8 research outputs found

    Exploiting a Computation Reuse Cache to Reduce Energy in Network Processors

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    Deterministic clock gating for low power VLSI design

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    The demand for power-sensitive design has grown significantly in recent years due to tremendous growth in portable applications. Consequently, the need for power efficient design techniques has grown considerably. Several efficient design techniques have been proposed to reduce both dynamic as well as static power in state-of-the-art VLSI circuit applications. With the scaling of technology and the need for higher performance and more functionality, power dissipation is becoming a major bottleneck for microprocessor designs. Clock power is significant in high-performance processors. Deterministic Clock Gating (DCG) technique effectively reduces the clock power. DCG is based on the key observation that for many of the pipelined stages of a modern processor, the circuit block usage in the near future is known a few cycles ahead of time. DCG exploits this advance knowledge to clock-gate the unused blocks. Because individual circuit usage varies within and across applications, not all the circuits are used all the time, giving rise to power reduction opportunity. By ANDing the clock with a gate-control signal, clock-gating essentially disables the clock to a circuit whenever the circuit is not used, avoiding power dissipation due to unnecessary charging and discharging of the unused circuits. Results show that DCG is very effective in reducing clock power. 25 – 33 % power consumption is reduced by using this method. As high-performance processor pipelines get deeper and power becomes a more critical factor, DCG’s effectiveness and simplicity will continue to be important


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    The complexity of many-core processors continues to grow as a larger number of heterogeneous cores are integrated on a single chip. Such systems-on-chip contains computing structures ranging from complex out-of-order cores, simple in-order cores, digital signal processors (DSPs), graphic processing units (GPUs), application specific processors, hardware accelerators, I/O subsystems, network-on-chip interconnects, and large caches arranged in complex hierarchies. While the industry focus is on putting higher number of cores on a single chip, the key challenge is to optimally architect these many-core processors such that performance, energy and area constraints are satisfied. The traditional approach to processor design through extensive cycle accurate simulations are ill-suited for designing many-core processors due to the large microarchitecture design space that must be explored. Additionally it is hard to optimize such complex processors and the applications that run on them statically at design time such that performance and energy constraints are met under dynamically changing operating conditions. The dissertation establishes statistical machine learning based modeling framework that enables the efficient design and operation of many-core processors that meets performance, energy and area constraints. We apply the proposed framework to rapidly design the microarchitecture of a many-core processor for multimedia, computer graphics rendering, finance, and data mining applications derived from the Parsec benchmark. We further demonstrate the application of the framework in the joint run-time adaptation of both the application and microarchitecture such that energy availability constraints are met

    Energy Efficient Hardware Accelerators for Packet Classification and String Matching

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    This thesis focuses on the design of new algorithms and energy efficient high throughput hardware accelerators that implement packet classification and fixed string matching. These computationally heavy and memory intensive tasks are used by networking equipment to inspect all packets at wire speed. The constant growth in Internet usage has made them increasingly difficult to implement at core network line speeds. Packet classification is used to sort packets into different flows by comparing their headers to a list of rules. A flow is used to decide a packet’s priority and the manner in which it is processed. Fixed string matching is used to inspect a packet’s payload to check if it contains any strings associated with known viruses, attacks or other harmful activities. The contributions of this thesis towards the area of packet classification are hardware accelerators that allow packet classification to be implemented at core network line speeds when classifying packets using rulesets containing tens of thousands of rules. The hardware accelerators use modified versions of the HyperCuts packet classification algorithm. An adaptive clocking unit is also presented that dynamically adjusts the clock speed of a packet classification hardware accelerator so that its processing capacity matches the processing needs of the network traffic. This keeps dynamic power consumption to a minimum. Contributions made towards the area of fixed string matching include a new algorithm that builds a state machine that is used to search for strings with the aid of default transition pointers. The use of default transition pointers keep memory consumption low, allowing state machines capable of searching for thousands of strings to be small enough to fit in the on-chip memory of devices such as FPGAs. A hardware accelerator is also presented that uses these state machines to search through the payloads of packets for strings at core network line speeds

    Low power network processor design using clock gating

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    Low Power Network Processor Design Using Clock Gating

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    Abstract — Network processors (NPs) have emerged as successful platforms to providing both high performance and flexibility in building powerful routers. Typical NPs incorporate multiprocessing and multithreading to achieve maximum parallel processing capabilities. We observed that under low incoming traffic rates, most processing elements (PEs) in NPs are nearly idle and yet still consume dynamic power. This paper develops a low power technique to reduce the activities of PEs according to the varying traffic volume. We propose to monitor the average number of idle threads in a time window, and gate off the clock network of unused PEs when a subset of PEs is enough to handle the network traffic. To accommodate different applications and network parameters (i.e. packet size, arrival rate), the thresholds of turning on/off PEs will be dynamically tuned on-the-fly. We show that our technique brings significant reduction in power consumption (up to 30%) of NPs with no packet loss and little impact to the overall throughput. I

    Low Power Network Processor Design Using Clock Gating

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    Network processors (NPs) have emerged as successful platforms to providing both high performance and flexibility in building powerful routers. Typical NPs incorporate multiprocessing and multi-threading to achieve maximum parallel processing capabilities. We observed that under low incoming traffic rates, most processing elements (PEs) in NPs are nearly idle and yet still consume dynamic power. This paper develops a low power technique to reduce the activities of PEs according to the varying traffic volume. We propose to monitor the average number of idle threads in a time window, and gate off the clock network of unused PEs when a subset of PEs is enough to handle the network traffic. We show that our technique brings significant reduction in power consumption (up to 30%) of NPs with no packet loss and little impact to the overall throughput