54 research outputs found

    Forest Nursery Notes

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    Contents: Nursery Meetings Maintaining Stock Quality After Harvesting by Thomas D. Landis and Diane Haase Root Culturing in Bareroot Nurseries by Thomas D. Landis Mechanical Root Pruning in Container Nurseries by Thomas D. Landis and Don Willis Hot-planting Opens New Outplanting Windows at High Elevations and Latitudes by Thomas D. Landis and Douglass F. Jacobs Horticultural Humor New Nursery Literature: NEW PROCEDURE—ELECTRONIC COPIES ONLY Bareroot Production Container Production Business Management Diverse Species Fertilization and Nutrition General and Miscellaneous Nursery Structures And Equipment Genetics and Tree Improvement Mycorrhizae and Beneficial Microorganisms Outplanting Performance Pest Management Pesticides Seedling Physiology And Morphology Seeds Soil Management and Growing Media Tropical Forestry and Agroforestry Vegetative Propagation and Tissue Culture Water Management and Irrigation Weed Control Literature Order and Mailing List Update Form Winter 200

    Conditioning white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) transplants for overwinter storage by root pruning and wrenching

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    Problems associated with the establishment and early growth of outplanted white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) led to research on conditioning white spruce transplants for overwinter frozen storage by root pruning and wrenching. The objectives of the research were: 1) to use root pruning and wrenching treatments in conjunction with potassium fertilizer treatments during the final year in the nursery to modify the morphology and physiology of white spruce transplants, 2) to monitor the effects of the treatments on the shoot and root growth response of the stock during overwinter frozen storage, and 3) to monitor the performance of both overwinter frozen stored and spring lifted stock, which had been subjected to root pruning and wrenching treatments, after outplanting. In 1984, 2+1 white spmce transplants were root pruned in three phenological stages: 1) pre-flush, 2) mid-flush and 3) post-flush, followed by root wrenching at 28-day intervals. Additional potassium fertilizer was applied at three levels (0 kg/ha, 100 kg/ha and 200 kg/ha). In 1985, 2+1 white spruce transplants were root pmned early in the season followed by 1) wrenching at 21-day intervals or 2) wrenching periodically to coincide with periods of peak root growth. Additional potassium fertilizer was applied at two levels (0 kg/ha and 75 kg/ha). In both years, 25 transplants per variate were monitored throughout the season for height and root collar diameter growth. At the end of the season, these samples were assessed for morphological quality. Bud samples were collected to assess the effects of wrenching on primordia development. Samples of the stock were fall lifted and placed into overwinter frozen storage at -2°C. Batches of stock were removed from the freezer at one month intervals during the winter and assessed for time to bud break and root growth potential after 21-days in the growth chamber. Fall lifted and overwinter stored stock was outplanted simultaneously with spring lifted stock from the same experiments. The outplanted stock was assessed for root growth potential after 21 days, survival and growth after the first and second year for the 1984 root conditioning trial and the first year for the 1985 trial. Plant moisture stress was monitored for the first three weeks after outplanting. Root conditioning modified the morphology of the stock in both years by reducing height and root collar diameter and inducing the development of a more compact fibrous root system. Early season root pruning followed by wrenching at regular intervals throughout the growing season was most effective in modifying the morphology of the stock. Root growth patterns during overwinter frozen storage were different in the two years, with a mid-season peak occurring the first year and a gradual decline occurring through the winter in the second year. Shoot growth response was similar in both years. Survival was excellent but growth was poor for the 1985 outplant. Survival and growth were excellent for the 1986 outplant. Differences between the two years can be attributed to differences in climate and handling practices rather than the treatments. The results indicate that root conditioning does not confer any significant advantage to stock outplanted in wet years and that additional potassium fertilizer does not increase survival through storage or after outplanting

