317 research outputs found

    Ultrasound based Silent Speech Interface using Deep Learning

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    Silent Speech Interface (SSI) is a technology able to synthesize speech in the absence of any acoustic signal. It can be useful in cases like laryngectomy patients, noisy environments or silent calls. This thesis explores the particular case of SSI using ultrasound images of the tongue as input signals. A 'direct synthesis' approach based on Deep Neural Networks and Mel-generalized cepstral coefficients is proposed. This document is an extension of Csapó et al. "DNN-based Ultrasound-to-Speech Conversion for a Silent Speech Interface". Several deep learning models, such as the basic Feed-forward Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks are presented and discussed. A denoising pre-processing based on a Deep Convolutional Autoencoder has also been studied. A considerable number of experiments using a set of different deep learning architectures and an extensive hyperperameter optimization study have been realized. The different experiments have been testing and rating several objective and subjective quality measures. According to the experiments, an architecture based on a CNN and bidirectional LSTM layers has shown the best results in both objective and subjective terms.Silent Speech Interface (SSI) is a technology able to synthesize speech in the absence of any acoustic signal. It can be useful in cases like laryngectomy patients, noisy environments or silent calls. This thesis explores the particular case of SSI using ultrasound images of the tongue as input signals. A 'direct synthesis' approach based on Deep Neural Networks and Mel-generalized cepstral coefficients is proposed. This document is an extension of Csapó et al. "DNN-based Ultrasound-to-Speech Conversion for a Silent Speech Interface". Several deep learning models, such as the basic Feed-forward Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks are presented and discussed. A denoising pre-processing based on a Deep Convolutional Autoencoder has also been studied. A considerable number of experiments using a set of different deep learning architectures and an extensive hyperperameter optimization study have been realized. The different experiments have been testing and rating several objective and subjective quality measures. According to the experiments, an architecture based on a CNN and bidirectional LSTM layers has shown the best results in both objective and subjective terms.Silent Speech Interface (SSI) és una tecnologia capaç de sintetitzar veu partint únicament de senyals no-acústiques. Pot tenir gran utilitat en casos com pacients de laringectomia, ambients sorollosos o trucades silencioses. Aquesta tèsis explora el cas particular de SSI utilitzant imatges de la llengua captades amb ultrasons com a senyals d'entrada. Es proposa un enfocament de 'síntesis directa' basat en Xarxes Neuronals Profundes i coeficients Mel-generalized cepstral. Aquest document és una extensió del treball de Csapó et al. "DNN-based Ultrasound-to-Speech Conversion for a Silent Speech Interface" . Diversos models de xarxes neuronals són presentats i discutits, com les bàsiques xarxes neuronals directes, xarxes neuronals convolucionals o xarxes neuronals recurrents. També s'ha estudiat un pre-processat reductor de soroll basat en un Autoencoder convolucional profund. S'ha portat a terme un nombre considerable d'experiments utilitzant diverses arquitectures de Deep Learning, així com un extens estudi d'optimització d'hyperparàmetres. Els diferents experiments han estat evaluar i qualificar a partir de diferentes mesures de qualitat objectives i subjectives. Els millors resultats, tant en termes objectius com subjectius, els ha presentat una arquitectura basada en una CNN i capes bidireccionals de LSTMs

    A 16-nm SoC for Noise-Robust Speech and NLP Edge AI Inference With Bayesian Sound Source Separation and Attention-Based DNNs

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    The proliferation of personal artificial intelligence (AI) -assistant technologies with speech-based conversational AI interfaces is driving the exponential growth in the consumer Internet of Things (IoT) market. As these technologies are being applied to keyword spotting (KWS), automatic speech recognition (ASR), natural language processing (NLP), and text-to-speech (TTS) applications, it is of paramount importance that they provide uncompromising performance for context learning in long sequences, which is a key benefit of the attention mechanism, and that they work seamlessly in polyphonic environments. In this work, we present a 25-mm 2^2 system-on-chip (SoC) in 16-nm FinFET technology, codenamed SM6, which executes end-to-end speech-enhancing attention-based ASR and NLP workloads. The SoC includes: 1) FlexASR, a highly reconfigurable NLP inference processor optimized for whole-model acceleration of bidirectional attention-based sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) deep neural networks (DNNs); 2) a Markov random field source separation engine (MSSE), a probabilistic graphical model accelerator for unsupervised inference via Gibbs sampling, used for sound source separation; 3) a dual-core Arm Cortex A53 CPU cluster, which provides on-demand single Instruction/multiple data (SIMD) fast fourier transform (FFT) processing and performs various application logic (e.g., expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm and 8-bit floating-point (FP8) quantization); and 4) an always-on M0 subsystem for audio detection and power management. Measurement results demonstrate the efficiency ranges of 2.6–7.8 TFLOPs/W and 4.33–17.6 Gsamples/s/W for FlexASR and MSSE, respectively; MSSE denoising performance allowing 6 ×\times smaller ASR model to be stored on-chip with negligible accuracy loss; and 2.24-mJ energy consumption while achieving real-time throughput, end-to-end, and per-frame ASR latencies of 18 ms

    Deep neural network techniques for monaural speech enhancement: state of the art analysis

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    Deep neural networks (DNN) techniques have become pervasive in domains such as natural language processing and computer vision. They have achieved great success in these domains in task such as machine translation and image generation. Due to their success, these data driven techniques have been applied in audio domain. More specifically, DNN models have been applied in speech enhancement domain to achieve denosing, dereverberation and multi-speaker separation in monaural speech enhancement. In this paper, we review some dominant DNN techniques being employed to achieve speech separation. The review looks at the whole pipeline of speech enhancement from feature extraction, how DNN based tools are modelling both global and local features of speech and model training (supervised and unsupervised). We also review the use of speech-enhancement pre-trained models to boost speech enhancement process. The review is geared towards covering the dominant trends with regards to DNN application in speech enhancement in speech obtained via a single speaker.Comment: conferenc

    Joint Source-channel Coding Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Most modern communication systems rely on separate source encoding and channel encoding schemes to transmit data. Despite the long-lasting success of separate schemes, joint source channel coding schemes have been proven to outperform separate schemes in applications such as video communications. The task of this research is to develop a joint source-channel coding scheme that mitigates some of the limitations of current separate coding schemes. My research will attempt to leverage recent advances in machine/deep learning techniques to develop resilient schemes that do not depend on explicit codes for compression and error correction but automatically learn end-to-end mapping schemes for source signals. The success of the developed scheme will depend on its ability to correctly approximate an input vector under inconsistent channel conditions