9 research outputs found

    Force Sensing in Arthroscopic Instruments using Fiber Bragg Gratings

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    Minimally-invasive surgery has revolutionized many medical procedures; however, it also impedes the ability to feel the interaction between the surgical tool and the anatomical part being operated on. In order to address this problem, it is necessary to obtain accurate measurements of the interaction forces exerted on the surgical tools during surgery. These forces can then be manifested to the surgeon via a haptic device or presented visually (visual-force feedback). This thesis describes the use of a fiber optic device to measure and display to the surgeon interaction forces acting on an arthroscopic tool. The sensorization of the tool involves a simple, highly efficient and robust design and is ideally suited for use in a surgical training environment aimed at narrowing the gap between trainees and expert surgeons before the trainees proceed to their first surgery in vivo. The major advantages of using fiber optics include their small size, their local simplicity, their ease of sterilization, and their high sensitivity. In this thesis, a complete low-cost sensing solution is described, including 1) the use of fiber Bragg grating and long period grating sensors, 2) design of a low-cost optical interrogator, 3) high resolution electronic signal processing, and 4) fabrication of the tool using wire EDM, CNC, and 3D metal sintering technologies. The full design of an arthroscopic grasper is presented, along with the preliminary design and manufacturing of an arthroscopic probe and shaver. The designed low-cost system was compared with a commercially-available optical interrogator. The calibration and experimental results for this system are presented and discussed for accuracy and performance of the sensorized tool before and after an axial element was added for increased sensitivity. Sources of error and methods of improvement for the optical system, arthroscopic tool, and testing procedures are discussed to inform the design of future generations of these instruments

    Optical Fibre-based Force Sensing Needle Driver for Minimally Invasive Surgery

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    Minimally invasive surgery has been limited from its inception by insufficient haptic feedback to surgeons. The loss of haptic information threatens patients safety and results in longer operation times. To address this problem, various force sensing systems have been developed to provide information about tool–tissue interaction forces. However, the provided results for axial and grasping forces have been inaccurate in most of these studies due to considerable amount of error and uncertainty in their force acquisition method. Furthermore, sterilizability of the sensorized instruments plays a pivotal role in accurate measurement of forces inside a patient\u27s body. Therefore, the objective of this thesis was to develop a sterilizable needle-driver type grasper using fibre Bragg gratings. In order to measure more accurate and reliable tool–tissue interaction forces, optical force sensors were integrated in the grasper jaw to measure axial and grasping forces directly at their exertion point on the tool tip. Two sets of sensor prototypes were developed to prove the feasibility of proposed concept. Implementation of this concept into a needle-driver instrument resulted in the final proposed model of the sensorized laparoscopic instrument. Fibre Bragg gratings were used for measuring forces due to their many advantages for this application such as small size, sterilizability and high sensitivity. Visual force feedback was provided for users based on the acquired real-time force data. Improvement and consideration points related to the current work were identified and potential areas to continue this project in the future are discussed

    Force Sensing Surgical Grasper with Folding Capacitive Sensor

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    Minimally-invasive surgery (MIS) has brought many benefits to the operating room, however, MIS procedures result in an absence of force feedback, and surgeons cannot as accurately feel the tissue they are working on, or the forces that they are applying. One of the barriers to introducing MIS instruments with force feedback systems is the high cost of manufacturing and assembly. Instruments must also be sterilized before every use, a process that can destroy embedded sensing systems. An instrument that can be disposed of after a single use and produced in bulk at a low cost is desirable. Printed circuit micro-electro-mechanical systems (PCMEMS) is an emerging manufacturing technology that may represent an economically viable method of bulk manufacturing small, single-use medical devices, including surgical graspers. This thesis presents the design and realization of a PCMEMS surgical grasper that can fit within a 5 mm trocar, and can accurately measure forces in 3 axes, over a range of +/-4 N. The designed instrument is the first PCMEMS grasper to feature multi-axis sensing, and has a sensing range twice as large as current PCMEMS devices. Experimental results suggest that the performance of the sensing system is similar to conventionally-manufactured MIS instruments that use capacitive force transducers. The techniques applied in this thesis may be useful for developing a range of PCMEMS devices with capacitive sensors. Improvements to the design of the grasper and sensing system are suggested, and several points are presented to inform the direction of future work related to PCMEMS MIS instruments

