6 research outputs found

    Generalized Numerical Entanglement For Reliable Linear, Sesquilinear And Bijective Operations On Integer Data Streams

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    We propose a new technique for the mitigation of fail-stop failures and/or silent data corruptions (SDCs) within linear, sesquilinear or bijective (LSB) operations on M integer data streams (M ⩾ 3). In the proposed approach, the M input streams are linearly superimposed to form M numerically entangled integer data streams that are stored in-place of the original inputs, i.e., no additional (aka. “checksum”) streams are used. An arbitrary number of LSB operations can then be performed in M processing cores using these entangled data streams. The output results can be extracted from any (M-K) entangled output streams by additions and arithmetic shifts, thereby mitigating K fail-stop failures (K ≤ ⌊(M-1)/2 ⌋ ), or detecting up to K SDCs per M-tuple of outputs at corresponding in-stream locations. Therefore, unlike other methods, the number of operations required for the entanglement, extraction and recovery of the results is linearly related to the number of the inputs and does not depend on the complexity of the performed LSB operations. Our proposal is validated within an Amazon EC2 instance (Haswell architecture with AVX2 support) via integer matrix product operations. Our analysis and experiments for failstop failure mitigation and SDC detection reveal that the proposed approach incurs 0.75% to 37.23% reduction in processing throughput in comparison to the equivalent errorintolerant processing. This overhead is found to be up to two orders of magnitude smaller than that of the equivalent checksum-based method, with increased gains offered as the complexity of the performed LSB operations is increasing. Therefore, our proposal can be used in distributed systems, unreliable multicore clusters and safety-critical applications, where robustness against failures and SDCs is a necessity

    Low Complexity Concurrent Error Detection for Complex Multiplication

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    This paper studies the problem of designing a low complexity Concurrent Error Detection (CED) circuit for the complex multiplication function commonly used in Digital Signal Processing circuits. Five novel CED architectures are proposed and their computational complexity, area, and delay evaluated in several circuit implementations. The most efficient architecture proposed reduces the number of gates required by up to 30 percent when compared with a conventional CED architecture based on Dual Modular Redundancy. Compared to a Residue Code CED scheme, the area of the proposed architectures is larger. However, for some of the proposed CEDs delay is significantly lower with reductions exceeding 30 percent in some configurations.</p

    Low Complexity Concurrent Error Detection for Complex Multiplication

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    Low Complexity Concurrent Error Detection for Complex Multiplication

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    This paper studies the problem of designing a low complexity Concurrent Error Detection (CED) circuit for the complex multiplication function commonly used in Digital Signal Processing circuits. Five novel CED architectures are proposed and their computational complexity, area, and delay evaluated in several circuit implementations. The most efficient architecture proposed reduces the number of gates required by up to 30 percent when compared with a conventional CED architecture based on Dual Modular Redundancy. Compared to a Residue Code CED scheme, the area of the proposed architectures is larger. However, for some of the proposed CEDs delay is significantly lower with reductions exceeding 30 percent in some configurations.Spanish Ministry of Science and EducationCOST ICT Action 110

    Low complexity concurrent error detection for complex multiplication

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    Design of Intellectual Property-Based Hardware Blocks Integrable with Embedded RISC Processors

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    The main focus of this thesis is to research methods, architecture, and implementation of hardware acceleration for a Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) platform. The target platform is a single-core general-purpose embedded processor (the COFFEE core) which was developed by our group at Tampere University of Technology. The COFFEE core alone cannot meet the requirements of the modern applications due to the lack of several components of which the Memory Management Unit (MMU) is one of the prominent ones. Since the MMU is one of the main requirements of today’s processors, COFFEE with no MMU was not able to run an operating system. In the design of the MMU, we employed two additional micro-Translation-Lookaside Buffers (TLBs) to speed up the translation process, as well as minimizing congestions of the data/instruction address translations with a unified TLB. The MMU is tightly-coupled with the COFFEE RISC core through the Peripheral Control Block (PCB) interface of the core. The hardware implementation, alongside some optimization techniques and post synthesis results are presented, as well.Another intention of this work is to prepare a reconfigurable platform to send and receive data packets of the next generation wireless communications. Hence, we will further discuss a recently emerged wireless modulation technique known as Non-Contiguous Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (NC-OFDM), a promising technique to alleviate spectrum scarcity problem. However, one of the primary concerns in such systems is the synchronization. To that end, we developed a reconfigurable hardware component to perform as a synchronizer. The developed module exploits Partial Reconfiguration (PR) feature in order to reconfigure itself. Eventually, we will come up with several architectural choices for systems with different limiting factors such as power consumption, operating frequency, and silicon area. The synchronizer can be loosely-coupled via one of the available co-processor slots of the target processor, the COFFEE RISC core.In addition, we are willing to improve the versatility of the COFFEE core even in industrial use cases. Hence, we developed a reconfigurable hardware component capable of operating in the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol. In the first step of this implementation, we mainly concentrate on receiving, decoding, and extracting the data segment of a CAN-based packet. Moreover, this hardware block can reconfigure itself on-the-fly to operate on different data frames. More details regarding hardware implementation issues, as well as post synthesis results are also presented. The CAN module is loosely-coupled with the COFFEE RISC processor through one of the available co-processor block