    Istutusmaterjali ja maapinna ettevalmistamise mõju metsa uuendamisele

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    A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in ForestryThe objective of the Doctoral thesis was to study and evaluate the quality of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) planting stock grown with different technologies, determine their biometric indices and conformity with set quality standards, assess the survival and height growth formation of Scots pine and Norway spruce plantations established with different types of planting stock, and analyse the natural regeneration of coniferous and deciduous trees depending on soil scarification. Novel aspects of the thesis include the first detailed survey of the growth of container plants produced with modern technology in Estonia, long-term monitoring of post-planting growth of different planting stock in multiple sample plots, and identification of different parts of the microsites formed as a result of soil scarification. The analysed planting stock originated from nurseries of the State Forest Management Centre, post-planting growth in experimental plantations was analysed with repeated measurements up to the age of eight years and the emergence of natural regeneration was determined in commercial forests. The duration of different research stages was 12 years. The comparison of planting stock revealed that bare-root Norway spruce plants had significantly larger dimensions (height, root collar diameter, above- and below-ground biomasses) than container plants. Bare-root Scots pine plants had greater root collar diameter and above-ground biomass than container plants but slightly lower height and similar below-ground biomass. The survival and post-planting growth of Scots pine in forest stands did not depend on the initial height or stock type. Post-planting growth of Norway spruce was positively correlated with initial height. Initial height and stock type had no direct influence on the survival of Norway spruce trees in a forest. The height increment of Scots pine container plants was significantly greater during the first 2-3 years after planting, however this difference levelled out at older age and due to greater initial height of bare-root plants there was no difference in average height of the two stock types during eight growing seasons. The growth of Norway spruce container plants remained somewhat lower during the study period although the absolute height difference was small. Soil scarification had a positive effect on the emergence of both pine and spruce natural regeneration, whereas no effect on the abundance of deciduous trees was observed. To conclude, successful reforestation can be achieved with modern coniferous planting stock produced in Estonia with no major differences between the stock types, which gives an advantage to more easily produced and handled container plants. Soil scarification and favourable site conditions combined contribute to successful natural regeneration of conifers in suitable site types.Doktoritöö eesmärk oli uurida ja hinnata erinevate tehnoloogiatega kasvatatud hariliku männi (Pinus sylvestris L.) ja hariliku kuuse (Picea abies L.) istutusmaterjali kvaliteeti, määrata nende biomeetrilised näitajad ja vastavus kehtestatud standarditele, hinnata eritüübilise istutusmaterjaliga rajatud okaspuukultuuride säilivust ja kõrguskasvu formeerumist ning analüüsida okaspuu ja lehtpuu looduslikku uuendust sõltuvalt maapinna ettevalmistamisest. Töö uudseteks aspektideks on kaasaegse tehnoloogiaga toodetud potitaimede kasvu esmakordne põhjalik analüüs Eestis, erineva juurestikutüübiga taimede istutusjärgse kasvu pikaajaline ja paljusid proovialasid hõlmav monitooring ning maapinna ettevalmistamise mõju analüüsil ka moodustunud mikroreljeefi osade eristamine. Töös analüüsitud istutusmaterjal pärines RMK taimlatest, puistute analüüs toimus katsekultuuride korduvmõõdistamisel kaheksa aasta vanuseni ning loodusliku uuenduse kvaliteet määrati tootmiskultuurides. Erinevate uurimisetappide kestus oli 12 aastat. Istutusmaterjali analüüs näitas, et hariliku kuuse paljasjuurelised taimed ületavad mitmete kasvuparameetrite (kõrgus, juurekaela diameeter, maapealne ja maa-alune biomass) poolest konteinertaimi. Paljasjuurelised männitaimed olid küll jämedamad ja suurema maapealse biomassiga kui potitaimed kuid samas veidi madalamad ja juurte biomassis erinevusi ei leitud. Hariliku männi säilivus ja istutusjärgne kõrguskasv metsakultuuris ei sõltunud algkõrgusest ega juurestiku tüübist. Hariliku kuuse istutusjärgne kasv metsakultuurides oli positiivses korrelatsioonis algkõrgusega. Algkõrgus ja juurestiku tüüp ei mõjutanud kuuse säilivust. Männi aastased kõrguskasvud osutusid esimese 2-3 istutusjärgse aasta jooksul küll suuremaks konteinertaimedel, kuid järgnevatel aastatel see vahe kadus ja paljasjuureliste taimede suurema algkõrguse tõttu oli esimese kaheksa aasta keskmine kõrgus männi paljasjuurelistel ja potitaimedel sarnane. Kuuse potitaimede kasv oli kogu perioodi jooksul mõnevõrra aeglasem kui paljasjuurelistel kuid absoluutarvudes oli erinevus väike. Maapinna mineraliseerimine avaldas positiivset mõju nii männi kui kuuse loodusliku uuenduse tekkele, lehtpuu arvukus ei erinenud oluliselt mineraliseeritud ja mineraliseerimata alade vahel. Uurimuse kohaselt on Eestis kaasaegsete meetoditega toodetud ja normatiividele vastava okaspuu istustmaterjaliga võimalik saavutada edukas metsa uuendamine, sõltumata juurestiku tüübist, mis annab eelise lihtsamini toodetavale ja käsitletavale potitaimele. Maapinna ettevalmistamise ja soodsate kasvukohatingimuste koosmõjul õnnestub ka okaspuu looduslik uuendus sobilikes kasvukohatüüpides.Publication of this dissertation is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences

