34 research outputs found

    Channel Estimation and ICI Cancelation in Vehicular Channels of OFDM Wireless Communication Systems

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    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) scheme increases bandwidth efficiency (BE) of data transmission and eliminates inter symbol interference (ISI). As a result, it has been widely used for wideband communication systems that have been developed during the past two decades and it can be a good candidate for the emerging communication systems such as fifth generation (5G) cellular networks with high carrier frequency and communication systems of high speed vehicles such as high speed trains (HSTs) and supersonic unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAVs). However, the employment of OFDM for those upcoming systems is challenging because of high Doppler shifts. High Doppler shift makes the wideband communication channel to be both frequency selective and time selective, doubly selective (DS), causes inter carrier interference (ICI) and destroys the orthogonality between the subcarriers of OFDM signal. In order to demodulate the signal in OFDM systems and mitigate ICIs, channel state information (CSI) is required. In this work, we deal with channel estimation (CE) and ICI cancellation in DS vehicular channels. The digitized model of the DS channels can be short and dense, or long and sparse. CE methods that perform well for short and dense channels are highly inefficient for long and sparse channels. As a result, for the latter type of channels, we proposed the employment of compressed sensing (CS) based schemes for estimating the channel. In addition, we extended our CE methods for multiple input multiple output (MIMO) scenarios. We evaluated the CE accuracy and data demodulation fidelity, along with the BE and computational complexity of our methods and compared the results with the previous CE procedures in different environments. The simulation results indicate that our proposed CE methods perform considerably better than the conventional CE schemes

