstruction paradigm (Gennaro and Trevisan, FOCS 2000)

    Advances in Functional Encryption

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    Functional encryption is a novel paradigm for public-key encryption that enables both fine-grained access control and selective computation on encrypted data, as is necessary to protect big, complex data in the cloud. In this thesis, I provide a brief introduction to functional encryption, and an overview of my contributions to the area