    Doğu kayını (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) fidanlarında kök kesimi, gübreleme ve seyreltmenin fidan gelişimi ve kalitesi üzerine etkileri

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    In this study, the effects of root undercutting, fertilization and thinning applications on the morphological characteristics of oriental beech seedlings grown in Karadağ Forest Nursery were investigated. In 2+0 years old seedlings, the effects of treatments including by making root undercutting and thinning (A) and by giving 50 g of ammonium nitrate fertilizer per m2 addition to thinning (B) in July were examined. Moreover, quality classes of seedlings were determined on the basis of treatments. According to the result of this study, significant differences were found between the morphological characteristics of the seedlings depending on the treatments. It was determined that while there is a statistical significance in terms of seedling length, sturdiness quotient, the number of side branches, shoot and root fresh weight, shoot and root dry weight, shoot dry weight/root dry weight, root percentage, Dickson quality index, there is no significance in terms of root collar diameter, fresh seedling weight, dry seedling weight in 2+0 years old seedlings. According to Turkish Standards Institute's deciduous seedling standard (TS 5624/21.03.1988) prepared in March 1988, 48.8% of A treatment and 76.7% of B treatment and 78.9% of the control group were found to be Class I. According to Dickson quality index, the quality index values of seedlings in 2+0 A, 2+0 B and control were determined as and 1.05, 0.74 and 0.68 respectively. In determination of Dickson quality index value, using of important parameters used for determination of seedling quality is important in terms of obtaining more accurate results.Bu çalışmada, Karadağ Orman Fidanlığı’nda yetiştirilen Doğu kayını fidanlarında uygulanan yerinde kök kesimi, seyreltme ve gübreleme uygulamalarının morfolojik özellikler üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada iki yaşındaki fidanlarda Temmuz ayında kök kesimi ve seyreltme yapılarak (A) ve seyreltme yapılıp ve metrekareye 50 g amonyum nitrat gübresi verilerek (B) bu işlemlerinin etkisi incelenmiştir. Ayrıca işlemler bazında fidanların kalite sınıfları belirlenmiştir. Yapılan işlemlere bağlı olarak fidan morfolojik karakterleri arasında önemli farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Fidan boyu, gürbüzlük indisi, yan dal sayısı, gövde taze ağırlığı, kök taze ağırlığı, gövde kuru ağırlığı, kök kuru ağırlığı, katlılık, kök yüzdesi ve Dickson kalite indeksi bakımından 2+0 yaşlı fidanlarda yapılan işlemlerin istatistiki olarak etkisi olduğu, kök boğazı çapı, fidan taze ağırlığı ve fidan kuru ağırlığı bakımından ise işlemler arasında istatistiki olarak bir fark olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Türk Standartları Enstitüsünün Mart 1988’de hazırlamış olduğu yapraklı ağaç fidanı standardına (TS 5624/21.03.1988) göre A işleminin %48.8’i, B işleminin %76.7’si kontrol grubunun ise %78.9’u I. sınıf çıkmıştır. Dickson kalite indeksine göre fidanların kalite indeks değerleri 2+0 A, 2+0 B ve kontrol grubunda sırasıyla 1.05, 0.74 ve 0.68 olarak belirlenmiştir. Dickson kalite indeksi değerinin belirlenmesinde fidan kalitesini belirlemede kullanılan önemli parametrelerin kullanılması daha hassas sonuçların elde edilmesi bakımından önemlidir

