9 research outputs found

    High dynamic range video compression exploiting luminance masking

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    Algorithms for compression of high dynamic range images and video

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    The recent advances in sensor and display technologies have brought upon the High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging capability. The modern multiple exposure HDR sensors can achieve the dynamic range of 100-120 dB and LED and OLED display devices have contrast ratios of 10^5:1 to 10^6:1. Despite the above advances in technology the image/video compression algorithms and associated hardware are yet based on Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) technology, i.e. they operate within an effective dynamic range of up to 70 dB for 8 bit gamma corrected images. Further the existing infrastructure for content distribution is also designed for SDR, which creates interoperability problems with true HDR capture and display equipment. The current solutions for the above problem include tone mapping the HDR content to fit SDR. However this approach leads to image quality associated problems, when strong dynamic range compression is applied. Even though some HDR-only solutions have been proposed in literature, they are not interoperable with current SDR infrastructure and are thus typically used in closed systems. Given the above observations a research gap was identified in the need for efficient algorithms for the compression of still images and video, which are capable of storing full dynamic range and colour gamut of HDR images and at the same time backward compatible with existing SDR infrastructure. To improve the usability of SDR content it is vital that any such algorithms should accommodate different tone mapping operators, including those that are spatially non-uniform. In the course of the research presented in this thesis a novel two layer CODEC architecture is introduced for both HDR image and video coding. Further a universal and computationally efficient approximation of the tone mapping operator is developed and presented. It is shown that the use of perceptually uniform colourspaces for internal representation of pixel data enables improved compression efficiency of the algorithms. Further proposed novel approaches to the compression of metadata for the tone mapping operator is shown to improve compression performance for low bitrate video content. Multiple compression algorithms are designed, implemented and compared and quality-complexity trade-offs are identified. Finally practical aspects of implementing the developed algorithms are explored by automating the design space exploration flow and integrating the high level systems design framework with domain specific tools for synthesis and simulation of multiprocessor systems. The directions for further work are also presented

    Stereoscopic high dynamic range imaging

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    Two modern technologies show promise to dramatically increase immersion in virtual environments. Stereoscopic imaging captures two images representing the views of both eyes and allows for better depth perception. High dynamic range (HDR) imaging accurately represents real world lighting as opposed to traditional low dynamic range (LDR) imaging. HDR provides a better contrast and more natural looking scenes. The combination of the two technologies in order to gain advantages of both has been, until now, mostly unexplored due to the current limitations in the imaging pipeline. This thesis reviews both fields, proposes stereoscopic high dynamic range (SHDR) imaging pipeline outlining the challenges that need to be resolved to enable SHDR and focuses on capture and compression aspects of that pipeline. The problems of capturing SHDR images that would potentially require two HDR cameras and introduce ghosting, are mitigated by capturing an HDR and LDR pair and using it to generate SHDR images. A detailed user study compared four different methods of generating SHDR images. Results demonstrated that one of the methods may produce images perceptually indistinguishable from the ground truth. Insights obtained while developing static image operators guided the design of SHDR video techniques. Three methods for generating SHDR video from an HDR-LDR video pair are proposed and compared to the ground truth SHDR videos. Results showed little overall error and identified a method with the least error. Once captured, SHDR content needs to be efficiently compressed. Five SHDR compression methods that are backward compatible are presented. The proposed methods can encode SHDR content to little more than that of a traditional single LDR image (18% larger for one method) and the backward compatibility property encourages early adoption of the format. The work presented in this thesis has introduced and advanced capture and compression methods for the adoption of SHDR imaging. In general, this research paves the way for a novel field of SHDR imaging which should lead to improved and more realistic representation of captured scenes

    High-fidelity imaging : the computational models of the human visual system in high dynamic range video compression, visible difference prediction and image processing

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    As new displays and cameras offer enhanced color capabilities, there is a need to extend the precision of digital content. High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging encodes images and video with higher than normal bit-depth precision, enabling representation of the complete color gamut and the full visible range of luminance. This thesis addresses three problems of HDR imaging: the measurement of visible distortions in HDR images, lossy compression for HDR video, and artifact-free image processing. To measure distortions in HDR images, we develop a visual difference predictor for HDR images that is based on a computational model of the human visual system. To address the problem of HDR image encoding and compression, we derive a perceptually motivated color space for HDR pixels that can efficiently encode all perceivable colors and distinguishable shades of brightness. We use the derived color space to extend the MPEG-4 video compression standard for encoding HDR movie sequences. We also propose a backward-compatible HDR MPEG compression algorithm that encodes both a low-dynamic range and an HDR video sequence into a single MPEG stream. Finally, we propose a framework for image processing in the contrast domain. The framework transforms an image into multi-resolution physical contrast images (maps), which are then rescaled in just-noticeable-difference (JND) units. The application of the framework is demonstrated with a contrast-enhancing tone mapping and a color to gray conversion that preserves color saliency.Aktuelle Innovationen in der Farbverarbeitung bei Bildschirmen und Kameras erzwingen eine Präzisionserweiterung bei digitalen Medien. High Dynamic Range (HDR) kodieren Bilder und Video mit einer grösseren Bittiefe pro Pixel, und ermöglichen damit die Darstellung des kompletten Farbraums und aller sichtbaren Helligkeitswerte. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf drei Probleme in der HDR-Verarbeitung: Messung von für den Menschen störenden Fehlern in HDR-Bildern, verlustbehaftete Kompression von HDR-Video, und visuell verlustfreie HDR-Bildverarbeitung. Die Messung von HDR-Bildfehlern geschieht mittels einer Vorhersage von sichtbaren Unterschieden zweier HDR-Bilder. Die Vorhersage basiert dabei auf einer Modellierung der menschlichen Sehens. Wir addressieren die Kompression und Kodierung von HDR-Bildern mit der Ableitung eines perzeptuellen Farbraums für HDR-Pixel, der alle wahrnehmbaren Farben und deren unterscheidbaren Helligkeitsnuancen effizient abbildet. Danach verwenden wir diesen Farbraum für die Erweiterung des MPEG-4 Videokompressionsstandards, welcher sich hinfort auch für die Kodierung von HDR-Videosequenzen eignet. Wir unterbreiten weiters eine rückwärts-kompatible MPEG-Kompression von HDR-Material, welche die übliche YUV-Bildsequenz zusammen mit dessen HDRVersion in einen gemeinsamen MPEG-Strom bettet. Abschliessend erklären wir unser Framework zur Bildverarbeitung in der Kontrastdomäne. Das Framework transformiert Bilder in mehrere physikalische Kontrastauflösungen, um sie danach in Einheiten von just-noticeable-difference (JND, noch erkennbarem Unterschied) zu reskalieren. Wir demonstrieren den Nutzen dieses Frameworks anhand von einem kontrastverstärkenden Tone Mapping-Verfahren und einer Graukonvertierung, die die urspr ünglichen Farbkontraste bestmöglich beibehält

    Eight Biennial Report : April 2005 – March 2007

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    Lossy Compression of High Dynamic Range Images and Video

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    Most common image and video formats have been designed to work with existing output devices, like LCD or CRT monitors. As display technology makes progress, these formats no longer represent the data that new devices can display. Therefore a shift towards higher precision image and video formats is imminent

    Lossy compression of high dynamic range images and video

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