    Design and evaluation of OFDM radio interfaces for high mobility communications

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    [Resumo] Nas dúas últimas décadas, as modulacións multiportadora emerxeron como una solución de baixa complexidade para combatir os efectos do multitraxecto en comuniacións sen fíos. Entre elas, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFOM) é posiblemente o esquema de modulación máis estudado, e tamén amplamente adoptado como alicerce de estándares da industria como WiMAX ou LTE. Sen embargo, OFDM é sensible a canles que varian ca tempo, unha característica dos escenarios con mobilidade, debido á aparición da interferencia entre portadoras (ICI). A implementación de equipamento hardware para o usuario final faise normalmente en chips dedicados, afnda que entornos de investigación, prefírense solucións máis flexibles. Unha aproximación popular é a coñecida como Software Defined Radio (SOR), onde os algoritmos de procesado de sinal se implementan en hardware reconfigurable como Digital Signal Processors (OSPs) e Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). O obxectivo deste traballo é dobre. Por un lado, definir unha arquitectura para implementacións de tempo real de capas físicas basadas en OFDM usando como referencia O estándar WiMAX, probada Dunha plataforma composta por OSPs e FPGAs. Por outra banda, estudar os efectos da selectividade en tempo no sinal OFDM, definindo métodos de estimación de canle que teñen en conta a ICI, e evaluándoos tanto en simulación como con medidas experimentais. Seguíronse dúas aproximacións para caracterizar o comportamento de formas de onda OFDM baixo condicións de mobilidade, unha basada nun emulador de canle que traballa en tempo real, e outra en inducir grandes ensanchamentos Doppler no sinal mediante a extensión da duración do símbolo OFOM.[Resumen] En las dos últimas décadas, las modulaciones multiportadora han emergido como una solución de baja complejidad para combatir los efectos del multitrayecto en comunicaciones iDalámbricas. Entre ellas, Orthogonal Frequency Division Mulriplexing (OFDM) es posiblemente el esquema de modulación más estudiado, y también ampliamente adoptado como fundamento de estándares de la industria como WiMAX o LTE. Sin embargo, OFDM es sensible a canales que varían con el tiempo, una característica de los escenarios coo movilidad, debido a la aparicióo de la interferencia entre portadoras (ICI). La implementación de equipamiento hardware para el usuario final se hace normalmente en chips dedicados, aunque eo entornos de investigación, son preferibles soluciones más Hexibles. Una aproximación popular es la conocida como Software Defined Radio (SDR), donde los algOritmos de procesado de señal se implementan en hardware reconfigurable como Digital Signa! Processors (DSPs) y Field Programmable Gate AIrays (FPGAs). El objetivo de este trabajo es doble. Por un lado. definir una arquitectura para implementaciones de tiempo real de capas ¡lSicas basadas en OFDM usando como referencia el estándar WiMAX, probada en una plataforma compuesta por DSPs y FPGAs. Por otro lado, estudiar los efectos de la selectividad en tiempo en la señal OFDM, definiendo métodos de estimacióo de canal que tengan eo cueota la ICI, y evaluándolos tanto en simulación como con medidas experimenta1es. Se han seguido dos aproximaciones para caracterizar el comportamiento de formas de onda OFDM bajo condiciones de mobilidad, una basada en un emulador de canal que trabaja en tiempo real. y otra en inducir grandes ensanchamientos Doppler en la señal mediante la extensión de la duración del símbolo OFDM.[Abstract] In Ihe last two decades, multicarrier modulations have emerged as a low complexity solulion to combal the effects of Ihe multipalh in wireless communicalions. Among Ihem, Orthogonal Frequency Division Mulliplexing (OFOM) is possibly Ihe mosl sludied modulation scheme, and has a1so been widely adopted as Ihe foundation of induslry standards such as WiMAX or LTE. However, OFOM is sensitive lo time selective channels, which are featured in mobility scenarlos, due lO Ihe appearance of Inler-Carrier Interference (ICI). Implemenlation of hardware equipmenl for Ihe end user is usually implemenled in dedicaled chips, bul in researeh environments, more flexible solutions are preferred. One popular approach is the so ealled Software Defined Radio (SOR), where the signal processing a1gorithms are implemented in reconfigurable hardware sueh as Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) and Field Prograrnmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The aim of Ibis work is two-fold. On the one hand, to define an architeclure for Ihe implementation of real-time OFOM-based physical layers, using as a reference Ihe WiMAX standard, and it is tested on a platform composed by DSPs and FPGAs. On the olher hand, to study Ihe effeets of !he time seleetivity on !he OFOM signal, defining channel estimation me!hods aware of !he ICI, and ils evaluation bo!h in simulation as well as experimental measuremenls. Two approaches have been followed to assess the behavior of OFOM waveforms under mobility conditions, one based on a real-time channel emulator, and the other on inducing large Doppler spreads in !he signal by extending the duration of Ihe OFDM symbols

    Factor Graph Based Detection Schemes for Mobile Terrestrial DVB Systems with Long OFDM Blocks

