148 research outputs found

    Lookback scheduling for long-term quality-of-service over multiple cells

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    Abstract-In current cellular networks, schedulers allocate wireless channel resources to users based on short-term moving averages of the channel gain and of the queuing state. Using only such short-term information, schedulers ignore the user's service history in previous cells and, thus, cannot meet long-term Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees when users traverse cells with varying load and capacity. We propose a new scheduling framework, which extends conventional short-term scheduling with long-term QoS information from previously traversed cells. We demonstrate our scheme for relevant channel-aware as well as for channel and queue-aware schedulers. Our simulation results show high gains in long-term QoS while the average throughput of the network increases. Therefore, the proposed scheduling approach improves subscriber satisfaction while increasing operational efficiency

    Hybrid forecast and control chain for operation of flexibility assets in micro-grids

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    Studies on forecasting and optimal exploitation of renewable resources (especially within microgrids) were already introduced in the past. However, in several research papers, the constraints regarding integration within real applications were relaxed, i.e., this kind of research provides impractical solutions, although they are very complex. In this paper, the computational components (such as photovoltaic and load forecasting, and resource scheduling and optimization) are brought together into a practical implementation, introducing an automated system through a chain of independent services aiming to allow forecasting, optimization, and control. Encountered challenges may provide a valuable indication to make ground with this design, especially in cases for which the trade-off between sophistication and available resources should be rather considered. The research work was conducted to identify the requirements for controlling a set of flexibility assets—namely, electrochemical battery storage system and electric car charging station—for a semicommercial use-case by minimizing the operational energy costs for the microgrid considering static and dynamic parameters of the assets

    Flood Prediction and Uncertainty Estimation using Deep Learning

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    Floods are a complex phenomenon that are difficult to predict because of their non-linear and dynamic nature. Therefore, flood prediction has been a key research topic in the field of hydrology. Various researchers have approached this problem using different techniques ranging from physical models to image processing, but the accuracy and time steps are not sufficient for all applications. This study explores deep learning techniques for predicting gauge height and evaluating the associated uncertainty. Gauge height data for the Meramec River in Valley Park, Missouri was used to develop and validate the model. It was found that the deep learning model was more accurate than the physical and statistical models currently in use while providing information in 15 minute increments rather than six hour increments. It was also found that the use of data sub-selection for regularization in deep learning is preferred to dropout. These results make it possible to provide more accurate and timely flood prediction for a wide variety of applications, including transportation systems

    The Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer Book 2018

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    (Abridged) This is the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer 2018 book. It is intended as a concise reference guide to all aspects of the scientific and technical design of MSE, for the international astronomy and engineering communities, and related agencies. The current version is a status report of MSE's science goals and their practical implementation, following the System Conceptual Design Review, held in January 2018. MSE is a planned 10-m class, wide-field, optical and near-infrared facility, designed to enable transformative science, while filling a critical missing gap in the emerging international network of large-scale astronomical facilities. MSE is completely dedicated to multi-object spectroscopy of samples of between thousands and millions of astrophysical objects. It will lead the world in this arena, due to its unique design capabilities: it will boast a large (11.25 m) aperture and wide (1.52 sq. degree) field of view; it will have the capabilities to observe at a wide range of spectral resolutions, from R2500 to R40,000, with massive multiplexing (4332 spectra per exposure, with all spectral resolutions available at all times), and an on-target observing efficiency of more than 80%. MSE will unveil the composition and dynamics of the faint Universe and is designed to excel at precision studies of faint astrophysical phenomena. It will also provide critical follow-up for multi-wavelength imaging surveys, such as those of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, Gaia, Euclid, the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope, the Square Kilometre Array, and the Next Generation Very Large Array.Comment: 5 chapters, 160 pages, 107 figure

    AI based state observer for optimal process control: application to digital twins of manufacturing plants

