5 research outputs found

    An optimal algorithm for computing angle-constrained spanners

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    Let S be a set of n points in ℝd. A graph G = (S,E) is called a t-spanner for S, if for any two points p and q in S, the shortest-path distance in G between p and q is at most t|pq|, where |pq| denotes the Euclidean distance between p and q. The graph G is called θ-angle-constrained, if any two distinct edges sharing an endpoint make an angle of at least θ. It is shown that, for any θ with 0 < θ < π/3, a θ-angle-constrained t-spanner can be computed in O(n logn) time, where t depends only on θ

    Optimal Euclidean spanners: really short, thin and lanky

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    In a seminal STOC'95 paper, titled "Euclidean spanners: short, thin and lanky", Arya et al. devised a construction of Euclidean (1+\eps)-spanners that achieves constant degree, diameter O(logn)O(\log n), and weight O(log2n)ω(MST)O(\log^2 n) \cdot \omega(MST), and has running time O(nlogn)O(n \cdot \log n). This construction applies to nn-point constant-dimensional Euclidean spaces. Moreover, Arya et al. conjectured that the weight bound can be improved by a logarithmic factor, without increasing the degree and the diameter of the spanner, and within the same running time. This conjecture of Arya et al. became a central open problem in the area of Euclidean spanners. In this paper we resolve the long-standing conjecture of Arya et al. in the affirmative. Specifically, we present a construction of spanners with the same stretch, degree, diameter, and running time, as in Arya et al.'s result, but with optimal weight O(logn)ω(MST)O(\log n) \cdot \omega(MST). Moreover, our result is more general in three ways. First, we demonstrate that the conjecture holds true not only in constant-dimensional Euclidean spaces, but also in doubling metrics. Second, we provide a general tradeoff between the three involved parameters, which is tight in the entire range. Third, we devise a transformation that decreases the lightness of spanners in general metrics, while keeping all their other parameters in check. Our main result is obtained as a corollary of this transformation.Comment: A technical report of this paper was available online from April 4, 201

    Lower Bounds for Computing Geometric Spanners and Approximate Shortest Paths

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    We consider the problems of constructing geometric spanners, possibly containing Steiner points, for sets of points in the d-dimensional space IR d , and constructing spanners and approximate shortest paths among a collection of polygonal obstacles in the plane. The complexities of these problems are shown to be \Omega\Gamma n log n) in the algebraic computation tree model. Since O(n log n)-time algorithms are known for solving these problems, our lower bounds are tight up to a constant factor. 1 Introduction Geometric spanners are data structures that approximate the complete graph on a set of points in the d-dimensional space IR d , in the sense that the shortest path (based on such a spanner) between any pair of given points is not more than a factor of t longer than the distance between the points in IR d . Let ø be a fixed constant such that 1 ø 1. Throughout this paper, we measure distances between points in the d-dimensional space IR d with the L ø -metric, where d ..