374 research outputs found

    0.5V 3rd-order Tunable gm-C Filter

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    This paper proposes a 3rd-order gm-C filter that operates with the extremely low voltage supply of 0.5V. The employed transconductor is capable for operating in an extremely low voltage power supply environment. A benefit offered by the employed transconductor is that the filter’s cut-off frequency can be tuned, through a dc control current, for relatively large ranges. The filter structure was designed using normal threshold transistors of a triple-well 0.13μm CMOS process and is operated under a 0.5V supply voltage; its behavior has been evaluated through simulation results by utilizing the Analog Design Environment of the Cadence software

    Energy-Efficient Amplifiers Based on Quasi-Floating Gate Techniques

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    Energy efficiency is a key requirement in the design of amplifiers for modern wireless applications. The use of quasi-floating gate (QFG) transistors is a very convenient approach to achieve such energy efficiency. We illustrate different QFG circuit design techniques aimed to implement low-voltage, energy-efficient class AB amplifiers. A new super class AB QFG amplifier is presented as a design example, including some of the techniques described. The amplifier has been fabricated in a 130 nm CMOS test chip prototype. Measurement results confirm that low-voltage, ultra-low-power amplifiers can be designed, preserving, at the same time, excellent small-signal and large-signal performance.Agencia Estatal de Investigación PID2019-107258RB-C32Unión Europea PID2019-107258RB-C3

    Energy-efficient amplifiers based on quasi-floating gate techniques

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    Energy efficiency is a key requirement in the design of amplifiers for modern wireless applications. The use of quasi-floating gate (QFG) transistors is a very convenient approach to achieve such energy efficiency. We illustrate different QFG circuit design techniques aimed to implement low-voltage energy-efficient class AB amplifiers. A new super class AB QFG amplifier is presented as a design example including some of the techniques described. The amplifier has been fabricated in a 130 nm CMOS test chip prototype. Measurement results confirm that low-voltage ultra low power amplifiers can be designed preserving at the same time excellent small-signal and large-signal performance.This research was funded by AEI/FEDER, grant number PID2019-107258RB-C32

    Rail-to-rail class AB CMOS tunable transconductor with -52dB IM3 at 1MHz

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    A novel CMOS tunable transconductor is presented. The circuit operates in classAB hence featuring power efficiency. The internal feedback employed and the use of a linearized triode transistor for voltage-to-current conversion allows achieving high linearity. Rail-to-rail input range is obtained by using floatinggate transistors. Measurement results for a test chip prototype in a 0.5µm standard CMOS process show an IM3 of -52.13dB at 1MHz for a 2Vpp input and a power consumption of 2.2mW

    Tunable class AB CMOS Gm-C channel filter for a bluetooth zero-IF receiver

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    A novel tunable third order low-pass Gm-C filter is introduced. Programmable transconductors operating in class AB have been used for its implementation hence featuring low quiescent power consumption. The operation in class AB is achieved using quasi-floating gate transistors. This filter is suitable for channel filtering of highly integrated, ultra low power wireless receivers e.g. for Bluetooth and Zigbee. Measurement results for a test chip prototype in a low-cost 0.5µm standard CMOS process are presented

    Power-efficient current-mode analog circuits for highly integrated ultra low power wireless transceivers

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    In this thesis, current-mode low-voltage and low-power techniques have been applied to implement novel analog circuits for zero-IF receiver backend design, focusing on amplification, filtering and detection stages. The structure of the thesis follows a bottom-up scheme: basic techniques at device level for low voltage low power operation are proposed in the first place, followed by novel circuit topologies at cell level, and finally the achievement of new designs at system level. At device level the main contribution of this work is the employment of Floating-Gate (FG) and Quasi-Floating-Gate (QFG) transistors in order to reduce the power consumption. New current-mode basic topologies are proposed at cell level: current mirrors and current conveyors. Different topologies for low-power or high performance operation are shown, being these circuits the base for the system level designs. At system level, novel current-mode amplification, filtering and detection stages using the former mentioned basic cells are proposed. The presented current-mode filter makes use of companding techniques to achieve high dynamic range and very low power consumption with for a very wide tuning range. The amplification stage avoids gain bandwidth product achieving a constant bandwidth for different gain configurations using a non-linear active feedback network, which also makes possible to tune the bandwidth. Finally, the proposed current zero-crossing detector represents a very power efficient mixed signal detector for phase modulations. All these designs contribute to the design of very low power compact Zero-IF wireless receivers. The proposed circuits have been fabricated using a 0.5μm double-poly n-well CMOS technology, and the corresponding measurement results are provided and analyzed to validate their operation. On top of that, theoretical analysis has been done to fully explore the potential of the resulting circuits and systems in the scenario of low-power low-voltage applications.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Tecnologías de las Comunicaciones (RD 1393/2007)Komunikazioen Teknologietako Doktoretza Programa Ofiziala (ED 1393/2007

