128 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient Design for Deep Sub-micron CMOS VLSIs

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    Over the past decade, low power, energy efficient VLSI design has been the focal point of active research and development. The rapid technology scaling, the growing integration capacity, and the mounting active and leakage power dissipation are contributing to the growing complexity of modern VLSI design. Careful power planning on all design levels is required. This dissertation tackles the low-power, low-energy challenges in deep sub-micron technologies on the architecture and circuit levels. Voltage scaling is one of the most efficient ways for reducing power and energy. For ultra-low voltage operation, a new circuit technique which allows bulk CMOS circuits to work in the sub-0. 5V supply territory is presented. The threshold voltage of the slow PMOS transistor is controlled dynamically to get a lower threshold voltage during the active mode. Due to the reduced threshold voltage, switching speed becomes faster while active leakage current is increased. A technique to dynamically manage active leakage current is presented. Energy reduction resulting from using the proposed structure is demonstrated through simulations of different circuits with different levels of complexity. As technology scales, the mounting leakage current and degraded noise immunity impact performance especially that of high performance dynamic circuits. Dual threshold technology shows a good potential for leakage reduction while meeting performance goals. A model for optimally selecting threshold voltages and transistor sizes in wide fan-in dynamic circuits is presented. On the circuit level, a novel circuit level technique which handles the trade-off between noise immunity and energy dissipation for wide fan-in dynamic circuits is presented. Energy efficiency of the proposed wide fan-in dynamic circuit is further enhanced through efficient low voltage operation. Another direct consequence of technology scaling is the growing impact of interconnect parasitics and process variations on performance. Traditionally, worst case process, parasitics, and environmental conditions are considered. Designing for worst case guarantees a fail-safe operation but requires a large delay and voltage margins. This large margin can be recovered if the design can adapt to the actual silicon conditions. Dynamic voltage scaling is considered a key enabler in reducing such margin. An on-chip process identifier to recover the margin required due to process variations is described. The proposed architecture adjusts supply voltage using a hybrid between the one-time voltage setting and the continuous monitoring modes of operation. The interconnect impact on delay is minimized through a novel adaptive voltage scaling architecture. The proposed system recovers the large delay and voltage margins required by conventional systems by closely tracking the actual critical path at anytime. By tracking the actual critical path, the proposed system is robust and more energy efficient compared to both the conventional open-loop and closed-loop systems

    High-Performance, Energy-Efficient CMOS Arithmetic Circuits

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    In a modern microprocessor, datapath/arithmetic circuits have always been an important building block in delivering high-performance, energy-efficient computing, because arithmetic operations such as addition and binary number comparison are two of the most commonly used computing instructions. Besides the manufacturing CMOS process, the two most critical design considerations for arithmetic circuits are the logic style and micro-architecture. In this thesis, a constant-delay (CD) logic style is proposed targeting full-custom high-speed applications. The constant delay characteristic of this logic style (regardless of the logic type) makes it suitable for implementing complicated logic expressions such as addition. CD logic exhibits a unique characteristic where the output is pre-evaluated before the inputs from the preceding stage are ready. This feature enables a performance advantage over static and dynamic domino logic styles in a single cycle, multi-stage circuit block. Several design considerations including timing window width adjustment and clock distribution are discussed. Using a 65-nm general-purpose CMOS technology, the proposed logic style demonstrates an average speedup of 94% and 56% over static and dynamic domino logic, respectively, in five different logic gates. Simulation results of 8-bit ripple carry adders conclude that CD logic is 39% and 23% faster than the static and dynamic-based adders, respectively. CD logic also demonstrates 39% speedup and 64% (22%) energy-delay product reduction from static logic at 100% (10%) data activity in 32-bit carry lookahead adders. To confirm CD logic's potential, a 148 ps, single-cycle 64-bit adder with CD logic implemented in the critical path is fabricated in a 65-nm, 1-V CMOS process. A new 64-bit Ling adder micro-architecture, which utilizes both inversion and absorption properties to minimize the number of CD logic and the number of logic stage in the critical path, is also proposed. At 1-V supply, this adder's measured worst-case power and leakage power are 135 mW and 0.22 mW, respectively. A single-cycle 64-bit binary comparator utilizing a radix-2 tree structure is also proposed. This comparator architecture is specifically designed for static logic to achieve both low-power and high-performance operation, especially in low input data activity environments. At 65-nm technology with 25% (10%) data activity, the proposed design demonstrates 2.3x (3.5x) and 3.7x (5.8x) power and energy-delay product efficiency, respectively. This comparator is also 2.7x faster at iso-energy (80 fJ) or 3.3x more energy-efficient at iso-delay (200 ps) than existing designs. An improved comparator, where CD logic is utilized in the critical path to achieve high performance without sacrificing the overall energy efficiency, is also realized in a 65-nm 1-V CMOS process. At 1-V supply, the proposed comparator's measured delay is 167 ps, and has an average power and a leakage power of 2.34 mW and 0.06 mW, respectively. At 0.3-pJ iso-energy or 250-ps iso-delay budget, the proposed comparator with CD logic is 20% faster or 17% more energy-efficient compared to a comparator implemented with just the static logic