    The role of stored carbohydrates and nitrogen in the growth and stress tolerance of planted forest trees

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    Plants store compounds that supplement external resources to maintain primaryfunctions. We reviewed the role of stored non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) and nitrogen(N) in juvenile woody species for spring growth and cold and drought stress tolerance,which are crucial processes for early performance of forest plantations. Plant functionaltypes differed in NSC and N partitioning and allocation to new growth. In general,however, new leaves/shoots were more enriched in remobilized resources than new fineroots. Conifers used less remobilized resources than broadleaf species for fine root growth.New shoots/leaves were mostly comprised of remobilized N ([60 %) in conifers andbroadleaf deciduous species, while broadleaf evergreens relied more on soil N (\50 %remobilized N). In contrast, few differences among functional groups existed in the contributionof remobilized carbon (C) to new leaves/shoots, which comprised 28&-45 % ofstored C reflecting the importance of current photosynthesis and distinctions in C and N remobilization physiology. Organ source strength for remobilized N was positively related to its contribution to seedling N content. However, leaves are priority N sources in evergreens, which remobilized more N than predicted by their contribution to seedling N content. In contrast, roots in broadleaf evergreens and conifers were poor contributors of remobilized N. Under low stress, spring growth has little effect on NSC reserves. However, prolonged and intense photosynthesis depression strongly reduces NSC. In contrast, N reserves usually decline after planting and their replenishment takes longer than for NSC reserves. Strong storage reduction can hinder seedling stress acclimation and survival capacity. Accumulation of stored resources can be promoted in the nursery by arresting plant growth and supplying resources at a higher rate than seedling growth and maintenance rate. We conclude that the way in which woody plants manage stored resources drives their growth and stress tolerance. However, plant functional types differ in storage physiology, which should be considered in silvicultural managementMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciónComunidad de MadridUniversidad de Alcal

    Root pruning, wrenching and overwinter cold storage : effects on the morphological and physiological condition of transplant Picea glauca [Moench] Voss nursery stock

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    The objectives of this thesis were to; 1) evaluate the effect of a single early spring root pruning followed by a series of five root wrenching treatments at three week intervals on the morphological condition of rising 2+2 white spruce nursery stock, 2) to determine the effect of wrenching and several overwinter cold storage environments on bud dormancy progression, root regenerating potential and planting stock performance, 3) to assess wrenching as a method of conditioning bare root nursery stock for fall lifting and overwinter cold storage. Root pruning and wrenching was applied to rising 2+2 white spruce in nursery trials one in 1982 and another in 1983 at the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Forest Station, Thunder Bay Ontario. The root pruning and wrenching treatment reduced current height increment, reduced the number of primordia in the winter buds, and in 1983 significantly increased root area index. Root pruning and wrenching increased the overall root regenerating potential of stock during overwinter cold storage. Wrenching and root pruning did not significantly alter bud dormancy progression or patterns of root regeneration during the winter. Both the control and the root pruned and wrenched stock was overwinter cold stored in 3 storage environments. The progression of bud dormancy and root regeneration potential of this stock was monitored monthly for a seven month period during the winter. Stock that was fall lifted and overwinter stored had the same winter bud dormancy pattern as stock overwintered in the nursery bed but a different pattern of root regenerating potential. Cold storage delayed bud flushing in the spring and prevented frost damage from occuring after spring outplanting. A six week spring warm up conditioning treatment at +2 C in cold storage increased root regenerating potential. The exposure of fall lifted stock to natural photoperiods while overwintering in an unheated polyhouse did not appear to improve planting stock quality over that of the same stock overwintered at -2 C in complete darkness

