330,890 research outputs found

    A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Damping Tail from the 2500-square-degree SPT-SZ survey

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    We present a measurement of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature power spectrum using data from the recently completed South Pole Telescope Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SPT-SZ) survey. This measurement is made from observations of 2540 deg2^2 of sky with arcminute resolution at 150150\,GHz, and improves upon previous measurements using the SPT by tripling the sky area. We report CMB temperature anisotropy power over the multipole range 650<<3000650<\ell<3000. We fit the SPT bandpowers, combined with the seven-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP7) data, with a six-parameter LCDM cosmological model and find that the two datasets are consistent and well fit by the model. Adding SPT measurements significantly improves LCDM parameter constraints; in particular, the constraint on θs\theta_s tightens by a factor of 2.7. The impact of gravitational lensing is detected at 8.1σ8.1\, \sigma, the most significant detection to date. This sensitivity of the SPT+WMAP7 data to lensing by large-scale structure at low redshifts allows us to constrain the mean curvature of the observable universe with CMB data alone to be Ωk=0.0030.018+0.014\Omega_k=-0.003^{+0.014}_{-0.018}. Using the SPT+WMAP7 data, we measure the spectral index of scalar fluctuations to be ns=0.9623±0.0097n_s=0.9623 \pm 0.0097 in the LCDM model, a 3.9σ3.9\,\sigma preference for a scale-dependent spectrum with ns<1n_s<1. The SPT measurement of the CMB damping tail helps break the degeneracy that exists between the tensor-to-scalar ratio rr and nsn_s in large-scale CMB measurements, leading to an upper limit of r<0.18r<0.18 (95%,C.L.) in the LCDM+rr model. Adding low-redshift measurements of the Hubble constant (H0H_0) and the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) feature to the SPT+WMAP7 data leads to further improvements. The combination of SPT+WMAP7+H0H_0+BAO constrains ns=0.9538±0.0081n_s=0.9538 \pm 0.0081 in the LCDM model, a 5.7σ5.7\,\sigma detection of ns<1n_s < 1, ... [abridged]Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures. Replaced with version accepted by ApJ. Data products are available at http://pole.uchicago.edu/public/data/story12

    The Dark Energy Survey

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    We describe the Dark Energy Survey (DES), a proposed optical-near infrared survey of 5000 sq. deg of the South Galactic Cap to ~24th magnitude in SDSS griz, that would use a new 3 sq. deg CCD camera to be mounted on the Blanco 4-m telescope at Cerro Telolo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO). The survey data will allow us to measure the dark energy and dark matter densities and the dark energy equation of state through four independent methods: galaxy clusters, weak gravitational lensing tomography, galaxy angular clustering, and supernova distances. These methods are doubly complementary: they constrain different combinations of cosmological model parameters and are subject to different systematic errors. By deriving the four sets of measurements from the same data set with a common analysis framework, we will obtain important cross checks of the systematic errors and thereby make a substantial and robust advance in the precision of dark energy measurements.Comment: White Paper submitted to the Dark Energy Task Force, 42 page

    Improving Orbit Estimates for Incomplete Orbits with a New Approach to Priors -- with Applications from Black Holes to Planets

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    We propose a new approach to Bayesian prior probability distributions (priors) that can improve orbital solutions for low-phase-coverage orbits, where data cover less than approximately 40% of an orbit. In instances of low phase coverage such as with stellar orbits in the Galactic center or with directly-imaged exoplanets, data have low constraining power and thus priors can bias parameter estimates and produce under-estimated confidence intervals. Uniform priors, which are commonly assumed in orbit fitting, are notorious for this. We propose a new observable-based prior paradigm that is based on uniformity in observables. We compare performance of this observable-based prior and of commonly assumed uniform priors using Galactic center and directly-imaged exoplanet (HR 8799) data. The observable-based prior can reduce biases in model parameters by a factor of two and helps avoid under-estimation of confidence intervals for simulations with less than about 40% phase coverage. Above this threshold, orbital solutions for objects with sufficient phase coverage such as S0-2, a short-period star at the Galactic center with full phase coverage, are consistent with previously published results. Below this threshold, the observable-based prior limits prior influence in regions of prior dominance and increases data influence. Using the observable-based prior, HR 8799 orbital analyses favor lower eccentricity orbits and provide stronger evidence that the four planets have a consistent inclination around 30 degrees to within 1-sigma. This analysis also allows for the possibility of coplanarity. We present metrics to quantify improvements in orbital estimates with different priors so that observable-based prior frameworks can be tested and implemented for other low-phase-coverage orbits.Comment: Published in AJ. 23 pages, 14 figures. Monte Carlo chains are available in the published article, or are available upon reques