    Modeling, Sensorization and Control of Concentric-Tube Robots

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    Since the concept of the Concentric-Tube Robot (CTR) was proposed in 2006, CTRs have been a popular research topic in the field of surgical robotics. The unique mechanical design of this robot allows it to navigate through narrow channels in the human anatomy and operate in highly constrained environments. It is therefore likely to become the next generation of surgical robots to overcome the challenges that cannot be addressed by current technologies. In CSTAR, we have had ongoing work over the past several years aimed at developing novel techniques and technologies for CTRs. This thesis describes the contributions made in this context, focusing primarily on topics such as modeling, sensorization, and control of CTRs. Prior to this work, one of the main challenges in CTRs was to develop a kinematic model that achieves a balance between the numerical accuracy and computational efficiency for surgical applications. In this thesis, a fast kinematic model of CTRs is proposed, which can be solved at a comparatively fast rate (0.2 ms) with minimal loss of accuracy (0.1 mm) for a 3-tube CTR. A Jacobian matrix is derived based on this model, leading to the development of a real-time trajectory tracking controller for CTRs. For tissue-robot interactions, a force-rejection controller is proposed for position control of CTRs under time-varying force disturbances. In contrast to rigid-link robots, instability of position control could be caused by non-unique solutions to the forward kinematics of CTRs. This phenomenon is modeled and analyzed, resulting in design criteria that can ensure kinematic stability of a CTR in its entire workspace. Force sensing is another major difficulty for CTRs. To address this issue, commercial force/torque sensors (Nano43, ATI Industrial Automation, United States) are integrated into one of our CTR prototypes. These force/torque sensors are replaced by Fiber-Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors that are helically-wrapped and embedded in CTRs. A strain-force calculation algorithm is proposed, to convert the reflected wavelength of FBGs into force measurements with 0.1 N force resolution at 100 Hz sampling rate. In addition, this thesis reports on our innovations in prototyping drive units for CTRs. Three designs of CTR prototypes are proposed, the latest one being significantly more compact and cost efficient in comparison with most designs in the literature. All of these contributions have brought this technology a few steps closer to being used in operating rooms. Some of the techniques and technologies mentioned above are not merely limited to CTRs, but are also suitable for problems arising in other types of surgical robots, for example, for sensorizing da Vinci surgical instruments for force sensing (see Appendix A)

    Shape Memory Alloy Actuators and Sensors for Applications in Minimally Invasive Interventions

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    Reduced access size in minimally invasive surgery and therapy (MIST) poses several restriction on the design of the dexterous robotic instruments. The instruments should be developed that are slender enough to pass through the small sized incisions and able to effectively operate in a compact workspace. Most existing robotic instruments are operated by big actuators, located outside the patient’s body, that transfer forces to the end effector via cables or magnetically controlled actuation mechanism. These instruments are certainly far from optimal in terms of their cost and the space they require in operating room. The lack of adequate sensing technologies make it very challenging to measure bending of the flexible instruments, and to measure tool-tissue contact forces of the both flexible and rigid instruments during MIST. Therefore, it requires the development of the cost effective miniature actuators and strain/force sensors. Having several unique features such as bio-compatibility, low cost, light weight, large actuation forces and electrical resistivity variations, the shape memory alloys (SMAs) show promising applications both as the actuators and strain sensors in MIST. However, highly nonlinear hysteretic behavior of the SMAs hinders their use as actuators. To overcome this problem, an adaptive artificial neural network (ANN) based Preisach model and a model predictive controller have been developed in this thesis to precisely control the output of the SMA actuators. A novel ultra thin strain sensor is also designed using a superelastic SMA wire, which can be used to measure strain and forces for many surgical and intervention instruments. A da Vinci surgical instrument is sensorized with these sensors in order to validate their force sensing capability