    Direct Seeding in Reforestation – A Field Performance Review

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    Direct seeding has been considered a forest restoration option for centuries. Over the past half century, the use of this practice has declined in developed countries as forest regeneration programs have advanced with the production of quality seedlings that can successfully establish restoration sites. Direct seeding is being reconsidered as a restoration option as the potential size of the worldwide forest restoration program has grown because of massive deforestation in third-world nations and due to global climate change. This review examines direct seeding from a number of perspectives. First, merits of using this practice in restoration programs are defined. Major merits of this option are that it can be done quickly, over hard to reach and large disturbed areas, and at a relatively low cost. Second, current research findings from restoration programs are discussed. The major finding is that seedling establishment rates are low (i.e. typically around 20% of seeds planted) due to site conditions, seed predation and vegetation competition, and field performance (i.e. survival and growth) is lower than planted seedlings. Third, operational practices for the application in restoration programs are reviewed. To successfully conduct direct seeding programs practitioners need to consider seedbed receptivity, seed distribution and seeding rate. Fourth, potential new practices are presented. Some of these new practices attempt to create a more effective means to disperse seed across the site, minimize seed predation or create a more favorable microsite environment. This review provides a synthesis of what is known about direct seeding, thereby allowing practitioners to make a rational decision of whether to apply this practice towards their forest restoration program

    Croissance et nutrition de l'épinette noire en lien avec le développement de racines adventives

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    L’épinette noire (Picea mariana [Mill.] BSP)possède une spécificité racinaire : elle développe majoritairement un système racinaire adventif. Les racines adventives émergent à la base de la tige et remplacent progressivement les racines initiales issues de la germination de la graine, jusqu’à devenir prépondérantes au stade mature de l’arbre. Bien que ce phénomène ait été longtemps observé, il reste encore largement inexpliqué. Cette étude visait ainsi à déterminer le rôle des racines adventives lors de la croissance de l’épinette noire au stade de semis, en se focalisant sur leurs aptitudes à capter l’eau et les nutriments, et sur leur capacité d’adaptation à des conditions limitantes en ressources. L’hypothèse générale était que les adventives parviendraient à mieux capter l’eau et les nutriments que les racines initiales et que leur développement permettrait aux semis d’avoir une plus forte croissance et de meilleures performances physiologiques. Pour essayer d’y répondre, cette étude a été réalisée en trois volets. Lors du premier volet (Chapitre II), les contributions des racines adventives et initiales à la croissance de semis âgés de 4 ans ont pu être testées grâce à un système de doublepot permettant une irrigation et une fertilisation indépendantes pour chaque type de racines. Après une saison de croissance en environnement contrôlé, la plupart des paramètres mesurés (croissance, physiologie et nutrition) ont été semblables pour un même traitement au niveau des racines adventives ou initiales. La principale différence a été observée au niveau de la biomasse racinaire avec un développement de racines adventives favorisé lorsque les semis ont reçu un apport en eau ou en nutriments important, excepté en cas d’irrigation exclusive aux racines initiales qui a résulté en un développement équivalent de racines initiales et adventives. Le deuxième volet (Chapitre III) consistait à tester l’impact du système racinaire sur la croissance de semis de 2 ans lors d’une plantation en forêt boréale. La comparaison des semis avec ou sans racines adventives a permis d’observer une croissance semblable mais une plus forte captation de nutriments de la part des semis avec racines adventives, en particulier de l’azote marqué ajouté au début de la deuxième saison post-plantation. Enfin le troisième volet (Chapitre IV) a permis de tester l’influence d’un système racinaire composé de racines adventives et initiales ou uniquement de racines initiales, sur la croissance de semis de 4 ans en conditions limitantes en eau, nutriments ou oxygène. Les semis ayant développé des racines adventives ont eu une plus forte croissance en hauteur que les semis n’ayant que des racines initiales, associée à de meilleures performances physiologiques, en particulier lorsque la disponibilité en eau a été restreinte. Les racines adventives ont présenté une plus grande plasticité cellulaire en conditions limitantes en eau et en oxygène par raport aux racines initiales. En conclusion, cette étude a permis de relier la présence de racines adventives à de meilleures performances en termes de croissance, de physiologie et de nutrition, chez l’épinette noire au stade de semis. Ces résultats laissent ainsi entrevoir plusieurs pistes de recherches futures mais également de possibles retombées pour la production de semis. En effet, il pourrait être intéressant d’envisager l’enfouissement de la base de la tige lors de la production de semis d’épinette noire, afin de favoriser le développement de racines adventives, en particulier pour les semis destinés à des sites où la disponibilité en eau et/ou en nutriments peut être limitante