    Measurements of the Temperature and E-Mode Polarization of the CMB from 500 Square Degrees of SPTpol Data

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    We present measurements of the EE-mode polarization angular auto-power spectrum (EEEE) and temperature-EE-mode cross-power spectrum (TETE) of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) using 150 GHz data from three seasons of SPTpol observations. We report the power spectra over the spherical harmonic multipole range 50<800050 < \ell \leq 8000, and detect nine acoustic peaks in the EEEE spectrum with high signal-to-noise ratio. These measurements are the most sensitive to date of the EEEE and TETE power spectra at >1050\ell > 1050 and >1475\ell > 1475, respectively. The observations cover 500 deg2^2, a fivefold increase in area compared to previous SPTpol analyses, which increases our sensitivity to the photon diffusion damping tail of the CMB power spectra enabling tighter constraints on \LCDM model extensions. After masking all sources with unpolarized flux >50>50 mJy we place a 95% confidence upper limit on residual polarized point-source power of D=(+1)C/2π<0.107μK2D_\ell = \ell(\ell+1)C_\ell/2\pi <0.107\,\mu{\rm K}^2 at =3000\ell=3000, suggesting that the EEEE damping tail dominates foregrounds to at least =4050\ell = 4050 with modest source masking. We find that the SPTpol dataset is in mild tension with the ΛCDM\Lambda CDM model (2.1σ2.1\,\sigma), and different data splits prefer parameter values that differ at the 1σ\sim 1\,\sigma level. When fitting SPTpol data at <1000\ell < 1000 we find cosmological parameter constraints consistent with those for PlanckPlanck temperature. Including SPTpol data at >1000\ell > 1000 results in a preference for a higher value of the expansion rate (H_0 = 71.3 \pm 2.1\,\mbox{km}\,s^{-1}\mbox{Mpc}^{-1} ) and a lower value for present-day density fluctuations (σ8=0.77±0.02\sigma_8 = 0.77 \pm 0.02).Comment: Updated to match version accepted to ApJ. 34 pages, 17 figures, 6 table

    Constraints on Cosmological Parameters from the 500 deg² SPTPOL Lensing Power Spectrum

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    We present cosmological constraints based on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing potential power spectrum measurement from the recent 500 deg² SPTPOL survey, the most precise CMB lensing measurement from the ground to date. We fit a flat ΛCDM model to the reconstructed lensing power spectrum alone and in addition with other data sets: baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), as well as primary CMB spectra from Planck and SPTPOL. The cosmological constraints based on SPTPOL and Planck lensing band powers are in good agreement when analyzed alone and in combination with Planck full-sky primary CMB data. With weak priors on the baryon density and other parameters, the SPTPOL CMB lensing data alone provide a 4% constraint on σ₈Ω^(0.25)_m = 0.593 ± 0.025. Jointly fitting with BAO data, we find σ₈ = 0.779±0.023, Ω_m = 0.368^(+0.032)_(−0.037), and H₀ = 72.0^(+2.1)_(−2.5)kms⁻¹ Mpc⁻¹, up to 2σ away from the central values preferred by Planck lensing + BAO. However, we recover good agreement between SPTPOL and Planck when restricting the analysis to similar scales. We also consider single-parameter extensions to the flat ΛCDM model. The SPTPOL lensing spectrum constrains the spatial curvature to be Ω_K = −0.0007±0.0025 and the sum of the neutrino masses to be ∑m_ν < 0.23 eV at 95% C.L. (with Planck primary CMB and BAO data), in good agreement with the Planck lensing results. With the differences in the signal-to-noise ratio of the lensing modes and the angular scales covered in the lensing spectra, this analysis represents an important independent check on the full-sky Planck lensing measurement

