4,707 research outputs found

    A Review of Lightweight Thread Approaches for High Performance Computing

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    High-level, directive-based solutions are becoming the programming models (PMs) of the multi/many-core architectures. Several solutions relying on operating system (OS) threads perfectly work with a moderate number of cores. However, exascale systems will spawn hundreds of thousands of threads in order to exploit their massive parallel architectures and thus conventional OS threads are too heavy for that purpose. Several lightweight thread (LWT) libraries have recently appeared offering lighter mechanisms to tackle massive concurrency. In order to examine the suitability of LWTs in high-level runtimes, we develop a set of microbenchmarks consisting of commonly-found patterns in current parallel codes. Moreover, we study the semantics offered by some LWT libraries in order to expose the similarities between different LWT application programming interfaces. This study reveals that a reduced set of LWT functions can be sufficient to cover the common parallel code patterns andthat those LWT libraries perform better than OS threads-based solutions in cases where task and nested parallelism are becoming more popular with new architectures.The researchers from the Universitat Jaume I de CastellĂł were supported by project TIN2014-53495-R of the MINECO, the Generalitat Valenciana fellowship programme Vali+d 2015, and FEDER. This work was partially supported by the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (SC-21), under contract DEAC02-06CH11357. We gratefully acknowledge the computing resources provided and operated by the Joint Laboratory for System Evaluation (JLSE) at Argonne National Laboratory.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Polly's Polyhedral Scheduling in the Presence of Reductions

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    The polyhedral model provides a powerful mathematical abstraction to enable effective optimization of loop nests with respect to a given optimization goal, e.g., exploiting parallelism. Unexploited reduction properties are a frequent reason for polyhedral optimizers to assume parallelism prohibiting dependences. To our knowledge, no polyhedral loop optimizer available in any production compiler provides support for reductions. In this paper, we show that leveraging the parallelism of reductions can lead to a significant performance increase. We give a precise, dependence based, definition of reductions and discuss ways to extend polyhedral optimization to exploit the associativity and commutativity of reduction computations. We have implemented a reduction-enabled scheduling approach in the Polly polyhedral optimizer and evaluate it on the standard Polybench 3.2 benchmark suite. We were able to detect and model all 52 arithmetic reductions and achieve speedups up to 2.21Ă—\times on a quad core machine by exploiting the multidimensional reduction in the BiCG benchmark.Comment: Presented at the IMPACT15 worksho

    Hierarchical Dynamic Loop Self-Scheduling on Distributed-Memory Systems Using an MPI+MPI Approach

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    Computationally-intensive loops are the primary source of parallelism in scientific applications. Such loops are often irregular and a balanced execution of their loop iterations is critical for achieving high performance. However, several factors may lead to an imbalanced load execution, such as problem characteristics, algorithmic, and systemic variations. Dynamic loop self-scheduling (DLS) techniques are devised to mitigate these factors, and consequently, improve application performance. On distributed-memory systems, DLS techniques can be implemented using a hierarchical master-worker execution model and are, therefore, called hierarchical DLS techniques. These techniques self-schedule loop iterations at two levels of hardware parallelism: across and within compute nodes. Hybrid programming approaches that combine the message passing interface (MPI) with open multi-processing (OpenMP) dominate the implementation of hierarchical DLS techniques. The MPI-3 standard includes the feature of sharing memory regions among MPI processes. This feature introduced the MPI+MPI approach that simplifies the implementation of parallel scientific applications. The present work designs and implements hierarchical DLS techniques by exploiting the MPI+MPI approach. Four well-known DLS techniques are considered in the evaluation proposed herein. The results indicate certain performance advantages of the proposed approach compared to the hybrid MPI+OpenMP approach

    Towards high-level execution primitives for and-parallelism: preliminary results

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    Most implementations of parallel logic programming rely on complex low-level machinery which is arguably difflcult to implement and modify. We explore an alternative approach aimed at taming that complexity by raising core parts of the implementation to the source language level for the particular case of and-parallelism. Therefore, we handle a signiflcant portion of the parallel implementation mechanism at the Prolog level with the help of a comparatively small number of concurrency-related primitives which take care of lower-level tasks such as locking, thread management, stack set management, etc. The approach does not eliminate altogether modiflcations to the abstract machine, but it does greatly simplify them and it also facilitates experimenting with different alternatives. We show how this approach allows implementing both restricted and unrestricted (i.e., non fork-join) parallelism. Preliminary experiments show that the amount of performance sacriflced is reasonable, although granularity control is required in some cases. Also, we observe that the availability of unrestricted parallelism contributes to better observed speedups

    An efficient multi-core implementation of a novel HSS-structured multifrontal solver using randomized sampling

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    We present a sparse linear system solver that is based on a multifrontal variant of Gaussian elimination, and exploits low-rank approximation of the resulting dense frontal matrices. We use hierarchically semiseparable (HSS) matrices, which have low-rank off-diagonal blocks, to approximate the frontal matrices. For HSS matrix construction, a randomized sampling algorithm is used together with interpolative decompositions. The combination of the randomized compression with a fast ULV HSS factorization leads to a solver with lower computational complexity than the standard multifrontal method for many applications, resulting in speedups up to 7 fold for problems in our test suite. The implementation targets many-core systems by using task parallelism with dynamic runtime scheduling. Numerical experiments show performance improvements over state-of-the-art sparse direct solvers. The implementation achieves high performance and good scalability on a range of modern shared memory parallel systems, including the Intel Xeon Phi (MIC). The code is part of a software package called STRUMPACK -- STRUctured Matrices PACKage, which also has a distributed memory component for dense rank-structured matrices

    Towards a High-Level Implementation of Execution Primitives for Unrestricted, Independent And-Parallelism

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    Most efficient implementations of parallel logic programming rely on complex low-level machinery which is arguably difficult to implement and modify. We explore an alternative approach aimed at taming that complexity by raising core parts of the implementation to the source language level for the particular case of and-parallellism. We handle a significant portion of the parallel implementation at the Prolog level with the help of a comparatively small number of concurrency.related primitives which take case of lower-level tasks such as locking, thread management, stack set management, etc. The approach does not eliminate altogether modifications to the abstract machine, but it does greatly simplify them and it also facilitates experimenting with different alternatives. We show how this approach allows implementing both restricted and unrestricted (i.e., non fork-join) parallelism. Preliminary esperiments show thay the performance safcrifieced is reasonable, although granularity of unrestricted parallelism contributes to better observed speedups

    Run-time parallelization and scheduling of loops

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    Run time methods are studied to automatically parallelize and schedule iterations of a do loop in certain cases, where compile-time information is inadequate. The methods presented involve execution time preprocessing of the loop. At compile-time, these methods set up the framework for performing a loop dependency analysis. At run time, wave fronts of concurrently executable loop iterations are identified. Using this wavefront information, loop iterations are reordered for increased parallelism. Symbolic transformation rules are used to produce: inspector procedures that perform execution time preprocessing and executors or transformed versions of source code loop structures. These transformed loop structures carry out the calculations planned in the inspector procedures. Performance results are presented from experiments conducted on the Encore Multimax. These results illustrate that run time reordering of loop indices can have a significant impact on performance. Furthermore, the overheads associated with this type of reordering are amortized when the loop is executed several times with the same dependency structure
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