14 research outputs found

    Demonstration of a 9 LP-mode transmission fiber with low DMD and loss

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    We experimentally demonstrate a 9 LP-mode (15 spatial modes) fiber with low DMD, confirmed by both time of flight and S2 measurements. Low loss (~0.2dB/km) is verified by OTDR measurement of the individual mode groups

    Alignment of Free-Space Coupling of Few-Mode Fibre to Multi-Mode Fibre using Digital Holography

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    Off-axis digital holography is used to align a few-mode fiber to a multi-mode fiber in a free-space optical setup. Alignment based on power coupling measurements alone cannot guarantee low mode-dependent loss. The proposed alignment method enables reliable fiber coupling with low mode-dependent loss and crosstalk

    Improving Alignment of Free-Space Coupling of Multi-Mode Fibres using Off-Axis Digital Holography

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    Off-axis digital holography is employed to align multi-mode fibers in a free-space optical setup that can be used for space-division multiplexing (SDM) transmission. We show that alignment based on power coupling measurements alone does not guarantee a low mode-dependent loss, limiting the system capacity. The alignment method we proposed previously enables reliable fiber coupling with low mode-dependent loss and cross-talk for few-mode to multimode fiber alignment, by using digital holography to capture the full complex optical field at the output of the fiber of interest. After capturing the full complex field, by means of digital demultiplexing, we can calculate relevantparameters such as mode-dependent loss and cross-talk. Here we extend these results with few-mode to few-mode fiber alignment measurements and look at alternative optimization metrics such as the cross-talk between the mode groups of interest and all guided modes. The proposed method allows for precise (automated) alignment of space-division multiplexing components, devices and subsystems

    Mode Evolution in Fiber Based Devices for Optical Communication Systems

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    Space division multiplexing (SDM) is the most promising way of increasing the capacity of a single fiber. To enable the few mode fiber (FMF) or multi-mode fiber (MMF) transmission system, several major challenges have to be overcome. One is the urgent need of ideal mode multiplexer, the second is the perfect amplification for all spatial modes, another one is the modal delay spread (MDS) due to group velocity difference of spatial modes. The main subject of this dissertation is to model, fabricate and characterize the mode multiplexer for FMF transmission. First, we designed a novel resonant mode coupler (structured directional coupler pair). After that, we studied the adiabatic mode multiplexer (photonic lantern). 6-mode photonic lantern using graded-index (GI) MMFs is proposed and demonstrated, which alleviates the adiabatic require-ment and improves mode selectivity. Then, 10-mode photonic lantern is demonstrated using novel double cladding micro-structured drilling-hole preform, which alleviates the adiabatic requirement and demonstrate a feasible way to scale up the lantern modes. Also, multi-mode photonic lantern is studied for high order input modes. In addition, for the perfect amplification of the modes, cladding pump method is demonstrated. The mode selective lantern designed and fabricated can be used for the characterization of few mode amplifier with swept wavelength interferometer (SWI). Also, we demonstrated the application of the use of the few mode amplifier for the turbulence-resisted preamplified receiver. Besides, for the reduction of MDS, the long period grating for introducing strong mode mixing is demonstrated

    Mode Coupling in Space-division Multiplexed Systems

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    Even though fiber-optic communication systems have been engineered to nearly approach the Shannon capacity limit, they still cannot meet the exponentially-growing bandwidth demand of the Internet. Space-division multiplexing (SDM) has attracted considerable attention in recent years due to its potential to address this capacity crunch. In SDM, the transmission channels support more than one spatial mode, each of which can provide the same capacity as a single-mode fiber. To make SDM practical, crosstalk among modes must be effectively managed. This dissertation presents three techniques for crosstalk management for SDM. In some cases such as intra-datacenter interconnects, even though mode crosstalk cannot be completely avoided, crosstalk among mode groups can be suppressed in properly-designed few-mode fibers to support mode group-multiplexed transmission. However, in most cases, mode coupling is unavoidable. In free-space optical (FSO) communication, mode coupling due to turbulence manifests as wavefront distortions. Since there is almost no modal dispersion in FSO, we demonstrate the use of few-mode pre-amplified receivers to mitigate the effect of turbulence without using adaptive optics. In fiber-optic communication, multi-mode fibers or long-haul few-mode fibers not only suffer from mode crosstalk but also large modal dispersion, which can only be compensated electronically using multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) digital signal processing (DSP). In this case, we take the counterintuitive approach of introducing strong mode coupling to reduce modal group delay and DSP complexity

