5 research outputs found

    Efficient Ultra High Voltage Controller Based Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converter For Radio Frequency Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Switch Actuation

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    Achieving wireless connectivity in ever smaller, lower power portable devices with increasing number of features and better radio-frequency (RF) performance is becoming difficult to fulfill through existing RF front-end technology. RF micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) switch technology, which has significantly better RF characteristics than conventional technology and has near-zero power consumption, is one of the emerging solutions for next generation RF front-ends. However, to achieve satisfactory RF MEMS device performance, it is often necessary to have an actuating circuitry to generate high direct current (DC) voltages for device actuation with low power consumption. In this study, the authors present an RF MEMS switch controller based on a switched-capacitor (SC) DC-DC converter in a 0.35 ÎŒm CMOS technology. In this design, novel design techniques for a higher output voltage and lower power consumption in a smaller die area are proposed. The authors demonstrate the design of the high-voltage (HV) SC DC-DC converter by using low-voltage transistors and address reliability issues in the design. Through the proposed design techniques, the SC DC-DC converter achieves more than 25% higher boosted voltage compared to converters that use HV transistors. The proposed design provides 40% power reduction through the charge recycling circuit. Moreover, the SC DC-DC converter achieves 45% smaller than the area of the conventional converter

    RF-MEMS Switch Module in a 0.25 ”m SiGe:C BiCMOS Process

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    Drahtlose Kommunikationstechnologien im Frequenzbereich bis 6 GHz wurden in der Vergangenheit in Bezug auf Leistungsfaehigkeit und Frequenzbereich kontinuierlich verbessert. Aufgrund der Skalierung nach dem Mooreschen Gesetz koennen heutzutage mm-Wellen Schaltkreise in CMOS-Technologien hergestellt werden. Durch die Einfuehrung von SiGe zur Realisierung einer leistungsfaehigen BiCMOS-Technologie wurde ebenfalls eine Verbesserung der Frequenzeigenschaften und Ausgangsleistungen erreicht, wodurch aktive CMOS- oder BiCMOS-Bauelemente vergleichbare Leistungsparameter zu III-V Technologien bei geringeren Kosten bereitstellen koennen. Bedingt durch das niederohmige Silizium-Substrat der BiCMOS-Technologie weisen vor allem passive Komponenten hoehere Verluste auf und weder III-V- noch BiCMOS-Technologien bieten hochlineare Schaltkomponenten mit geringen Verlusten und geringen Leistungsaufnahmen im mm-Wellen Bereich. RF-MEMS Schalter sind bekannt fuer ihre ausgezeichneten HF-Eigenschaften. Die Leistungsaufnahme von elektrostatisch angetriebenen RF-MEMS Schaltern ist vernachlaessigbar und es koennen im Vergleich zu halbleiter-basierten Schaltern hoehere Leistungen verarbeitet werden. Nichtsdestotrotz wurden RF-MEMS Schalter hauptsaechlich als eigenstaendige Komponenten entwickelt. Zur Systemintegration wird meist ein System-in-Package (SiP) Ansatz angewandt, der fuer niedrige Frequenzen geeignet ist, aber bei mm-Wellenanwendungen durch parasitaere Verluste an seine Grenzen stoesst. In dieser Arbeit wird ein in eine BiCMOS-Technologie integrierter RF-MEMS Schalter fuer mm-Wellen Anwendungen gezeigt. Das Design, die Integration und die experimentellen Ergebnisse sowie verschiedene Packaging-Konzepte werden beschrieben Zur Bereitstellung der hohen Auslenkungs-Spannungen wurde eine Ladungspumpe auf dem Chip integriert. Zum Schluss werden verschiedene, rekonfigurierbare mm-Wellen Schaltkreise zur Demonstration der Leistungsfaehigkeit des Schalters gezeigt.Wireless communication technologies have continuously advanced for both performance and frequency aspects, mainly for the frequencies up to 6 GHz. The results of Moore’s law now also give the opportunity to design mm-wave circuits using advanced CMOS technologies. The introduction of SiGe into CMOS, providing high performance BiCMOS, has also enhanced both the frequency and the power performance figures. The current situation is that the active devices of both CMOS and BiCMOS technologies can provide performance figures competitive with III-V technologies while having still the advantage of low cost. However, similar competition cannot be pronounced for the passive components considering the low-resistive substrates of BiCMOS technologies. Moreover, both III-V and BiCMOS technologies have the lack of low-loss and low-power consumption, as well as highly linear switching and tuning components at mm-wave frequencies. RF-MEMS switch technologies have been well-known with excellent RF- performance figures. The power consumption of electrostatic RF-MEMS switches is negligible and they can handle higher power levels compared to their semiconductor counterparts. However, RF-MEMS switches have been mostly demonstrated as standalone processes and have started to be used as commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) devices recently. The full system integration is typically done by a System-in-Package (SiP) approach. Although SiP is suitable for lower frequencies, the packaging parasitics limit the use of this approach for the mm-wave frequencies. In this thesis, a fully BiCMOS embedded RF-MEMS switch for mm-wave applications is proposed. The design, the implementation and the experimental results of the switch are provided. The developed RF-MEMS switch is packaged using different packaging approaches. To actuate the RF-MEMS switch, an on-chip high voltage generation circuit is designed and characterized. The robustness and the reliability performance of the switch are also presented. Finally, the developed RF-MEMS switch is successfully demonstrated in re-configurable mm-wave circuits

