37,208 research outputs found

    Kinetic Inductance Detectors for the OLIMPO experiment: design and pre-flight characterization

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    We designed, fabricated, and characterized four arrays of horn--coupled, lumped element kinetic inductance detectors (LEKIDs), optimized to work in the spectral bands of the balloon-borne OLIMPO experiment. OLIMPO is a 2.6 m aperture telescope, aimed at spectroscopic measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. OLIMPO will also validate the LEKID technology in a representative space environment. The corrected focal plane is filled with diffraction limited horn-coupled KID arrays, with 19, 37, 23, 41 active pixels respectively at 150, 250, 350, and 460 \:GHz. Here we report on the full electrical and optical characterization performed on these detector arrays before the flight. In a dark laboratory cryostat, we measured the resonator electrical parameters, such as the quality factors and the electrical responsivities, at a base temperature of 300 \:mK. The measured average resonator QQs are 1.7×104\times{10^4}, 7.0×104\times{10^4}, 1.0×104\times{10^4}, and 1.0×104\times{10^4} for the 150, 250, 350, and 460 \:GHz arrays, respectively. The average electrical phase responsivities on resonance are 1.4 \:rad/pW, 1.5 \:rad/pW, 2.1 \:rad/pW, and 2.1 \:rad/pW; the electrical noise equivalent powers are 45 aW/Hz\:\rm{aW/\sqrt{Hz}}, 160 aW/Hz\:\rm{aW/\sqrt{Hz}}, 80 aW/Hz\:\rm{aW/\sqrt{Hz}}, and 140 aW/Hz\:\rm{aW/\sqrt{Hz}}, at 12 Hz. In the OLIMPO cryostat, we measured the optical properties, such as the noise equivalent temperatures (NET) and the spectral responses. The measured NETRJ_{\rm RJ}s are 200 μKs200\:\mu\rm{K\sqrt{s}}, 240 μKs240\:\mu\rm{K\sqrt{s}}, 240 μKs240\:\mu\rm{K\sqrt{s}}, and  340μKs\:340\mu\rm{K\sqrt{s}}, at 12 Hz; under 78, 88, 92, and 90 mK Rayleigh-Jeans blackbody load changes respectively for the 150, 250, 350, and 460 GHz arrays. The spectral responses were characterized with the OLIMPO differential Fourier transform spectrometer (DFTS) up to THz frequencies, with a resolution of 1.8 GHz.Comment: Published on JCA

    Frequency-Dependent Squeeze Amplitude Attenuation and Squeeze Angle Rotation by Electromagnetically Induced Transparency for Gravitational Wave Interferometers

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    We study the effects of frequency-dependent squeeze amplitude attenuation and squeeze angle rotation by electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) on gravitational wave (GW) interferometers. We propose the use of low-pass, band-pass, and high-pass EIT filters, an S-shaped EIT filter, and an intra-cavity EIT filter to generate frequency-dependent squeezing for injection into the antisymmetric port of GW interferometers. We find that the EIT filters have several advantages over the previous filter designs with regard to optical losses, compactness, and the tunability of the filter linewidth.Comment: 4 page

    Design of Millimeter-wave Detector for Gyrotron Power Monitoring

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    The real-time power monitoring of gyrotron is one of the key issues in the operation of electron cyclotron resonance heating system. The detector can be used for real-time power monitoring. We analyzed the principle of diode detection and designed a D-band wideband detector based on Schottky diode in this paper. The detector includes a waveguide-to-microstrip transition, a matching circuit, a diode, and a low pass filter. A novel waveguide-to-microstrip transition was developed based on probe coupling. A wideband lossy matching circuit was developed based on tapered-line and series matching resistor. The simulation results show that when the input power is -30dBm at 140 GHz, the detection sensitivity is about 1600V/W.Comment: 12 pages, 19 figure

    Exact design solutions for photodiode transimpedance amplifiers based on FET input OP-AMPs

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    We calculate the transfer function of an optical receiver composed by a photodiode and a FET input operational amplifier as a current to voltage converter. According to the theory of low-pass filters, the receiver bandwidth and quality factor are here analytically evaluated, proposing design solutions and their related sensitivity to eventual parameter fluctuations. We exemplify the combined action of photodetection and filtering comparing the analytical expression with full numerical SPICE simulations

    BICEP2 II: Experiment and Three-Year Data Set

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    We report on the design and performance of the BICEP2 instrument and on its three-year data set. BICEP2 was designed to measure the polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) on angular scales of 1 to 5 degrees (â„“\ell=40-200), near the expected peak of the B-mode polarization signature of primordial gravitational waves from cosmic inflation. Measuring B-modes requires dramatic improvements in sensitivity combined with exquisite control of systematics. The BICEP2 telescope observed from the South Pole with a 26~cm aperture and cold, on-axis, refractive optics. BICEP2 also adopted a new detector design in which beam-defining slot antenna arrays couple to transition-edge sensor (TES) bolometers, all fabricated on a common substrate. The antenna-coupled TES detectors supported scalable fabrication and multiplexed readout that allowed BICEP2 to achieve a high detector count of 500 bolometers at 150 GHz, giving unprecedented sensitivity to B-modes at degree angular scales. After optimization of detector and readout parameters, BICEP2 achieved an instrument noise-equivalent temperature of 15.8 ÎĽ\muK sqrt(s). The full data set reached Stokes Q and U map depths of 87.2 nK in square-degree pixels (5.2 ÎĽ\muK arcmin) over an effective area of 384 square degrees within a 1000 square degree field. These are the deepest CMB polarization maps at degree angular scales to date. The power spectrum analysis presented in a companion paper has resulted in a significant detection of B-mode polarization at degree scales.Comment: 30 pages, 24 figure

