10 research outputs found

    Low-Complexity and Robust Hybrid Beamforming Design for Multi-Antenna Communication Systems

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    This paper proposes a low-complexity hybrid beamforming design for multi-antenna communication systems. The hybrid beamformer is comprised of a baseband digital beamformer and a constant modulus analog beamformer in the radio frequency (RF) part of the system. As in singular-value-decomposition (SVD)-based beamforming, hybrid beamforming design aims to generate parallel data streams in multi-antenna systems, however, due to the constant modulus constraint of the analog beamformer, the problem cannot be solved similarly. To address this problem, mathematical expressions of the parallel data streams are derived in this paper and desired and interfering signals are specified per stream. The analog beamformers are designed by maximizing the power of desired signal while minimizing the sum-power of interfering signals. Finally, digital beamformers are derived by defining the equivalent channel observed by the transmitter/receiver. Regardless of the number of the antennas or type of channel, the proposed approach can be applied to a wide range of MIMO systems with hybrid structure wherein the number of the antennas is more than the number of the RF chains. In particular, the proposed algorithm is verified for sparse channels that emulate mm-wave transmission as well as rich scattering environments. In order to validate the optimality, the results are compared with those of the state-of-the-art and it is demonstrated that the performance of the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art techniques, regardless of type of the channel and/or system configuration

    Komunikasi Device-to-Device pada Jaringan Seluler 5G Menggunakan MmWave

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    This article discusses about device-to-device communication on 5G cellular networks using mmWave. Device-to-device communication will support 5G cellular technology, because it can be a solution to overcome the limitations of cellular coverage and service capacity. D2D can be used in a variety of applications. The main problem in D2D is that interference between signals in one cell will be very vulnerable to occur, so that effective resource management is needed. In addition, the use of D2D will also increase the complexity of a cellular system, in terms of resource management, interference, and also the routing required. Several studies have been carried out to create D2D communication that can be implemented effectively on 5G. One of them is research to perfect the load balancing scheme which is one of the functions obtained from D2D communication. Load balancing is the distribution of cellular traffic loads, using D2D the traffic load is channeled to communication between devices and reduces the burden on the main network

    Performance Analysis of Indoor THz Communications with One-Bit Precoding

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    In this paper, the performance of indoor Terahertz (THz) communication systems with one-bit digital-to- analog converters (DACs) is investigated. Array-of- subarrays architecture is assumed for the antennas at the access points, where each RF chain uniquely activates a disjoint subset of antennas, each of which is connected to an exclusive phase shifter. Hybrid precoding, including maximum ratio transmission (MRT) and zero-forcing (ZF) precoding, is considered. The best beamsteering direction for the phase shifter in the large subarray antenna regime is first proved to be the direction of the line-of-sight (LoS) path. Subsequently, the closed-form expression of the lower- bound of the achievable rate in the large subarray antenna regime is derived, which is the same for both MRT and ZF and is independent of the transmit power. Numerical results validating the analysis are provided as well

    Deep learning enabled beam tracking for non-line of sight millimeter wave communications

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    To solve the complex beam alignment issue in non-line-of-sight (NLOS) millimeter wave communications, this paper presents a deep neural network (DNN) based procedure to predict the angle of arrival (AOA) and angle of departure (AOD) both in terms of azimuth and elevation, i.e., AAOA/AAOD and EAOA/EAOD. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed procedure under practical assumptions, we employ a trajectory prediction method by considering dynamic window approach (DWA) to estimate the location information of the user equipment (UE), which is utilized as the input parameter of the trained DNN to generate the prediction of AAOA/AAOD and EAOA/EAOD. The robustness of the prediction procedure is analyzed in the presence of prediction errors, which proves that the proposed DNN is a promising tool to predict AOA and AOD in NLOS scenarios based on the estimated UE location. Simulation results shows that the prediction errors of the AOA and AOD can be maintained within an acceptable range of ±2∘

    Coverage Analysis for Indoor-Outdoor Coexistence for Millimetre-Wave Communication