    MEMS piezoelectric vibrational energy harvesters and circuits for IoT applications

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    In the Internet of Things (IoT) world, more and more sensor nodes are being deployed and more mobile power sources are required. Alternative solutions to batteries are the subjects of worldwide extended research. Among the possibilities is the harvesting of energy from the ambient. A novel energy harvesting system to power wireless sensor nodes is a necessity and inevitable path, with more and more market interest. Microelectromechnaical systems (MEMS) based piezoelectric vibrational energy harvesters (PVEH) are considered in this thesis due to their good energy densities, conversion efficiency, suitability for miniaturization and CMOS integration. Cantilever beams are favored for their relatively high average strains, low frequencies and simplicity of fabrication. Proof masses are essential in micro scale devices in order to decrease the resonance frequency and increase the strain along the beam to increase the output power. In this thesis, the effects of proof mass geometry on piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters are studied. Different geometrical dimension ratios have significant impact on the resonance frequency, e.g., beam to mass lengths, and beam to mass widths. The responses of various prototypes are studied. Furthermore, the impact of geometry on the performance of cantilever-based PVEH is investigated. Namely, rectangular and trapezoidal T-shaped designs are fabricated and tested. Optimized cross-shaped geometries are fabricated using a commercial technology PiezoMUMPs process from MEMSCAP. They are characterized for their resonant frequency, strain distribution and output power. The output of an energy harvester is not directly suited as a power supply for circuits because of variations in its power and voltage over time, therefore a power management circuit is required. The circuit meets the requirements of responding to an input voltage that varies with the ambient conditions to generate a regulated output voltage, and the ability to power multiple outputs from a fixed input voltage. In this thesis, new design architectures for a reconfigurable circuit are considered. A charge pump which modifies dynamically the number of stages to generate a plurality of voltage levels has been designed and fabricated using a CMOS 0.13 ÎŒm technology. This provides biasing voltages for electrostatic MEMS devices. Electrostatic MEMS require relatively high and variable actuation voltages and the fabricated circuit serves this goal and attains a measured maximum output voltage of 10.1 V from a 1.2 V supply. In this thesis, design recommendations are given and MEMS piezoelectric harvesters are implemented and validated through fabrications. T-shaped harvesters bring improvements over cantilever designs, namely the trapezoidal T-shaped structures. A cross-shaped design has the advantage of utilizing four beams and the proposed proof mass improves the performance significantly. A cross-coupled circuit rectifies the output efficiently towards an optimal energy harvesting solution

