3,062 research outputs found

    Low Rank Directed Acyclic Graphs and Causal Structure Learning

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    Despite several important advances in recent years, learning causal structures represented by directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) remains a challenging task in high dimensional settings when the graphs to be learned are not sparse. In particular, the recent formulation of structure learning as a continuous optimization problem proved to have considerable advantages over the traditional combinatorial formulation, but the performance of the resulting algorithms is still wanting when the target graph is relatively large and dense. In this paper we propose a novel approach to mitigate this problem, by exploiting a low rank assumption regarding the (weighted) adjacency matrix of a DAG causal model. We establish several useful results relating interpretable graphical conditions to the low rank assumption, and show how to adapt existing methods for causal structure learning to take advantage of this assumption. We also provide empirical evidence for the utility of our low rank algorithms, especially on graphs that are not sparse. Not only do they outperform state-of-the-art algorithms when the low rank condition is satisfied, the performance on randomly generated scale-free graphs is also very competitive even though the true ranks may not be as low as is assumed

    Robust causal structure learning with some hidden variables

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    We introduce a new method to estimate the Markov equivalence class of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) in the presence of hidden variables, in settings where the underlying DAG among the observed variables is sparse, and there are a few hidden variables that have a direct effect on many of the observed ones. Building on the so-called low rank plus sparse framework, we suggest a two-stage approach which first removes the effect of the hidden variables, and then estimates the Markov equivalence class of the underlying DAG under the assumption that there are no remaining hidden variables. This approach is consistent in certain high-dimensional regimes and performs favourably when compared to the state of the art, both in terms of graphical structure recovery and total causal effect estimation

    Estimating the effect of joint interventions from observational data in sparse high-dimensional settings

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    We consider the estimation of joint causal effects from observational data. In particular, we propose new methods to estimate the effect of multiple simultaneous interventions (e.g., multiple gene knockouts), under the assumption that the observational data come from an unknown linear structural equation model with independent errors. We derive asymptotic variances of our estimators when the underlying causal structure is partly known, as well as high-dimensional consistency when the causal structure is fully unknown and the joint distribution is multivariate Gaussian. We also propose a generalization of our methodology to the class of nonparanormal distributions. We evaluate the estimators in simulation studies and also illustrate them on data from the DREAM4 challenge.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figures, 45 pages supplemen

    Learning Topic Models and Latent Bayesian Networks Under Expansion Constraints

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    Unsupervised estimation of latent variable models is a fundamental problem central to numerous applications of machine learning and statistics. This work presents a principled approach for estimating broad classes of such models, including probabilistic topic models and latent linear Bayesian networks, using only second-order observed moments. The sufficient conditions for identifiability of these models are primarily based on weak expansion constraints on the topic-word matrix, for topic models, and on the directed acyclic graph, for Bayesian networks. Because no assumptions are made on the distribution among the latent variables, the approach can handle arbitrary correlations among the topics or latent factors. In addition, a tractable learning method via â„“1\ell_1 optimization is proposed and studied in numerical experiments.Comment: 38 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, applications in topic models and Bayesian networks are studied. Simulation section is adde

    Ancestral Causal Inference

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    Constraint-based causal discovery from limited data is a notoriously difficult challenge due to the many borderline independence test decisions. Several approaches to improve the reliability of the predictions by exploiting redundancy in the independence information have been proposed recently. Though promising, existing approaches can still be greatly improved in terms of accuracy and scalability. We present a novel method that reduces the combinatorial explosion of the search space by using a more coarse-grained representation of causal information, drastically reducing computation time. Additionally, we propose a method to score causal predictions based on their confidence. Crucially, our implementation also allows one to easily combine observational and interventional data and to incorporate various types of available background knowledge. We prove soundness and asymptotic consistency of our method and demonstrate that it can outperform the state-of-the-art on synthetic data, achieving a speedup of several orders of magnitude. We illustrate its practical feasibility by applying it on a challenging protein data set.Comment: In Proceedings of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29 (NIPS 2016

    Causal Discovery with Continuous Additive Noise Models

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    We consider the problem of learning causal directed acyclic graphs from an observational joint distribution. One can use these graphs to predict the outcome of interventional experiments, from which data are often not available. We show that if the observational distribution follows a structural equation model with an additive noise structure, the directed acyclic graph becomes identifiable from the distribution under mild conditions. This constitutes an interesting alternative to traditional methods that assume faithfulness and identify only the Markov equivalence class of the graph, thus leaving some edges undirected. We provide practical algorithms for finitely many samples, RESIT (Regression with Subsequent Independence Test) and two methods based on an independence score. We prove that RESIT is correct in the population setting and provide an empirical evaluation

    Consistent Second-Order Conic Integer Programming for Learning Bayesian Networks

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    Bayesian Networks (BNs) represent conditional probability relations among a set of random variables (nodes) in the form of a directed acyclic graph (DAG), and have found diverse applications in knowledge discovery. We study the problem of learning the sparse DAG structure of a BN from continuous observational data. The central problem can be modeled as a mixed-integer program with an objective function composed of a convex quadratic loss function and a regularization penalty subject to linear constraints. The optimal solution to this mathematical program is known to have desirable statistical properties under certain conditions. However, the state-of-the-art optimization solvers are not able to obtain provably optimal solutions to the existing mathematical formulations for medium-size problems within reasonable computational times. To address this difficulty, we tackle the problem from both computational and statistical perspectives. On the one hand, we propose a concrete early stopping criterion to terminate the branch-and-bound process in order to obtain a near-optimal solution to the mixed-integer program, and establish the consistency of this approximate solution. On the other hand, we improve the existing formulations by replacing the linear "big-MM" constraints that represent the relationship between the continuous and binary indicator variables with second-order conic constraints. Our numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches

    Application of new probabilistic graphical models in the genetic regulatory networks studies

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    This paper introduces two new probabilistic graphical models for reconstruction of genetic regulatory networks using DNA microarray data. One is an Independence Graph (IG) model with either a forward or a backward search algorithm and the other one is a Gaussian Network (GN) model with a novel greedy search method. The performances of both models were evaluated on four MAPK pathways in yeast and three simulated data sets. Generally, an IG model provides a sparse graph but a GN model produces a dense graph where more information about gene-gene interactions is preserved. Additionally, we found two key limitations in the prediction of genetic regulatory networks using DNA microarray data, the first is the sufficiency of sample size and the second is the complexity of network structures may not be captured without additional data at the protein level. Those limitations are present in all prediction methods which used only DNA microarray data.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figure
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