191 research outputs found

    Efficient Joint Network-Source Coding for Multiple Terminals with Side Information

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    Consider the problem of source coding in networks with multiple receiving terminals, each having access to some kind of side information. In this case, standard coding techniques are either prohibitively complex to decode, or require network-source coding separation, resulting in sub-optimal transmission rates. To alleviate this problem, we offer a joint network-source coding scheme based on matrix sparsification at the code design phase, which allows the terminals to use an efficient decoding procedure (syndrome decoding using LDPC), despite the network coding throughout the network. Via a novel relation between matrix sparsification and rate-distortion theory, we give lower and upper bounds on the best achievable sparsification performance. These bounds allow us to analyze our scheme, and, in particular, show that in the limit where all receivers have comparable side information (in terms of conditional entropy), or, equivalently, have weak side information, a vanishing density can be achieved. As a result, efficient decoding is possible at all terminals simultaneously. Simulation results motivate the use of this scheme at non-limiting rates as well

    Zero-Error Coding for Computing with Encoder Side-Information

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    We study the zero-error source coding problem in which an encoder with Side Information (SI) g(Y)g(Y) transmits source symbols XX to a decoder. The decoder has SI YY and wants to recover f(X,Y)f(X,Y) where f,gf,g are deterministic. We exhibit a condition on the source distribution and gg that we call "pairwise shared side information", such that the optimal rate has a single-letter expression. This condition is satisfied if every pair of source symbols "share" at least one SI symbol for all output of gg. It has a practical interpretation, as YY models a request made by the encoder on an image XX, and g(Y)g(Y) corresponds to the type of request. It also has a graph-theoretical interpretation: under "pairwise shared side information" the characteristic graph can be written as a disjoint union of OR products. In the case where the source distribution is full-support, we provide an analytic expression for the optimal rate. We develop an example under "pairwise shared side information", and we show that the optimal coding scheme outperforms several strategies from the literature

    Network Coding Applications

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    Network coding is an elegant and novel technique introduced at the turn of the millennium to improve network throughput and performance. It is expected to be a critical technology for networks of the future. This tutorial deals with wireless and content distribution networks, considered to be the most likely applications of network coding, and it also reviews emerging applications of network coding such as network monitoring and management. Multiple unicasts, security, networks with unreliable links, and quantum networks are also addressed. The preceding companion deals with theoretical foundations of network coding

    Random Linear Network Coding over Software Defined Networks

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    Proceedings of the Scientific Data Compression Workshop

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    Continuing advances in space and Earth science requires increasing amounts of data to be gathered from spaceborne sensors. NASA expects to launch sensors during the next two decades which will be capable of producing an aggregate of 1500 Megabits per second if operated simultaneously. Such high data rates cause stresses in all aspects of end-to-end data systems. Technologies and techniques are needed to relieve such stresses. Potential solutions to the massive data rate problems are: data editing, greater transmission bandwidths, higher density and faster media, and data compression. Through four subpanels on Science Payload Operations, Multispectral Imaging, Microwave Remote Sensing and Science Data Management, recommendations were made for research in data compression and scientific data applications to space platforms