    Development of multi-element fibres for applications in space-division multiplexing

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    This thesis presents a novel multi-element fibre (MEF) technology for implementing space-division multiplexing (SDM) in optical fibres. MEF comprises multiple fibre-elements that are drawn and coated together using a common polymer coating. In MEF, the fibre-elements are compatible with current technology i. e. the fibre-elements can be directly fusion spliced to standard single mode pigtail fibre. Thus, a smooth upgrade from WDM based systems to SDM system is possible. In this work, MEF technology has been implemented for both, passive SDM fibres and SDM amplifiers.Erbium-doped Core-pump MEF amplifiers have been demonstrated exhibiting similar gain and noise figure performance to conventional Er-doped fibre amplifier while maintaining ultralow crosstalk levels. In addition, an Erbium/Ytterbium-doped cladding-pumped MEF amplifier has been developed, and a novel technique to achieve a broadband gain has been demonstrated which could cover wavelength region of 1536nm-1615nm using a single multimode pump. Furthermore, MEF technology has been combined with mode-division multiplexing to show that higher spatial multiplicity could be achieved by implementing the MEF with other SDM technologies.In passive MEFs, the fabricated fibres have been characterised for their loss and transmission properties, showing low loss and error-free transmission. Also, the MEFs are proof-tested showing high strength. The compatibility of MEF fibres have been tested in a concatenated SDM system demonstrating their flexibility in the telecom network

    Design and characterization of few-mode fibers for space division multiplexing on fiber eigenmodes