    Republican Journal: Vol. 39, No. 40 - April 15,1869

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    On developing business architectures : a multi-framework evaluation of an early-stage enterprise

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    Thesis (S.M. in System Design and Management)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 193-196).Early-stage enterprises are characterized by leveraging limited resources during periods of accelerating industry growth and relatively high uncertainty. This thesis is an examination of an early-stage enterprise within the medical technology industry using multiple frameworks. In addition to the standard Lean Advancement Initiative (LAI) suite of tools, the enterprise will be evaluated using Nightingale and Rhodes' eight Enterprise Architecture (EA) views, Kaplan's Balanced Scorecard (BSC), McKinsey's 7S framework, and Grave's Spiral Dynamics. Moreover, this thesis includes a practical examination of the current state using the framework developed by Piepenbrock's doctoral thesis that introduced the notion of modular versus integral enterprise architectures. A transformation plan is proposed based on the firm's current state and preferred future state based on insights from the various self-assessments and prevailing corporate strategy. The transformation plan is also informed by the author's perceived receptivity, commitment and need for change of the organization. The case organization's current state is described in general terms to protect the company's identity since the material presented includes portions of their corporate strategy and source of competitive advantage. Recognizing that all competitive advantage is temporary, considerable care has been exercised to balance the relevance of the research with the privacy needs of the organization.by Mario Montoya, Jr..S.M.in System Design and Managemen

    INCIPIT: The search for a multidisciplinary language at the crossroads of Antiquity and Contemporaneity