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    This PhD dissertation analyzes the performance of second generation digital video broadcasting (DVB) systems in mobile terrestrial environments and proposes an iterative detection algorithm based on factor graphs (FG) to reduce the distortion caused by the time variation of the channel, providing error-free communication in very severe mobile conditions. The research work focuses on mobile scenarios where the intercarrier interference (ICI) is very high: high vehicular speeds when long orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) blocks are used. As a starting point, we provide the theoretical background on the main topics behind the transmission and reception of terrestrial digital television signals in mobile environments, along with a general overview of the main signal processing techniques included in last generation terrestrial DVB systems. The proposed FG-based detector design is then assessed over a simpli ed bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM)-OFDM communication scheme for a wide variety of mobile environments. Extensive simulation results show the e ectiveness of the proposed belief propagation (BP) algorithm over the channels of interest in this research work. Moreover, assuming that low density parity-check (LDPC) codes are decoded by means of FG-based algorithms, a high-order FG is de ned in order to accomplish joint signal detection and decoding into the same FG framework, o ering a fully parallel structure very suitable when long OFDM blocks are employed. Finally, the proposed algorithms are analyzed over the physical layer of DVB-T2 speci cation. Two reception schemes are proposed which exploit the frequency and time-diversity inherent in time-varying channels with the aim of achieving a reasonable trade-o among performance, complexity and latency.Doktoretza tesi honek bigarren belaunaldiko telebista digitalaren eraginkortasuna aztertzen du eskenatoki mugikorrean, eta faktoreen grafoetan oinarritzen den hartzaile iteratibo bat proposatzen du denboran aldakorra den kanalak sortzen duen distortsioa leundu eta seinalea errorerik gabe hartzea ahalbidetzen duena. Proposatutako detektorea BICM-OFDM komunikazio eskema orokor baten gainean ebaluatu da lurreko broadcasting kanalaren baldintzak kontutan hartuz. Simulazio emaitzek algoritmo honen eraginkortasuna frogatzen dute Doppler frekuentzia handietan. Ikerketa lanaren bigarren zatian, faktoreen grafoetan oinarritutako detektorea eskema turbo zabalago baten baitan txertatu da LDPC dekodi katzaile batekin batera. Hartzaile diseinu honen abantaila nagusia da OFDM simbolo luzeetara ondo egokitzen dela. Azkenik, proposatutako algoritmoa DVB-T2 katearen baitan inplementatu da, bi hartzaile eskema proposatu direlarik seinaleak duen dibertsitate tenporal eta frekuentziala probesteko, beti ere eraginkortasunaren, konplexutasunaren eta latentziaren arteko konpromisoa mantenduz.Este trabajo de tesis analiza el rendimiento de la segunda generación de la televisión digital terreste en escenarios móviles y propone un algoritmo iterativo basado en grafos de factores para la detección de la señal y la reducción de la distorsión causada por la variación temporal del canal, permitiendo así recibir la señal libre de errores. El detector basado en grafos de factores propuesto es evaluado sobre un esquema de comunicaciones general BICM-OFDM en condiciones de transmisión propios de canales de difusión terrestres. Los resultados de simulación presentados muestran la e ciencia del algoritmo de detección propuesto en presencia de frecuencias Doppler muy altas. En una segunda parte del trabajo de investigación, el detector propuesto es incorporado a un esquema turbo junto con un decodi cador LDPC, dando lugar a un receptor iterativo que presenta características especialmente apropiadas para su implementación en sistemas OFDM con longitudes de símbolo elevadas. Por último, se analiza la implementación del algoritmo propuesto sobre la cadena de recepción de DVB-T2. Se presentan dos esquemas de recepción que explotan la diversidad temporal y frecuencial presentes en la señal afectada por canales variantes en el tiempo, consiguiendo un compromiso razonable entre rendimiento, complejidad y latencia

    EKF/UKF-based channel estimation for robust and reliable communications in V2V and IIoT

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are characterized by integrating computation, communication, and physical system. In typical CPS application scenarios, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and Industry Internet of Things (IIoT), due to doubly selective fading and non-stationary channel characteristics, the robust and reliable end-to-end communication is extremely important. Channel estimation is a major signal processing technology to ensure robust and reliable communication. However, the existing channel estimation methods for V2V and IIoT cannot effectively reduce intercarrier interference (ICI) and lower the computation complexity, thus leading to poor robustness. Aiming at this challenge, according to the channel characteristics of V2V and IIoT, we design two channel estimation methods based on the Bayesian filter to promote the robustness and reliability of end-to-end communication. For the channels with doubly selective fading and non-stationary characteristics of V2V and IIoT scenarios, in the one hand, basis extended model (BEM) is used to further reduce the complexity of the channel estimation algorithm under the premise that ICI can be eliminated in the channel estimation. On the other hand, aiming at the non-stationary channel, a channel estimation and interpolation method based on extended Kalman filter (EKF) and unscented Kalman filter (UKF) Bayesian filters to jointly estimate the channel impulse response (CIR) and time-varying time domain autocorrelation coefficient is adopted. Through the MATLAB simulation, the robustness and reliability of end-to-end communication for V2V and IIoT are promoted by the proposed algorithms