15 research outputs found


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    The Lovász Local Lemma (LLL) is a powerful tool in probabilistic combinatorics which can be used to establish the existence of objects that satisfy certain properties. The breakthrough paper of Moser and Tardos and follow-up works revealed that the LLL has intimate connections with a class of stochastic local search algorithms for finding such desirable objects. In particular, it can be seen as a sufficient condition for this type of algorithms to converge fast. Besides conditions for existence of and fast convergence to desirable objects, one may naturally ask further questions regarding properties of these algorithms. For instance, "are they parallelizable?", "how many solutions can they output?", "what is the expected "weight" of a solution?", etc. These questions and more have been answered for a class of LLL-inspired algorithms called commutative. In this paper we introduce a new, very natural and more general notion of commutativity (essentially matrix commutativity) which allows us to show a number of new refined properties of LLL-inspired local search algorithms with significantly simpler proofs

    Among graphs, groups, and latin squares

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    A latin square of order n is an n × n array in which each row and each column contains each of the numbers {1, 2, . . . , n}. A k-plex in a latin square is a collection of entries which intersects each row and column k times and contains k copies of each symbol. This thesis studies the existence of k-plexes and approximations of k-plexes in latin squares, paying particular attention to latin squares which correspond to multiplication tables of groups. The most commonly studied class of k-plex is the 1-plex, better known as a transversal. Although many latin squares do not have transversals, Brualdi conjectured that every latin square has a near transversal—i.e. a collection of entries with distinct symbols which in- tersects all but one row and all but one column. Our first main result confirms Brualdi’s conjecture in the special case of group-based latin squares. Then, using a well-known equivalence between edge-colorings of complete bipartite graphs and latin squares, we introduce Hamilton 2-plexes. We conjecture that every latin square of order n ≥ 5 has a Hamilton 2-plex and provide a range of evidence for this conjecture. In particular, we confirm our conjecture computationally for n ≤ 8 and show that a suitable analogue of Hamilton 2-plexes always occur in n × n arrays with no symbol appearing more than n/√96 times. To study Hamilton 2-plexes in group-based latin squares, we generalize the notion of harmonious groups to what we call H2-harmonious groups. Our second main result classifies all H2-harmonious abelian groups. The last part of the thesis formalizes an idea which first appeared in a paper of Cameron and Wanless: a (k,l)-plex is a collection of entries which intersects each row and column k times and contains at most l copies of each symbol. We demonstrate the existence of (k, 4k)-plexes in all latin squares and (k, k + 1)-plexes in sufficiently large latin squares. We also find analogues of these theorems for Hamilton 2-plexes, including our third main result: every sufficiently large latin square has a Hamilton (2,3)-plex

    Local Approximations of the Independent Set Polynomial

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    Lower bounds on dynamic programming for maximum weight independent set

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Tuukka Korhonen.We prove lower bounds on pure dynamic programming algorithms for maximum weight independent set (MWIS). We model such algorithms as tropical circuits, i.e., circuits that compute with max and + operations. For a graph G, an MWIS-circuit of G is a tropical circuit whose inputs correspond to vertices of G and which computes the weight of a maximum weight independent set of G for any assignment of weights to the inputs. We show that if G has treewidth w and maximum degree d, then any MWIS-circuit of G has 2Ω(w/d) gates and that if G is planar, or more generally H-minor-free for any fixed graph H, then any MWIS-circuit of G has 2Ω(w) gates. An MWIS-formula is an MWIScircuit where each gate has fan-out at most one. We show that if G has treedepth t and maximum degree d, then any MWIS-formula of G has 2Ω(t/d) gates. It follows that treewidth characterizes optimal MWIS-circuits up to polynomials for all bounded degree graphs and H-minor-free graphs, and treedepth characterizes optimal MWIS-formulas up to polynomials for all bounded degree graphs.Peer reviewe

    Improved Bounds for Coloring Locally Sparse Hypergraphs

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    We show that, for every k ? 2, every k-uniform hypergaph of degree ? and girth at least 5 is efficiently (1+o(1))(k-1) (? / ln ?)^{1/(k-1)}-list colorable. As an application we obtain the currently best deterministic algorithm for list-coloring random hypergraphs of bounded average degree

    Online Ramsey Numbers and the Subgraph Query Problem

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    The (m,n)(m,n)-online Ramsey game is a combinatorial game between two players, Builder and Painter. Starting from an infinite set of isolated vertices, Builder draws an edge on each turn and Painter immediately paints it red or blue. Builder's goal is to force Painter to create either a red KmK_m or a blue KnK_n using as few turns as possible. The online Ramsey number r~(m,n)\tilde{r}(m,n) is the minimum number of edges Builder needs to guarantee a win in the (m,n)(m,n)-online Ramsey game. By analyzing the special case where Painter plays randomly, we obtain an exponential improvement r~(n,n)≥2(2−2)n+O(1) \tilde{r}(n,n) \ge 2^{(2-\sqrt{2})n + O(1)} for the lower bound on the diagonal online Ramsey number, as well as a corresponding improvement r~(m,n)≥n(2−2)m+O(1) \tilde{r}(m,n) \ge n^{(2-\sqrt{2})m + O(1)} for the off-diagonal case, where m≥3m\ge 3 is fixed and n→∞n\rightarrow\infty. Using a different randomized Painter strategy, we prove that r~(3,n)=Θ~(n3)\tilde{r}(3,n)=\tilde{\Theta}(n^3), determining this function up to a polylogarithmic factor. We also improve the upper bound in the off-diagonal case for m≥4m \geq 4. In connection with the online Ramsey game with a random Painter, we study the problem of finding a copy of a target graph HH in a sufficiently large unknown Erd\H{o}s--R\'{e}nyi random graph G(N,p)G(N,p) using as few queries as possible, where each query reveals whether or not a particular pair of vertices are adjacent. We call this problem the Subgraph Query Problem. We determine the order of the number of queries needed for complete graphs up to five vertices and prove general bounds for this problem.Comment: Corrected substantial error in the proof of Theorem

    Online Ramsey Numbers and the Subgraph Query Problem

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    The (m,n)-online Ramsey game is a combinatorial game between two players, Builder and Painter. Starting from an infinite set of isolated vertices, Builder draws an edge on each turn and Painter immediately paints it red or blue. Builder's goal is to force Painter to create either a red K_m or a blue K_n using as few turns as possible. The online Ramsey number [equation; see abstract in PDF for details] is the minimum number of edges Builder needs to guarantee a win in the (m,n)-online Ramsey game. By analyzing the special case where Painter plays randomly, we obtain an exponential improvement [equation; see abstract in PDF for details] for the lower bound on the diagonal online Ramsey number, as well as a corresponding improvement [equation; see abstract in PDF for details] for the off-diagonal case, where m ≥ 3 is fixed and n → ∞. Using a different randomized Painter strategy, we prove that [equation; see abstract in PDF for details], determining this function up to a polylogarithmic factor. We also improve the upper bound in the off-diagonal case for m ≥ 4. In connection with the online Ramsey game with a random Painter, we study the problem of finding a copy of a target graph H in a sufficiently large unknown Erdős-Rényi random graph G(N,p) using as few queries as possible, where each query reveals whether or not a particular pair of vertices are adjacent. We call this problem the Subgraph Query Problem. We determine the order of the number of queries needed for complete graphs up to five vertices and prove general bounds for this problem