1,964 research outputs found

    Weighted universal image compression

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    We describe a general coding strategy leading to a family of universal image compression systems designed to give good performance in applications where the statistics of the source to be compressed are not available at design time or vary over time or space. The basic approach considered uses a two-stage structure in which the single source code of traditional image compression systems is replaced with a family of codes designed to cover a large class of possible sources. To illustrate this approach, we consider the optimal design and use of two-stage codes containing collections of vector quantizers (weighted universal vector quantization), bit allocations for JPEG-style coding (weighted universal bit allocation), and transform codes (weighted universal transform coding). Further, we demonstrate the benefits to be gained from the inclusion of perceptual distortion measures and optimal parsing. The strategy yields two-stage codes that significantly outperform their single-stage predecessors. On a sequence of medical images, weighted universal vector quantization outperforms entropy coded vector quantization by over 9 dB. On the same data sequence, weighted universal bit allocation outperforms a JPEG-style code by over 2.5 dB. On a collection of mixed test and image data, weighted universal transform coding outperforms a single, data-optimized transform code (which gives performance almost identical to that of JPEG) by over 6 dB

    Scalable video transcoding for mobile communications

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    Mobile multimedia contents have been introduced in the market and their demand is growing every day due to the increasing number of mobile devices and the possibility to watch them at any moment in any place. These multimedia contents are delivered over different networks that are visualized in mobile terminals with heterogeneous characteristics. To ensure a continuous high quality it is desirable that this multimedia content can be adapted on-the-fly to the transmission constraints and the characteristics of the mobile devices. In general, video contents are compressed to save storage capacity and to reduce the bandwidth required for its transmission. Therefore, if these compressed video streams were compressed using scalable video coding schemes, they would be able to adapt to those heterogeneous networks and a wide range of terminals. Since the majority of the multimedia contents are compressed using H.264/AVC, they cannot benefit from that scalability. This paper proposes a technique to convert an H.264/AVC bitstream without scalability to a scalable bitstream with temporal scalability as part of a scalable video transcoder for mobile communications. The results show that when our technique is applied, the complexity is reduced by 98 % while maintaining coding efficiency

    Distributed video coding for wireless video sensor networks: a review of the state-of-the-art architectures

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    Distributed video coding (DVC) is a relatively new video coding architecture originated from two fundamental theorems namely, Slepian–Wolf and Wyner–Ziv. Recent research developments have made DVC attractive for applications in the emerging domain of wireless video sensor networks (WVSNs). This paper reviews the state-of-the-art DVC architectures with a focus on understanding their opportunities and gaps in addressing the operational requirements and application needs of WVSNs

    A vector quantization approach to universal noiseless coding and quantization

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    A two-stage code is a block code in which each block of data is coded in two stages: the first stage codes the identity of a block code among a collection of codes, and the second stage codes the data using the identified code. The collection of codes may be noiseless codes, fixed-rate quantizers, or variable-rate quantizers. We take a vector quantization approach to two-stage coding, in which the first stage code can be regarded as a vector quantizer that “quantizes” the input data of length n to one of a fixed collection of block codes. We apply the generalized Lloyd algorithm to the first-stage quantizer, using induced measures of rate and distortion, to design locally optimal two-stage codes. On a source of medical images, two-stage variable-rate vector quantizers designed in this way outperform standard (one-stage) fixed-rate vector quantizers by over 9 dB. The tail of the operational distortion-rate function of the first-stage quantizer determines the optimal rate of convergence of the redundancy of a universal sequence of two-stage codes. We show that there exist two-stage universal noiseless codes, fixed-rate quantizers, and variable-rate quantizers whose per-letter rate and distortion redundancies converge to zero as (k/2)n -1 log n, when the universe of sources has finite dimension k. This extends the achievability part of Rissanen's theorem from universal noiseless codes to universal quantizers. Further, we show that the redundancies converge as O(n-1) when the universe of sources is countable, and as O(n-1+ϵ) when the universe of sources is infinite-dimensional, under appropriate conditions

    Study and simulation of low rate video coding schemes

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    The semiannual report is included. Topics covered include communication, information science, data compression, remote sensing, color mapped images, robust coding scheme for packet video, recursively indexed differential pulse code modulation, image compression technique for use on token ring networks, and joint source/channel coder design

    Optimal modeling for complex system design

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    The article begins with a brief introduction to the theory describing optimal data compression systems and their performance. A brief outline is then given of a representative algorithm that employs these lessons for optimal data compression system design. The implications of rate-distortion theory for practical data compression system design is then described, followed by a description of the tensions between theoretical optimality and system practicality and a discussion of common tools used in current algorithms to resolve these tensions. Next, the generalization of rate-distortion principles to the design of optimal collections of models is presented. The discussion focuses initially on data compression systems, but later widens to describe how rate-distortion theory principles generalize to model design for a wide variety of modeling applications. The article ends with a discussion of the performance benefits to be achieved using the multiple-model design algorithms


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    The recently developed Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is typically suitable for the applications where the conventional video coding is not feasible because of its inherent high-complexity encoding. Examples include video surveillance usmg wireless/wired video sensor network and applications using mobile cameras etc. With DVC, the complexity is shifted from the encoder to the decoder. The practical application of DVC is referred to as Wyner-Ziv video coding (WZ) where an estimate of the original frame called "side information" is generated using motion compensation at the decoder. The compression is achieved by sending only that extra information that is needed to correct this estimation. An error-correcting code is used with the assumption that the estimate is a noisy version of the original frame and the rate needed is certain amount of the parity bits. The side information is assumed to have become available at the decoder through a virtual channel. Due to the limitation of compensation method, the predicted frame, or the side information, is expected to have varying degrees of success. These limitations stem from locationspecific non-stationary estimation noise. In order to avoid these, the conventional video coders, like MPEG, make use of frame partitioning to allocate optimum coder for each partition and hence achieve better rate-distortion performance. The same, however, has not been used in DVC as it increases the encoder complexity. This work proposes partitioning the considered frame into many coding units (region) where each unit is encoded differently. This partitioning is, however, done at the decoder while generating the side-information and the region map is sent over to encoder at very little rate penalty. The partitioning allows allocation of appropriate DVC coding parameters (virtual channel, rate, and quantizer) to each region. The resulting regions map is compressed by employing quadtree algorithm and communicated to the encoder via the feedback channel. The rate control in DVC is performed by channel coding techniques (turbo codes, LDPC, etc.). The performance of the channel code depends heavily on the accuracy of virtual channel model that models estimation error for each region. In this work, a turbo code has been used and an adaptive WZ DVC is designed both in transform domain and in pixel domain. The transform domain WZ video coding (TDWZ) has distinct superior performance as compared to the normal Pixel Domain Wyner-Ziv (PDWZ), since it exploits the ' spatial redundancy during the encoding. The performance evaluations show that the proposed system is superior to the existing distributed video coding solutions. Although the, proposed system requires extra bits representing the "regions map" to be transmitted, fuut still the rate gain is noticeable and it outperforms the state-of-the-art frame based DVC by 0.6-1.9 dB. The feedback channel (FC) has the role to adapt the bit rate to the changing ' statistics between the side infonmation and the frame to be encoded. In the unidirectional scenario, the encoder must perform the rate control. To correctly estimate the rate, the encoder must calculate typical side information. However, the rate cannot be exactly calculated at the encoder, instead it can only be estimated. This work also prbposes a feedback-free region-based adaptive DVC solution in pixel domain based on machine learning approach to estimate the side information. Although the performance evaluations show rate-penalty but it is acceptable considering the simplicity of the proposed algorithm. vii
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