    Qualitative System Identification from Imperfect Data

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    Experience in the physical sciences suggests that the only realistic means of understanding complex systems is through the use of mathematical models. Typically, this has come to mean the identification of quantitative models expressed as differential equations. Quantitative modelling works best when the structure of the model (i.e., the form of the equations) is known; and the primary concern is one of estimating the values of the parameters in the model. For complex biological systems, the model-structure is rarely known and the modeler has to deal with both model-identification and parameter-estimation. In this paper we are concerned with providing automated assistance to the first of these problems. Specifically, we examine the identification by machine of the structural relationships between experimentally observed variables. These relationship will be expressed in the form of qualitative abstractions of a quantitative model. Such qualitative models may not only provide clues to the precise quantitative model, but also assist in understanding the essence of that model. Our position in this paper is that background knowledge incorporating system modelling principles can be used to constrain effectively the set of good qualitative models. Utilising the model-identification framework provided by Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) we present empirical support for this position using a series of increasingly complex artificial datasets. The results are obtained with qualitative and quantitative data subject to varying amounts of noise and different degrees of sparsity. The results also point to the presence of a set of qualitative states, which we term kernel subsets, that may be necessary for a qualitative model-learner to learn correct models. We demonstrate scalability of the method to biological system modelling by identification of the glycolysis metabolic pathway from data

    Testing the performance and accuracy of the RELXILL model for the relativistic X-ray reflection from accretion disks

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    The reflection spectroscopic model RELXILL is commonly implemented in studying relativistic X-ray reflection from accretion disks around black holes. We present a systematic study of the model's capability to constrain the dimensionless spin and ionization parameters from \sim6,000 NuSTAR simulations of a bright X-ray source employing the lamppost geometry. We employ high count spectra to show the limitations in the model without being confused with limitations in signal-to-noise. We find that both parameters are well-recovered at 90% confidence with improving constraints at higher reflection fraction, high spin, and low source height. We test spectra across a broad range - first at 106^6-107^7 and then \sim105^5 total source counts across the effective 3-79 keV band of NuSTAR, and discover a strong dependence of the results on how fits are performed around the starting parameters, owing to the complexity of the model itself. A blind fit chosen over an approach that carries some estimates of the actual parameter values can lead to significantly worse recovery of model parameters. We further stress on the importance to span the space of nonlinear-behaving parameters like log ξlog~\xi carefully and thoroughly for the model to avoid misleading results. In light of selecting fitting procedures, we recall the necessity to pay attention to the choice of data binning and fit statistics used to test the goodness of fit by demonstrating the effect on the photon index Γ\Gamma. We re-emphasize and implore the need to account for the detector resolution while binning X-ray data and using Poisson fit statistics instead while analyzing Poissonian data.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect in CMB-calibrated theories applied to the Cosmic Background Imager anisotropy power at l > 2000

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    We discuss the nature of the possible high-l excess in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropy power spectrum observed by the Cosmic Background Imager (CBI). We probe the angular structure of the excess in the CBI deep fields and investigate whether it could be due to the scattering of CMB photons by hot electrons within clusters, the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect. We estimate the density fluctuation parameters for amplitude, sigma_8, and shape, Gamma, from CMB primary anisotropy data and other cosmological data. We use the results of two separate hydrodynamical codes for Lambda-CDM cosmologies, consistent with the allowed sigma_8 and Gamma values, to quantify the expected contribution from the SZ effect to the bandpowers of the CBI experiment and pass simulated SZ effect maps through our CBI analysis pipeline. The result is very sensitive to the value of sigma_8, and is roughly consistent with the observed power if sigma_8 ~ 1. We conclude that the CBI anomaly could be a result of the SZ effect for the class of Lambda-CDM concordance models if sigma_8 is in the upper range of values allowed by current CMB and Large Scale Structure (LSS) data.Comment: Accepted by The Astrophysical Journal; 17 pages including 12 color figures. v2 matches accepted version. Additional information at http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~tjp/CBI