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    [EN] SUMMARY OF THE THESIS The PhD thesis "INCIPIT: The search for a multidisciplinary language at the crossroads of Antiquity and Contemporaneity" focusses on the influence of the methodology of Historically Informed Performance practice on the creation of a Contemporary Music Theatre performance. The framework and creative basis for their connection is the Divina Commedia of Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). In music theatre it is not only about music as one of the scenic elements; musical thinking structures the entire theatrical process. It is a genre-between-genre, where various art disciplines interact. Historically Informed Performance practice is a characteristic musical approach of the Early Music movement. It includes study of historical documents and objects in order to obtain a more profound understanding of the music and a performance practice which is based upon this comprehension. In our thesis, Historically Informed Performance practice has been connected with Contemporary Music Theatre through a mise-en-scene of Dante's Commedia, principally based upon its sonorous non-musical and musical references. Also references of movement, gesture, colour and light were taken into account for the mise-en-scene, but always in relation to the sonorous references. In this way, the mise-en-scene is a sonorous journey through Dante's Afterworld as he might have imagined it, but also a contemporary visual and dramatical journey. This research has been done through artistic practice: the creation and performance of a contemporary music theatre work called Incipit. It is based upon thorough knowledge of the Commedia and, through its methodology of Historically Informed Performance Practice, it has mostly made used of 14th century musical sources. An audio file was created as a sonorous element for Incipit, based on previously existing sounds and recording of songs and texts.The performance was recorded in video format. The research question was: How do the work methods taken from Historically Informed Performance practice contribute to the creation of a contemporary music theatre performance in a mise-en-scene of the Divina Commedia? For this practice-based research not only historical-musical knowledge was necessary but also literary knowledge of Dante's Commedia and its underlying meanings. Theoretical knowledge thus was an important basis for the practice. However, the practice itself also provided information for the theory. For the composition of three-voice "simple polyphony" according to the rules for polyphonic improvisation around 1300, theoretical knowledge was essential, but their practice led to historical-musical insights of its performance and its rules for intervallic and rhythmic matters. The practice provided a new perspective on Dante's narrative from a sonorous point of view. Finally, the practice combined two disciplines, Early Music and Contemporary Music Theatre, which are not commonly combined, and it provides us new theoretical insights of creative processes and musical-theatrical languages.[ES] RESUMEN DE LA TESIS La tesis doctoral "INCIPIT: La búsqueda de un lenguaje multidisciplinario en el punto de encuentro entre la antigüedad y contemporaneidad" trata sobre la influencia de la metodología de la práctica de interpretación históricamente informada en la creación de una puesta en escena de Teatro Musical Contemporáneo. El marco y la base creativa para su combinación es la Divina Comedia de Dante Alighieri (1265 - 1321). El teatro musical no se centra solamente en la música como uno de los elementos escénicos; el pensamiento musical estructura todo el proceso teatral. Es un género-entre-géneros donde interactúan varias disciplinas artísticas. La interpretación históricamente informada es una manera de abordar la música que caracterizan los intérpretes especializados en la Música Antigua. Incluye el estudio de documentos y objetos históricos con el fin de llegar a una comprensión más profunda de la música antigua y una práctica interpretativa que se basa en este entendimiento. En esta tesis, se ha relacionado la interpretación históricamente informada con el teatro musical contemporáneo a través de una puesta en escena de la Comedia de Dante basada principalmente en sus referencias sonoras, tanto musicales como no musicales. Además se tomaron en cuenta las referencias de movimiento, gesto, color y luz para la puesta en escena pero siempre en relación con las referencias sonoras. De esta forma, la puesta en escena se ha convertido en un viaje sonoro a través del Más Allá de Dante como él mismo podría haberlo imaginado, pero también siendo un viaje visualmente y dramáticamente de carácter contemporáneo. Esta investigación se ha realizado a través de la práctica artística: la creación e interpretación de una obra de teatro musical contemporáneo llamada Incipit. Se basa en un conocimiento profundo de la Comedia y, a través de la metodología de la práctica interpretativa históricamente informada, se ha hecho principalmente uso de fuentes musicales del siglo XIV. Un archivo de audio fue creado como elemento sonoro para Incipit, compuesto de sonidos previamente existentes y la grabación de cantos y textos. La actuación fue grabada en formato de vídeo. La pregunta de investigación fue: ¿Cómo contribuyen los métodos de trabajo tomados de la práctica interpretativa históricamente informada a la creación de una actuación de teatro musical contemporáneo en una puesta en escena de la Divina Comedia? Para esta investigación basada en la práctica, no sólo fue necesario el conocimiento histórico-musical, sino también el conocimiento literario de la Comedia de Dante y