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    La croissance constante et exponentielle de la demande de trafic de données Internet conduit nos réseaux de télécommunications optiques, principalement composés de liaisons de fibre monomode, à une pénurie imminente de capacité. La limite non linéaire de la fibre monomode, prédite par la théorie de l'information, ne laisse aucune place à l'amélioration de la capacité de communication par fibre optique. Dans ce contexte, la prochaine technologie de rupture dans les transmissions optiques à haute capacité devrait être le multiplexage par répartition spatiale (SDM). La base du SDM consiste à utiliser différents canaux spatiaux d'une seule fibre optique pour transmettre des données indépendantes. Le SDM fournit ainsi une augmentation de la capacité de transport de données d'un facteur qui dépend du nombre de chemins spatiaux qui sont établis. Une façon de réaliser le SDM consiste à utiliser des fibres faiblement multimodes (FMF) spécialisées, conçues pour présenter un couplage faible entre les modes guidés. Un traitement MIMO réduit peut alors être utilisé pour annuler le couplage résiduel des modes. Dans cette thèse, nous donnons tout d'abord un aperçu des progrès récents du multiplexage par répartition de modes (MDM). Les modes à polarisation linéaire (LP), les modes de moment angulaire orbital (OAM) et les modes vectoriels représentent différentes bases de modes orthogonaux possibles dans la fibre. Nous comparons les travaux utilisant ces modes en termes de conception de fibre proposée, nombre de modes, complexité MIMO et résultats expérimentaux de transmission de données. Ensuite, nous introduisons la modélisation de la fibre optique réalisée avec les solveurs numériques de COMSOL Multiphysics, et nous discutons de quelques travaux utilisant cette modélisation de fibre. Nous proposons une nouvelle FMF, composée d'un noyau hautement elliptique et d'une tranchée adjacente ajoutée pour réduire la perte de courbure des modes d'ordre supérieur. La fibre est conçue et optimisée pour prendre en charge cinq modes spatiaux avec une dégénérescence de polarisation double, pour un total de dix canaux. La fibre proposée montre une différence d'indice effectif entre les modes spatiaux supérieure à 1 × 10-3sur la bande C. Ensuite, nous fabriquons la fibre avec un procédé standard de dépôt chimique en phase vapeur modifié (MCVD), et nous caractérisons la fibre en laboratoire. La caractérisation expérimentale a révélé que la fibre présente une propriété de maintien de polarisation. Ceci est obtenu grâce à la combinaison de la structure centrale asymétrique et de la contrainte thermique introduite lors de la fabrication. Nous mesurons la biréfringence avec une technique de réseau de Bragg inscrit dans la fibre (FBG). En incluant la contrainte thermique dans notre modélisation de fibre, un bon accord est obtenu entre la biréfringence simulée et mesurée. Nous avons réussi à effectuer la première transmission de données sur la fibre proposée, en transmettant deux signaux QPSK sur les deux polarisations de chaque mode spatial, sans utiliser de traitement MIMO. Enfin, nous présentons une amélioration d'une technique d'interférométrie hyperfréquence (MICT) précédemment proposée, afin de mesurer expérimentalement la perte en fonction du mode (MDL) des groupes de modes FMF. En conclusion, nous résumons les résultats et présentons les perspectives d'avenir de cette recherche. En résumé, de nouveaux FMF doivent être étudiés si nous voulons résoudre la pénurie imminente de capacité de nos technologies système. Les résultats de cette thèse indique que le FMF à maintien de polarisation proposée dans cette recherche représente une amélioration significative dans le domaine des systèmes de transmission MDM sans MIMO pour des liaisons de communication courtes ; c’est-à-dire distribuant des données sur une longueur inférieure à 10 km. Nous espérons que ce travail conduira au développement de nouveaux composants SD Mutilisant cette fibre, tels que de nouveaux amplificateurs à fibre, ou de nouveaux multiplexeurs/démultiplexeurs, comme par exemple des coupleurs en mode fibre fusionnée ou des dispositifs photoniques au silicium.The constant and exponential growth of Internet data traffic demand is driving our optical telecommunication networks, mainly composed of single-mode fiber links, to an imminent capacity shortage. The nonlinear limit of the single-mode fiber, predicted by the information theory, leave no room for optical fiber communication capacity improvements. In this direction, the next disruptive technology in high-capacity communication transmissions is expected to be Space Division Multiplexing (SDM). The basic of SDM consists of using different spatial channels of a single optical fiber to transmit information data. SDM thus provides an increase in the data-carrying capacity by a factor that depends on the number of spatial paths that are established. A way to realize SDM is through the use of specialty few-mode fibers (FMFs), designed to have a weak coupling between the guided modes. A reduced MIMO processing can be used to undo the residual mode coupling. In this thesis, we firstly give an overview of the recent progress in mode division multiplexing (MDM). Linearly polarized (LP) modes, orbital angular momentum (OAM) modes and vector modes represent the possible orthogonal modes guided into the fiber. We compare works, making use of those modes, in terms of proposed fiber design, number of modes, MIMO complexity and data transmission experiments. After that, we introduce the optical fiber modelling performed with the numerical solvers of COMSOL Multiphysics, and we discuss some works making use of this fiber modelling. Next, we propose a novel FMF, composed of a highly elliptical core and a surrounding trench added to reduce the bending loss of the higher order modes. The fiber is designed and optimized to support five spatial modes with twofold polarization degeneracy, for a total of ten channels. The proposed fiber shows an effective index difference between the spatial modes higher than 1×10-3 over the C-band. Afterwards, we fabricate the fiber with standard modified chemical vapor deposition (MCVD) process, and we characterize the fiber in the laboratory. The experimental characterization revealed the polarization maintaining properties of the fiber. This is obtained with the combination of the asymmetric core structure and the thermal stress introduced during the fabrication. We measure the birefringence with a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) technique, and we included the thermal stress in our fiber modelling. A good agreement was found between the simulated and measured birefringence. We successfully demonstrate the first data transmission over the proposed fiber, by transmitting two QPSK signals over the two polarizations of each spatial mode, without the use of any MIMO processing. Lastly, we present an improvement of a previously proposed microwave interferometric technique (MICT), in order to experimentally measure the mode dependent loss (MDL) of FMF mode groups. Finally, we present the conclusions and the future perspectives of this research. To conclude, novel FMFs need to be investigated if we want to solve the imminent capacity shortage of our system technologies. We truly believe that the polarization-maintaining FMF proposed in this research represents a significant improvement to the field of MIMO-free MDM transmission systems for short communication links, distributing data over length less than 10 km. We hope that this work will drive the development of new SDM components making use of this fiber, such as new fiber amplifiers, or new mux/demux, as for example fused fiber mode couplers or silicon photonic devices

    High-multiplicity space-division multiplexed transmission systems

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    High-multiplicity space-division multiplexed transmission systems

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