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    Milimeter-wave (mm-wave) communication, which has already been a part of the fifth generation of mobile communication networks (5G), would result in ultra dense small cell deployments due to its limited coverage characteristics. In such an environment, outdoor base stations (BS) will get closer to the buildings, in which users are covered and served by indoor small cells that in turn degrades the user Quality of Experience (QoE) owing to the increased interference caused by the outdoor BSs. In this paper, indoor coverage analysis is conducted by considering a scenario, which includes a multi-storey building and two identical indoor femtocell and outdoor BS operating at 28 GHz. During the simulations, impacts of the outdoor BS's transmit power and distance to the building on the indoor coverage are investigated. In addition, various material types, namely one layer brick, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) 28 GHz concrete, ITU 28 GHz glass, and ITU 28 GHz wood, for the building walls are tested. Results reveal that dielectric properties of the materials are the key factors in determining the severity of the interference caused by the outdoor BS, paving the way for including the effects of material type in network designing and smart city planning

    Multi-beam multiplexing design for arbitrary directions based on the interleaved subarray architecture

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    Through a common set of analogue coefficients and a simple digital coding scheme in the form of ones and minus ones, a previous technique can only multiplex two beams whose directions satisfy a fixed relationship. In this work, two novel designs are proposed, which together with the corresponding inter-subarray coding schemes, can achieve multi-beam multiplexing for arbitrary directions to serve corresponding users. In the first design, based on the relationship of directions between the two required beams, the adjacent antenna spacing is regarded as a variable to be determined, while in the second design, the adjacent antenna spacing is fixed and an alternate optimisation procedure is proposed to solve the problem based on a least-square formulation. Designed examples based on uniform linear arrays and uniform planar arrays are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods

    Seamless coverage for the next generation wireless communication networks

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    Data demand has exponentially increased due to the rapid growth of wireless and mobile devices traffic in recent years. With the advent of the fifth generation, 5G, and beyond networks, users will be able to take advantage of additional services beyond the capability of current wireless networks while maintaining a highquality experience. The exploitation of millimeter-wave (mm-wave) frequency in 5G promises to meet the demands of future networks with the motto of providing high data rate coverage with low latency to its users, which will allow future networks to function more efficiently. However, while planning a network using mm-wave frequencies, it is important to consider their small coverage footprints and weak penetration resistance. Heterogeneous network planning with the dense deployment of the small cells is one way of overcoming these issues, yet, without proper planning of the integrated network within the same or different frequencies could lead to other problems such as coverage gaps and frequent handovers; due to the natural physics of mm-wave frequencies. Therefore this thesis focuses on bringing ultra-reliable low-latency communication for mm-wave indoor users by increasing the indoor coverage and reducing the frequency of handovers. Towards achieving this thesis’s aim, a detailed literature review of mm-wave coverage is provided in Chapter 2. Moreover, a table that highlights the penetration loss of materials at various frequencies is provided as a result of thorough research in this field, which will be helpful to the researchers investigating this subject. According to our knowledge, this is the first table presenting the most studies that have been conducted in this field. Chapter 3 examines the interference effect of the outdoor base station (BS) inside the building in the context of a heterogeneous network environment. A single building model scenario is created, and the interference analysis is performed to observe the effects of different building materials used as walls. The results reveal the importance of choosing the material type when outdoor BS is close to the building. Moreover, the interference effect of outdoor BS should be minimized when the frequency re-use technique is deployed over very short distances. Chapter 4 presents two-fold contributions, in addition to providing a comprehensive handover study of mm-wave technology. The first study starts with addressing the problem of modelling users’ movement in the indoor environment. Therefore, a user-based indoor mobility prediction via Markov chain with an initial transition matrix is proposed, acquired from Q-learning algorithms. Based on the acquired knowledge of the user’s mobility in the indoor environment, the second contribution of this chapter provides a pre-emptive handover algorithm to provide seamless connection while the user moves within the heterogeneous network. The implementation and evaluation of the proposed algorithm show a reduction in the handover signalling costs by more than 50%, outperforming conventional handover algorithms. Lastly, Chapter 5 contributes to providing robust signal coverage for coverage blind areas and implementing and evaluating the proposed handover algorithm with the intelligent reflective surface. The results show a reduction in the handover signalling costs by more than 33%, outperforming conventional handover algorithms with the pre-emptive handover initiation