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    Les plantes de fabricació estan subjectes a restriccions dinàmiques que requereixen una optimització robusta per millorar el rendiment i l' eficiència del sistema. En aquest projecte es presenta un nou sistema de control òptim basat en IA per a un bessó digital d' una planta de fabricació. El sistema proposat implementa un observador d' estat basat en IA per predir l' estat intern d' un model de procés altament incert i no lineal, tal com seria un sistema de producció real. Una funció d' optimització multi-objectiu es utilitzada per controlar els paràmetres de producció i mantenir el procés funcionant en condicions òptimes. El mètode d'Optimització del Control basat en AI es va implementar en un cas d'estudi d'una planta de fabricació d'acer. El rendiment del sistema es va avaluar utilitzant els KPIs de fabricació rellevants, com ara les taxes d'utilització i productivitat de l'equip del procés. L'ús de sistema de control optimitzat via AI millora amb èxit els KPIs de procés i potencialment podria reduir els costos de producció.Las plantas de fabricación están sujetas a restricciones dinámicas que requieren una optimización robusta para mejorar el rendimiento y la eficiencia. En este informe se presenta un nuevo sistema de control óptimo basado en IA para un gemelo digital de una planta de fabricación. El sistema propuesto implementa un observador de estado basado en IA para predecir el estado interno de un modelo de proceso altamente incierto y no lineal, tal y como sería un sistema de producción real. Una función de optimización multiobjetivo es utilizada para controlar los parámetros de producción y mantener el proceso funcionando en condiciones óptimas. El método de Optimización del Control basado en AI se implementó en un caso de estudio de una planta de fabricación de acero. El rendimiento del sistema se evaluó utilizando los KPIs de fabricación relevantes, como la utilización del equipo y las tasas de productividad del proceso. El uso del sistema de control óptimo de IA mejora los KPIs del proceso y podría reducir potencialmente los costos de producción.Manufacturing plants are subject to dynamic constrains requiring robust optimization methods for improved performance and efficiency. A novel AI based optimal control system for a Digital Twin of a manufacturing plant is presented in this report. The proposed system implements an AI based state observer to predict the internal state of a highly uncertain and non-linear process model, such as a real production system. A multi-objective optimization function is used to control production parameters and keeps the process running at an optimal condition. The AI Optimization Control method was implemented on a study case on a steel manufacturing plant. The performance of the system was evaluated using the relevant manufacturing KPIs such as the equipment utilization and productivity rates of the process. The use of the AI optimal control system successfully improves the process KPIs and could potentially reduce production costs


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    Forecasting travel demand is a complex problem facing public transit operators. Passenger flow prediction is useful not only for operators, used for long-term planning and scheduling, but also for transit users. The time is quickly approaching that short-term passenger flow prediction will be expected as a matter of course by transit users. To address this expectation, a Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network model (BDLSTM NN) and a Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network Kalman Filter model (BDLSTM KF) predict short-term passenger flow and based on the dependencies between passenger count and spatial-temporal features. A comprehensive preprocessing framework is proposed leveraging historical data and extracting bidirectional features of passenger flow. The proposed model is based on [1] but adapted, applied, and analysed to produce optimal results for passenger flow forecasting on a bus route. Building on [2], a BDLSTM architecture is then combined with a Kalman filter. The Kalman filter reduces the training and testing complexity required for passenger flow forecasting. The BDLSTM-based Kalman filter produces predictions with less uncertainty than each method alone. Evaluating the BDLSTM-based Kalman filter with two months of real-world data, one year apart shows positive improvements for short-term forecasting in high complexity bus networks. It is possible to see that the BDLSTM outperforms traditional machine and deep learning techniques used in this context

    Automated Anomaly Detection and Localization System for a Microservices Based Cloud System

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    Context: With an increasing number of applications running on a microservices-based cloud system (such as AWS, GCP, IBM Cloud), it is challenging for the cloud providers to offer uninterrupted services with guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS) factors. Problem Statement: Existing monitoring frameworks often do not detect critical defects among a large volume of issues generated, thus affecting recovery response times and usage of maintenance human resource. Also, manually tracing the root causes of the issues requires a significant amount of time. Objective: The objective of this work is to: (i) detect performance anomalies, in real-time, through monitoring KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) using distributed tracing events, and (ii) identify their root causes. Proposed Solution: This thesis proposes an automated prediction-based anomaly detection and localization system, capable of detecting performance anomalies of a microservice using machine learning techniques, and determine their root-causes using a localization process. Novelty: The originality of this work lies in the detection process that uses a novel ensemble of a time-series forecasting model and three different unsupervised learning techniques that avoid defining static error thresholds to detect an anomaly and, instead follow a dynamic approach. Experimental Results: The proposed detection system was experimented using different variants of ensembles, evaluated on a real-world production dataset out of which two proposed ensembles outperformed the existing static rule-based approach with average F1-scores of 86% and 84%, average precision scores of 82% and 77% and average recall scores of 91% and 93% respectively across 6 experiments. The proposed detection ensembles were also evaluated on the Numenta Anomaly Benchmark (NAB) datasets and results show that the proposed method performs better than the Numenta’s standard HTM model score. Research Methodology: We adopted an agile methodology to conduct our research in an incremental and iterative fashion. Conclusion: The two proposed ensembles for anomaly detection perform better than the existing static rule-based approach