16 research outputs found

    Seamless Vertical Handover in WiFi and WiMAX Networks using RSS and Motion Detection: An Investigation

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    In this paper, we propose a decision making algorithm for seamless vertical handover between WiFi hotspots and an overlay WiMAX network. The inputs to the algorithm are the WiFi received signal strength (RSS) and estimated end-to-end TCP handover latency. Simulation of the algorithm using Matlab® reveals that the distance from the WiFi reception boundary at which handover must be initiated if it is to be seamless increases with both end-to-end TCP/IP handover latency and the speed of the mobile terminal towards or away from the WiFi access point. We conclude that RSS-based seamless handovers need to be augmented with network layer information if they are to be optimal


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    Existing network hardware is constantly being improved and new communication technology continues to be developed. Together with the trend that computing hardware becomes smaller and portable, this network technology progress has led to dynamic networks. Next generation wireless networks are characterized as heterogeneous networks, particularly in terms of its underlying technology. One of the challenges of these heterogeneous networks is to manage handoff. Mobile IP is chosen for managing the handoff to accommodate the all-IP vision of the future interconnected networks. However, the handoff management of the mobile IP is mainly for data services where delay is not of a major concern. Therefore, it would be considerable challenge to achieve low latency handoff for real-time services. In this paper, we propose a multicasting scheme for delay-sensitive applications

    Network mobility in Mobile IP

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    Semestrální práce se zabývá problematikou mobility sítí (NEMO) v protokolech Mobile IPv4 a Mobile IPv6. Popisuje základní princip činnosti protokolů Mobile IP, definuje rozdíly mezi mobilitou uzlů a mobilitou sítí a navrhuje různé situace, které mohou nastat při kombinaci užití těchto dvou protokolů. Dále definuje rozdíly mezi základním protokolem mobility sítí (RFC3936) pro IPv6 a jeho rozšířením (RFC 5177) pro IPv4. Praktická část práce spočívá v simulaci mobilní sítí v aplikaci OPNET Modeler a v diskusi výsledků zjištěné na základě této simulace.his semestral thesis is focused on issue network mobility (NEMO) beeing extension of protocols Mobile IPv4 and Mobile IPv6. It describes basic principle function of protocols Mobile IP, defines differences between mobility of nodes and mobility of network and suggest various situations, which may occur in combination these two protocols. Further, it describes differences between basic protocol network mobility (RFC 3936) for IPv6 and it’s extension (RFC 5177) for IPv4. Practical part of work consist in simulation network mobility in application OPNET Modeler and discussion of results, which has been discovered on the base of this simulation.

    An enhanced inter-access point protocol for uniform intra and intersubnet handoffs

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    Low-Latency Mobile IP Handoff for Infrastructure-Mode Wireless LANs

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    Abstract—The increasing popularity of IEEE 802.11-based wireless local area networks (LANs) lends them credibility as a viable alternative to third-generation (3G) wireless technologies. Even though wireless LANs support much higher channel bandwidth than 3G networks, their network-layer handoff latency is still too high to be usable for interactive multimedia applications such as voice over IP or video streaming. Specifically, the peculiarities of commercially available IEEE 802.11b wireless LAN hardware prevent existing mobile Internet protocol (IP) implementations from achieving subsecond Mobile IP handoff latency when the wireless LANs are operating in the infrastructure mode, which is also the prevailing operating mode used in most deployed IEEE 802.11b LANs. In this paper, we propose a low-latency mobile IP handoff scheme that can reduce the handoff latency of infrastructure-mode wireless LANs to less than 100 ms, the fastest known handoff performance for such networks. The proposed scheme overcomes the inability of mobility software to sense the signal strengths of multiple-access points when operating in an infrastructure-mode wireless LAN. It expedites link-layer handoff detection and speeds up network-layer handoff by replaying cached foreign agent advertisements. The proposed scheme strictly adheres to the mobile IP standard specification, and does not require any modifications to existing mobile IP implementations. That is, the proposed mechanism is completely transparent to the existing mobile IP software installed on mobile nodes and wired nodes. As a demonstration of this technology, we show how this low-latency handoff scheme together with a wireless LAN bandwidth guarantee mechanism supports undisrupted playback of remote video streams on mobile stations that are traveling across wireless LAN segments

    Low-Latency Mobile IP Handoff for Infrastructure-Mode Wireless LANs

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    The increasing popularity of IEEE 802.11b-based wireless LANs revives the interest in the development of seamless handoff mechanism to support mobile users who are routinely roaming through multiple wireless LAN segments. However, the peculiarities of commercially available 802.11b wireless LAN hardware prevent existing mobile IP implementations from achieving subsecond Mobile IP handoff latency when the wireless LANs are operating in the infrastructure mode, which is also the prevailing operating mode used in most deployed 802.11b LANs. In this paper we propose a lowlatency Mobile IP handoff scheme that can reduce the handoff latency of infrastructure-mode wireless LANs to less than 100 msec, the fastest known handoff performance for such networks. The proposed scheme overcomes the inability of mobility software to sense the signal strengths of multiple access points when operating in an infrastructure-mode wireless LAN. It expedites link-layer handoff detection and speeds up networklayer hand-off by replaying cached foreign agent advertisements. The proposed scheme strictly adheres to the Mobile IP standard specification, and does not require any modifications to existing Mobile IP implementations

    Low-Latency Mobile IP Handoff for Infrastructure-Mode Wireless LANs

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    AbstractThe increasing popularity of IEEE 802.11-basedwireless local area networks (LANs) lends them credibility as aviable alternative to third-generation (3G) wireless technologies.Even though wireless LANs support much higher channel bandwidththan 3G networks, their network-layer handoff latencyis still too high to be usable for interactive multimedia applicationssuch as voice over IP or video streaming. Specifically, thepeculiarities of commercially available IEEE 802.11b wirelessLAN hardware prevent existing mobile Internet protocol (IP)implementations from achieving subsecond Mobile IP handofflatency when the wireless LANs are operating in the infrastructuremode, which is also the prevailing operating mode used inmost deployed IEEE 802.11b LANs. In this paper, we propose alow-latency mobile IP handoff scheme that can reduce the handofflatency of infrastructure-mode wireless LANs to less than 100 ms,the fastest known handoff performance for such networks. Theproposed scheme overcomes the inability of mobility softwareto sense the signal strengths of multiple-access points whenoperating in an infrastructure-mode wireless LAN. It expediteslink-layer handoff detection and speeds up network-layer handoffby replaying cached foreign agent advertisements. The proposedscheme strictly adheres to the mobile IP standard specification,and does not require any modifications to existing mobile IPimplementations. That is, the proposed mechanism is completelytransparent to the existing mobile IP software installed on mobilenodes and wired nodes. As a demonstration of this technology, weshow how this low-latency handoff scheme together with a wirelessLAN bandwidth guarantee mechanism supports undisruptedplayback of remote video streams on mobile stations that aretraveling across wireless LAN segments10 Halama

    Low-Latency Mobile IP Handoff for Infrastructure-Mode Wireless LANs

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