    Impedance matching and DC-DC converter designs for tunable radio frequency based mobile telecommunication systems

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    Tunability and adaptability for radio frequency (RF) front-ends are highly desirable because they not only enhance functionality and performance but also reduce the circuit size and cost. This thesis presents a number of novel design strategies in DC-DC converters, impedance networks and adaptive algorithms for tunable and adaptable RF based mobile telecommunication systems. Specifically, the studies are divided into three major directions: (a) high voltage switch controller based DC-DC converters for RF switch actuation; (b) impedance network designs for impedance transformation of RF switches; and (c) adaptive algorithms for determining the required impedance states at the RF switches. In the first stage, two-phase step-up switched-capacitor (SC) DC-DC converters are explored. The SC converter has a simple control method and a reduced physical volume. The research investigations started with the linear and the non-linear voltage gain topologies. The non-linear voltage gain topology provides a higher voltage gain in a smaller number of stages compared to the linear voltage gain topology. Amongst the non-linear voltage gain topologies, a Fibonacci SC converter has been identified as having lower losses and a higher conversion ratio compared to other topologies. However, the implementation of a high voltage (HV) gain Fibonacci SC converter is complex due to the requirement of widely different gate voltages for the transistors in the Fibonacci converter. Gate driving strategies have been proposed that only require a few auxiliary transistors in order to provide the required boosted voltages for switching the transistors on and off. This technique reduces the design complexity and increases the reliability of the HV Fibonacci SC converter. For the linear voltage gain topology, a high performance complementary-metaloxide- semiconductor (CMOS) based SC DC-DC converter has been proposed in this work. The HV SC DC-DC converter has been designed in low voltage (LV) transistors technology in order to achieve higher voltage gain. Adaptive biasing circuits have been proposed to eliminate the leakage current, hence avoiding latch-up which normally occurs with low voltage transistors when they are used in a high voltage design. Thus, the SC DC-DC converter achieves more than 25% higher boosted voltage compared to converters that use HV transistors. The proposed design provides a 40% power reduction through the charge recycling circuit that reduces the effect of non-ideality in integrated HV capacitors. Moreover, the SC DC-DC converter achieves a 45% smaller area than the conventional converter through optimising the design parameters. In the second stage, the impedance network designs for transforming the impedance of RF switches to the maximum achievable impedance tuning region are investigated. The maximum achievable tuning region is bounded by the fundamental properties of the selected impedance network topology and by the tunable values of the RF switches that are variable over a limited range. A novel design technique has been proposed in order to achieve the maximum impedance tuning region, through identifying the optimum electrical distance between the RF switches at the impedance network. By varying the electrical distance between the RF switches, high impedance tuning regions are achieved across multi frequency standards. This technique reduces the cost and the insertion loss of an impedance network as the required number of RF switches is reduced. The prototype demonstrates high impedance coverages at LTE (700MHz), GSM (900MHz) and GPS (1575MHz). Integration of a tunable impedance network with an antenna for frequency-agility at the RF front-end has also been discussed in this work. The integrated system enlarges the bandwidth of a patch antenna by four times the original bandwidth and also improves the antenna return loss. The prototype achieves frequency-agility from 700MHz to 3GHz. This work demonstrates that a single transceiver with multi frequency standards can be realised by using a tunable impedance network. In the final stage, improvement to an adaptive algorithm for determining the impedance states at the RF switches has been proposed. The work has resulted in one more novel design techniques which reduce the search time in the algorithm, thus minimising the risk of data loss during the impedance tuning process. The approach reduces the search time by more than an order of magnitude by exploiting the relationships among the mass spring’s coefficient values derived from the impedance network parameters, thereby significantly reducing the convergence time of the algorithm. The algorithm with the proposed technique converges in less than half of the computational time compared to the conventional approach, hence significantly improving the search time of the algorithm. The design strategies proposed in this work contribute towards the realisation of tunable and adaptable RF based mobile telecommunication systems