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    Loss of tactile perception is the most challenging limitation of state-of-the-art technology for minimally invasive surgery. In conventional open surgery, surgeons rely on their tactile sensation to perceive the tissue type, anatomical landmarks, and instrument-tissue interaction in the patient’s body. To compensate for the loss of tactile feedback in minimally invasive surgery, researchers have proposed various tactile sensors based on electrical and optical sensing principles. Optical-based sensors have shown the most compatibility with the functional and physical requirements of minimally invasive surgery applications. However, the proposed tactile sensors in the literature are typically bulky, expensive, cumbersome to integrate with surgical instruments and show nonlinearity in interaction with biological tissues. In this doctoral study, different optical tactile sensing principles were proposed, modeled, validated and various tactile sensors were fabricated, and experimentally studied to address the limitations of the state-of-the-art. The present thesis first provides a critical review of the proposed tactile sensors in the literature with a comparison of their advantages and limitations for surgical applications. Afterward, it compiles the results of the design, modeling, and validation of a hybrid optical-piezoresistive sensor, a distributed Bragg reflecting sensor, and two sensors based on the variable bending radius light intensity modulation principle. The performance of each sensor was verified experimentally for the required criteria of accuracy, resolution, range, repeatability, and hysteresis. Also, a novel image-based intensity estimation technique was proposed and its applicability for being used in surgical applications was verified experimentally. In the end, concluding remarks and recommendations for future studies are provided

    Skills Assessment in Arthroscopic Surgery by Processing Kinematic, Force, and Bio-signal Data

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    Arthroscopic surgery is a type of Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) performed in human joints, which can be used for diagnostic or treatment purposes. The nature of this type of surgery makes it such that surgeons require extensive training to become experts at performing surgical tasks in tight environments and with reduced force feedback. MIS increases the possibility of erroneous actions, which could result in injury to the patient. Many of these injuries can be prevented by implementing appropriate training and skills assessment methods. Various performance methods, including Global Rating Scales and technical measures, have been proposed in the literature. However, there is still a need to further improve the accuracy of surgical skills assessment and improve its ability to distinguish fine variations in surgical proficiency. The main goal of this thesis is to enhance surgical, and specifically, arthroscopic skills assessment. The optimal assessment method should be objective, distinguish between subjects with different levels of expertise, and be computationally efficient. This thesis proposes a new method of investigating surgical skills by introducing energy expenditure metrics. To this end, two main approaches are pursued: 1) evaluating the kinematics of instrument motion, and 2) exploring the muscle activity of trainees. Mechanical energy expenditure and work are investigated for a variety of laparoscopic and arthroscopic tasks. The results obtained in this thesis demonstrate that expert surgeons expend less energy than novice trainees. The different forms of mechanical energy expenditure were combined through optimization methods and machine learning algorithms. An optimum two-step optimization method for classifying trainees into detailed levels of expertise is proposed that demonstrates an enhanced ability to determine the level of expertise of trainees compared to other published methods. Furthermore, performance metrics are proposed based on electromyography signals of the forearm muscles, which are recorded using a wearable device. These results also demonstrate that the metrics defined based on muscle activity can be used for arthroscopic skills assessment. The energy-based metrics and the muscle activity metrics demonstrated the ability to identify levels of expertise, with accuracy levels as high as 95% and 100%, respectively. The primary contribution of this thesis is the development of novel metrics and assessment methods based on energy expenditure and muscle activity. The methods presented advance our knowledge of the characteristics of dexterous performance and add another perspective to quantifying surgical proficiency

    Low-Cost Force-Sensing Arthroscopic Tool Using Threaded Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors

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    Abstract-Minimally-invasive surgery has revolutionized many medical procedures; however, it also impedes the ability to feel the interaction between the surgical tool and the anatomical part being operated on. In order to address this problem, it is necessary to obtain accurate measurements of the interaction forces exerted on the surgical tools during surgery. These forces can then be manifested to the surgeon via a haptic device or presented visually (visual-force feedback). This paper describes the use of a fiber optic device to measure and display to the surgeon interaction forces acting on an arthroscopic tool. The sensorization of the tool involves a simple, highly efficient and robust design and is ideally suited for use in a surgical training environment aimed at narrowing the gap between trainees and expert surgeons before the trainees proceed to their first surgery in vivo. The major advantages of using fiber optics include their small size, their local simplicity, their ease of sterilization, and their high sensitivity. In this paper, a complete low-cost sensing solution is described, including 1) fiber Bragg grating sensors, 2) high resolution electronic signal processing, 3) fabrication of the tool using a wire electrical discharge machine (EDM) and 3D metal sintering technologies. Experimental results demonstrate the accuracy and performance of the sensorized tool

    Low-cost force-sensing arthroscopic tool using threaded fiber Bragg grating sensors

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