756 research outputs found

    Comparative study of the effectiveness of existing methods for low-rate DDoS attacks detection

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    Denial-of-Services (DoS) attacks are nowadays one of the main problems for small and large companies as they entail a high recovery cost in relation to the frequency that they are suffered. Depending on the intensity of the attack launched, these can be defined as high-rate attacks, which seek for a huge shipment of packets in a short space of time, and low-rate attacks, which seek for a continuous delivery of lower proportion of packets for longer time. Being able to detect the latter type is much more complicated due to its similarity with legitimate traffic and, therefore, easily avoids state-of-the-art detection and mitigation measures. The real-time detection of these attacks is certainly a challenge for computer security. This work focuses on presenting some existing detection methods for DoS low-rate attacks as well as analyzing their effectiveness in a simulated traffic environment

    In-Network Volumetric DDoS Victim Identification Using Programmable Commodity Switches

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    Volumetric distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks have become one of the most significant threats to modern telecommunication networks. However, most existing defense systems require that detection software operates from a centralized monitoring collector, leading to increased traffic load and delayed response. The recent advent of Data Plane Programmability (DPP) enables an alternative solution: threshold-based volumetric DDoS detection can be performed directly in programmable switches to skim only potentially hazardous traffic, to be analyzed in depth at the controller. In this paper, we first introduce the BACON data structure based on sketches, to estimate per-destination flow cardinality, and theoretically analyze it. Then we employ it in a simple in-network DDoS victim identification strategy, INDDoS, to detect the destination IPs for which the number of incoming connections exceeds a pre-defined threshold. We describe its hardware implementation on a Tofino-based programmable switch using the domain-specific P4 language, proving that some limitations imposed by real hardware to safeguard processing speed can be overcome to implement relatively complex packet manipulations. Finally, we present some experimental performance measurements, showing that our programmable switch is able to keep processing packets at line-rate while performing volumetric DDoS detection, and also achieves a high F1 score on DDoS victim identification.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management Special issue on Latest Developments for Security Management of Networks and Service

    ALBUS: a Probabilistic Monitoring Algorithm to Counter Burst-Flood Attacks

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    Modern DDoS defense systems rely on probabilistic monitoring algorithms to identify flows that exceed a volume threshold and should thus be penalized. Commonly, classic sketch algorithms are considered sufficiently accurate for usage in DDoS defense. However, as we show in this paper, these algorithms achieve poor detection accuracy under burst-flood attacks, i.e., volumetric DDoS attacks composed of a swarm of medium-rate sub-second traffic bursts. Under this challenging attack pattern, traditional sketch algorithms can only detect a high share of the attack bursts by incurring a large number of false positives. In this paper, we present ALBUS, a probabilistic monitoring algorithm that overcomes the inherent limitations of previous schemes: ALBUS is highly effective at detecting large bursts while reporting no legitimate flows, and therefore improves on prior work regarding both recall and precision. Besides improving accuracy, ALBUS scales to high traffic rates, which we demonstrate with an FPGA implementation, and is suitable for programmable switches, which we showcase with a P4 implementation.Comment: Accepted at the 42nd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2023

    Entropy based features distribution for anti-ddos model in SDN

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    In modern network infrastructure, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are considered as severe network security threats. For conventional network security tools it is extremely difficult to distinguish between the higher traffic volume of a DDoS attack and large number of legitimate users accessing a targeted network service or a resource. Although these attacks have been widely studied, there are few works which collect and analyse truly representative characteristics of DDoS traffic. The current research mostly focuses on DDoS detection and mitigation with predefined DDoS data-sets which are often hard to generalise for various network services and legitimate users’ traffic patterns. In order to deal with considerably large DDoS traffic flow in a Software Defined Networking (SDN), in this work we proposed a fast and an effective entropy-based DDoS detection. We deployed generalised entropy calculation by combining Shannon and Renyi entropy to identify distributed features of DDoS traffic—it also helped SDN controller to effectively deal with heavy malicious traffic. To lower down the network traffic overhead, we collected data-plane traffic with signature-based Snort detection. We then analysed the collected traffic for entropy-based features to improve the detection accuracy of deep learning models: Stacked Auto Encoder (SAE) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). This work also investigated the trade-off between SAE and CNN classifiers by using accuracy and false-positive results. Quantitative results demonstrated SAE achieved relatively higher detection accuracy of 94% with only 6% of false-positive alerts, whereas the CNN classifier achieved an average accuracy of 93%