    Quadraphase demodulation

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    A received, suppressed carrier, quadraphase shift key modulated (QPSK)signal is demodulated with a phase locked loop including a variable frequency, coherent reference that drives first and second channels also responsive to the QPSK signal. The channels respectively derive first and second replicas of binary signals that modulated the suppressed carrier. The replicas are combined to derive a variable amplitude error signal for controlling the coherent reference frequency. The frequency of the coherent reference is dithered at a low rate so that there is derived a relatively low level tracking error phase from the locked loop. The frequency of the coherent reference is swept when the phase of the error signal differs from the dithering phase by a predetermined value that is appreciably less than 90 degrees

    Reconstructing the calibrated strain signal in the Advanced LIGO detectors

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    Advanced LIGO's raw detector output needs to be calibrated to compute dimensionless strain h(t). Calibrated strain data is produced in the time domain using both a low-latency, online procedure and a high-latency, offline procedure. The low-latency h(t) data stream is produced in two stages, the first of which is performed on the same computers that operate the detector's feedback control system. This stage, referred to as the front-end calibration, uses infinite impulse response (IIR) filtering and performs all operations at a 16384 Hz digital sampling rate. Due to several limitations, this procedure currently introduces certain systematic errors in the calibrated strain data, motivating the second stage of the low-latency procedure, known as the low-latency gstlal calibration pipeline. The gstlal calibration pipeline uses finite impulse response (FIR) filtering to apply corrections to the output of the front-end calibration. It applies time-dependent correction factors to the sensing and actuation components of the calibrated strain to reduce systematic errors. The gstlal calibration pipeline is also used in high latency to recalibrate the data, which is necessary due mainly to online dropouts in the calibrated data and identified improvements to the calibration models or filters.Comment: 20 pages including appendices and bibliography. 11 Figures. 3 Table

    The cryomechanical design of MUSIC: a novel imaging instrument for millimeter-wave astrophysics at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory

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    MUSIC (Multicolor Submillimeter kinetic Inductance Camera) is a new facility instrument for the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (Mauna Kea, Hawaii) developed as a collaborative effect of Caltech, JPL, the University of Colorado at Boulder and UC Santa Barbara, and is due for initial commissioning in early 2011. MUSIC utilizes a new class of superconducting photon detectors known as microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs), an emergent technology that offers considerable advantages over current types of detectors for submillimeter and millimeter direct detection. MUSIC will operate a focal plane of 576 spatial pixels, where each pixel is a slot line antenna coupled to multiple detectors through on-chip, lumped-element filters, allowing simultaneously imaging in four bands at 0.86, 1.02, 1.33 and 2.00 mm. The MUSIC instrument is designed for closed-cycle operation, combining a pulse tube cooler with a two-stage Helium-3 adsorption refrigerator, providing a focal plane temperature of 0.25 K with intermediate temperature stages at approximately 50, 4 and 0.4 K for buffering heat loads and heat sinking of optical filters. Detector readout is achieved using semi-rigid coaxial cables from room temperature to the focal plane, with cryogenic HEMT amplifiers operating at 4 K. Several hundred detectors may be multiplexed in frequency space through one signal line and amplifier. This paper discusses the design of the instrument cryogenic hardware, including a number of features unique to the implementation of superconducting detectors. Predicted performance data for the instrument system will also be presented and discussed

    Digitally-Enhanced Software-Defined Radio Receiver Robust to Out-of-Band Interference

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    A software-defined radio (SDR) receiver with improved robustness to out-of-band interference (OBI) is presented. Two main challenges are identified for an OBI-robust SDR receiver: out-of-band nonlinearity and harmonic mixing. Voltage gain at RF is avoided, and instead realized at baseband in combination with low-pass filtering to mitigate blockers and improve out-of-band IIP3. Two alternative “iterative” harmonic-rejection (HR) techniques are presented to achieve high HR robust to mismatch: a) an analog two-stage polyphase HR concept, which enhances the HR to more than 60 dB; b) a digital adaptive interference cancelling (AIC) technique, which can suppress one dominating harmonic by at least 80 dB. An accurate multiphase clock generator is presented for a mismatch-robust HR. A proof-of-concept receiver is implemented in 65 nm CMOS. Measurements show 34 dB gain, 4 dB NF, and 3.5 dBm in-band IIP3 while the out-of-band IIP3 is + 16 dBm without fine tuning. The measured RF bandwidth is up to 6 GHz and the 8-phase LO works up to 0.9 GHz (master clock up to 7.2 GHz). At 0.8 GHz LO, the analog two-stage polyphase HR achieves a second to sixth order HR > dB over 40 chips, while the digital AIC technique achieves HR > 80 dB for the dominating harmonic. The total power consumption is 50 mA from a 1.2 V supply
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