sus significados subyacentes. Por lo tanto el conocimiento teórico ha constituido una base importante para la práctica. Sin embargo, la práctica en sí también proporciona información para la teoría. En cuanto a la composición de "polifonía sencilla" a tres voces, de acuerdo con las reglas para la improvisación polifónica de principios del siglo XIV, ha sido esencial recurrir a un gran conocimiento teórico, pero su práctica interpretativa dio lugar a ideas histórico-musicales de su interpretación y sus normas acerca de cuestiones de intervalos y ritmos musicales. La práctica proporciona, desde un punto de vista sonoro, una nueva perspectiva de la narrativa de Dante. Por último, la interpretación junta dos disciplinas que no han sido combinadas frecuentemente: la Música Antigua y el Teatro Musical Contemporáneo, proporcionándonos nuevos conocimientos teóricos de los procesos creativos y los lenguajes musical-teatrales.[CA] RESUM DE LA TESI La tesi doctoral "INCIPIT: La recerca d'un llenguatge multidisciplinari en el punt de trobada entre l'antiguitat i contemporaneïtat" tracta sobre la influència de la metodologia de la pràctica d'interpretació històricament informada en la creació d'una posada en escena de Teatre Musical Contemporani. El marc i la base creativa per la seua combinació és la Divina Comèdia de Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). El teatre musical no se centra només en la música com un dels elements escènics; el pensament musical estructura tot el procés teatral. És un gènere-entre-gèneres on interactuen diverses disciplines artístiques. La interpretació històricament informada és una manera d'abordar la música que caracteritzen els intèrprets especialitzats en la Música Antiga. Inclou l'estudi de documents i objectes històrics per tal d'arribar a una comprensió més profunda de la música antiga i una pràctica interpretativa que es basa en aquest endement. En aquesta tesi, s'ha relacionat la interpretació històricament informada amb el teatre musical contemporani a través d'una posada en escena de la Comèdia de Dante basada principalment en les seues referències sonores, tant musicals com no musicals. A més es van prendre en compte les referències de moviment, gest, color i llum per a la posada en escena però sempre en relació amb les referències sonores. D'aquesta manera, la posada en escena s'ha convertit en un viatge sonor a través del Més Enllà de Dante com ell mateix podria haver-ho imaginat, però també sent un viatge visualment i dramàticament de caràcter contemporani. Aquesta investigació s'ha realitzat a través de la pràctica artística: la creació i interpretació d'una obra de teatre musical contemporani anomenada Incipit. Es basa en un coneixement profund de la Comèdia i, a través de la metodologia de la pràctica interpretativa històricament informada, s'ha fet principalment ús de fonts musicals del segle XIV. Un arxiu d'àudio va ser creat com a element sonor per a Incipit, compost de sons prèviament existents i de la gravació de cants i textos. L'actuació va ser gravada en format de vídeo. La pregunta d'investigació va ser: Com contribueixen els mètodes de treball presos de la pràctica interpretativa històricament informada a la creació d'una actuació de teatre musical contemporani en una posada en escena de la Divina Comèdia? Per a aquesta investigació basada en la pràctica, no només va ser necessari el coneixement històric-musical, sinó també el coneixement literari de la Comèdia de Dante i els seus significats subjacents. Per tant el coneixement teòric ha constituït una base important per a la pràctica. No obstant això, la pràctica en si també proporciona informació per a la teoria. Pel que fa a la composició de "polifonia senzilla" a tres veus, d'acord amb les regles per a la improvisació polifònica de principis del segle XIV, ha sigut essencial recórrer a un gran coneixement teòric, però la seua pràctica interpretativa va donar lloc a idees historicomusicals de la seua interpretació i les seues normes sobre qüestions d'intervals i ritmes musicals. La pràctica proporciona, des d'un punt de vista sonor, una nova perspectiva de la narrativa de Dante. Finalment, la interpretació junta dues disciplines que no han estat combinades freqüentment: la Música Antiga i el Teatre Musical Contemporani, proporcionant-nos nous coneixements teòrics dels processos creatius i els llenguatges musical-teatrals.Sprenkeling, L. (2016). INCIPIT: The search for a multidisciplinary language at the crossroads of Antiquity and Contemporaneity [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62682TESI

    The Republican Journal; Vol. 94. No. 4 - January 26,1922

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    On the Anarchy of Poetry and Philosophy

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    This book takes seriously the transformation of art into philosophy, focusing upon the systematic interest that so many European philosophers take in modernism. Among the philosophers Gerald Bruns discusses are Theodor W. Adorno, Maurice Blanchot, Arthur Danto, Stanley Cavell, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Jacques Derrida, Jean-François Lyotard, Jean-Luc Nancy, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, and Emmanuel Levinas. As Bruns demonstrates, the difficulty of much modern and contemporary poetry can be summarized in the idea that a poem is made of words, not of any of the things that we use words to produce: meanings, concepts, propositions, narratives, or expressions of feeling. Many modernist poets have argued that in poetry language is no longer a form of mediation but a reality to be explored and experienced in its own right
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