    An Unsupervised Approach to DDoS Attack Detection and Mitigation in Near-Real Time

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    We present an approach for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack detection and mitigation in near-real time. The adaptive unsupervised machine learning methodology is based on volumetric thresholding, Functional Principal Component Analysis, and K-means clustering (with tuning parameters for flexibility), which dissects the dataset into categories of outlier source IP addresses. A probabilistic risk assessment technique is used to assign “threat levels” to potential malicious actors. We use our approach to analyze a synthetic DDoS attack with ground truth, as well as the Network Time Protocol (NTP) amplification attack that occurred during January of 2014 at a large mountain-range university. We demonstrate the speed and capabilities of our technique through replay of the NTP attack. We show that we can detect and attenuate the DDoS within two minutes with significantly reduced volume throughout the six waves of the attack

    FHSD: An improved IP spoof detection method for web DDoS attacks

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    Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks represent a significant threat for companies, affecting them on a regular basis, as reported in the 2013 Information Security Breaches Survey (Technical Report. http://www.pwc.co.uk/assets/pdf/cyber-security-2013-technical-report.pdf.). The most common target is web services, the downtime of which could lead to significant monetary costs and loss of reputation. IP spoofing is often used in DDoS attacks not only to protect the identity of offending bots but also to overcome IP-based filtering controls. This paper aims to propose a new multi-layer IP Spoofing detection mechanism, called fuzzy hybrid spoofing detector (FHSD), which is based on source MAC address, hop count, GeoIP, OS passive fingerprinting and web browser user agent. The hop count algorithm has been optimized to limit the need for continuous traceroute requests, by querying the subnet IP Address and GeoIP information instead of individual IP addresses. FHSD uses fuzzy empirical rules and fuzzy largest of maximum operator to identify offensive IPs and mitigate offending traffic. The proposed system was developed and tested against the BoNeSi DDoS emulator with encouraging results in terms of detection and performance. Specifically, FHSD analysed 10 000 packets, and correctly identified 99.99% of spoofed traffic in <5 s. It also reduced the need for traceroute requests by 97%

    Anomaly Detection Algorithms and Techniques for Network Intrusion Detection Systems

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    In recent years, many deep learning-based models have been proposed for anomaly detection. This thesis presents a comparison of selected deep autoencoding models and classical anomaly detection methods on three modern network intrusion detection datasets. We experiment with different configurations and architectures of the selected models, as well as aggregation techniques for input preprocessing and output postprocessing. We propose a methodology for creating benchmark datasets for the evaluation of the methods in different settings. We provide a statistical comparison of the performance of the selected techniques. We conclude that the deep autoencoding models, in particular AE and VAE, systematically outperform the classic methods. Furthermore, we show that aggregating input network flow data improves the overall performance. In general, the tested techniques are promising regarding their application in network intrusion detection systems. However, secondary techniques must be employed to reduce the high numbers of generated false alarms

    Thwarting ICMP low-rate attacks against firewalls while minimizing legitimate traffic loss

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    © 2013 IEEE. Low-rate distributed denial of service (LDDoS) attacks pose more challenging threats that disrupt network security devices and services. Such type of attacks is difficult to detect and mitigate. In LDDoS attacks, attacker uses low-volume of malicious traffic that looks alike legitimate traffic. Thus, it can enter the network in silence without any notice. However, it may have severe effect on disrupting network services, depleting system resources, and degrading network speed to a point considering them as one of the most damaging attack types. There are many types of LDDoS such as application server and ICMP error messages based LDDoS. This paper is solely concerned with the ICMP error messages based LDDoS. The paper proposes a mechanism to mitigate low-rate ICMP error message attacks targeting security devices, such as firewalls. The mechanism is based on triggering a rejection rule to defend against corresponding detected attack as early as possible, in order to preserve firewall resources. The rejection rule has certain adaptive activity time, during which the rule continues to reject related low-rate attack packets. This activity time is dynamically predicted for the next rule activation period according to current and previous attack severity and statistical parameters. However, the rule activity time needs to be stabilized in a manner in order to prevent any additional overhead to the system as well as to prevent incremental loss of corresponding legitimate packets. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed mechanism can efficiently defend against incremental evasion cycle of low-rate attacks, and monitor rejection rule activity duration to minimize legitimate traffic loss