    Low-Voltage Ultra-Low-Power Current Conveyor Based on Quasi-Floating Gate Transistors

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    The field of low-voltage low-power CMOS technology has grown rapidly in recent years; it is an essential prerequisite particularly for portable electronic equipment and implantable medical devices due to its influence on battery lifetime. Recently, significant improvements in implementing circuits working in the low-voltage low-power area have been achieved, but circuit designers face severe challenges when trying to improve or even maintain the circuit performance with reduced supply voltage. In this paper, a low-voltage ultra-low-power current conveyor second generation CCII based on quasi-floating gate transistors is presented. The proposed circuit operates at a very low supply voltage of only ±0.4 V with rail-to-rail voltage swing capability and a total quiescent power consumption of mere 9.5 µW. Further, the proposed circuit is not only able to process the AC signal as it's usual at quasi-floating gate transistors but also the DC which extends the applicability of the proposed circuit. In conclusion, an application example of the current-mode quadrature oscillator is presented. PSpice simulation results using the 0.18 µm TSMC CMOS technology are included to confirm the attractive properties of the proposed circuit

    A Survey of Non-conventional Techniques for Low-voltage Low-power Analog Circuit Design

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    Designing integrated circuits able to work under low-voltage (LV) low-power (LP) condition is currently undergoing a very considerable boom. Reducing voltage supply and power consumption of integrated circuits is crucial factor since in general it ensures the device reliability, prevents overheating of the circuits and in particular prolongs the operation period for battery powered devices. Recently, non-conventional techniques i.e. bulk-driven (BD), floating-gate (FG) and quasi-floating-gate (QFG) techniques have been proposed as powerful ways to reduce the design complexity and push the voltage supply towards threshold voltage of the MOS transistors (MOST). Therefore, this paper presents the operation principle, the advantages and disadvantages of each of these techniques, enabling circuit designers to choose the proper design technique based on application requirements. As an example of application three operational transconductance amplifiers (OTA) base on these non-conventional techniques are presented, the voltage supply is only ±0.4 V and the power consumption is 23.5 µW. PSpice simulation results using the 0.18 µm CMOS technology from TSMC are included to verify the design functionality and correspondence with theory

    CMOS Design of Reconfigurable SoC Systems for Impedance Sensor Devices

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    La rápida evolución en el campo de los sensores inteligentes, junto con los avances en las tecnologías de la computación y la comunicación, está revolucionando la forma en que recopilamos y analizamos datos del mundo físico para tomar decisiones, facilitando nuevas soluciones que desempeñan tareas que antes eran inconcebibles de lograr.La inclusión en un mismo dado de silicio de todos los elementos necesarios para un proceso de monitorización y actuación ha sido posible gracias a los avances en micro (y nano) electrónica. Al mismo tiempo, la evolución de las tecnologías de procesamiento y micromecanizado de superficies de silicio y otros materiales complementarios ha dado lugar al desarrollo de sensores integrados compatibles con CMOS, lo que permite la implementación de matrices de sensores de alta densidad. Así, la combinación de un sistema de adquisición basado en sensores on-Chip, junto con un microprocesador como núcleo digital donde se puede ejecutar la digitalización de señales, el procesamiento y la comunicación de datos proporciona características adicionales como reducción del coste, compacidad, portabilidad, alimentación por batería, facilidad de uso e intercambio inteligente de datos, aumentando su potencial número de aplicaciones.Esta tesis pretende profundizar en el diseño de un sistema portátil de medición de espectroscopía de impedancia de baja potencia operado por batería, basado en tecnologías microelectrónicas CMOS, que pueda integrarse con el sensor, proporcionando una implementación paralelizable sin incrementar significativamente el tamaño o el consumo, pero manteniendo las principales características de fiabilidad y sensibilidad de un instrumento de laboratorio. Esto requiere el diseño tanto de la etapa de gestión de la energía como de las diferentes celdas que conforman la interfaz, que habrán de satisfacer los requisitos de un alto rendimiento a la par que las exigentes restricciones de tamaño mínimo y bajo consumo requeridas en la monitorización portátil, características que son aún más críticas al considerar la tendencia actual hacia matrices de sensores.A nivel de celdas, se proponen diferentes circuitos en un proceso CMOS de 180 nm: un regulador de baja caída de voltaje como unidad de gestión de energía, que proporciona una alimentación de 1.8 V estable, de bajo ruido, precisa e independiente de la carga para todo el sistema; amplificadores de instrumentación con una aproximación completamente diferencial, que incluyen una etapa de entrada de voltaje/corriente configurable, ganancia programable y ancho de banda ajustable, tanto en la frecuencia de corte baja como alta; un multiplicador para conformar la demodulación dual, que está embebido en el amplificador para optimizar consumo y área; y filtros pasa baja totalmente integrados, que actúan como extractores de magnitud de DC, con frecuencias de corte ajustables desde sub-Hz hasta cientos de Hz.<br /