6 research outputs found

    On the Performance of a Simple Approximation Algorithm for the Longest Path Problem

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    The longest path problem is known to be NP-hard. Moreover, they cannot be approximated within a constant ratio, unless P=NP{\rm P=NP}. The best known polynomial time approximation algorithms for this problem essentially find a path of length that is the logarithm of the optimum.In this paper we investigate the performance of an approximation algorithm for this problem in almost every case. We show that a simple algorithm, based on depth-first search, finds on almost every undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) a path of length more than V3VlogV|V|-3\sqrt{|V| \log |V|} and so has performance ratio less than 1+4logV/V1+4\sqrt{\log |V|/|V|}.

    Computing and counting longest paths on circular-arc graphs in polynomial time.

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    The longest path problem asks for a path with the largest number of vertices in a given graph. The first polynomial time algorithm (with running time O(n4)) has been recently developed for interval graphs. Even though interval and circular-arc graphs look superficially similar, they differ substantially, as circular-arc graphs are not perfect. In this paper, we prove that for every path P of a circular-arc graph G, we can appropriately “cut” the circle, such that the obtained (not induced) interval subgraph G′ of G admits a path P′ on the same vertices as P. This non-trivial result is of independent interest, as it suggests a generic reduction of a number of path problems on circular-arc graphs to the case of interval graphs with a multiplicative linear time overhead of O(n). As an application of this reduction, we present the first polynomial algorithm for the longest path problem on circular-arc graphs, which turns out to have the same running time O(n4) with the one on interval graphs, as we manage to get rid of the linear overhead of the reduction. This algorithm computes in the same time an n-approximation of the number of different vertex sets that provide a longest path; in the case where G is an interval graph, we compute the exact number. Moreover, our algorithm can be directly extended with the same running time to the case where every vertex has an arbitrary positive weight

    Computing and Counting Longest Paths on Circular-Arc Graphs in Polynomial Time

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    The longest path problem asks for a path with the largest number of vertices in a given graph. The first polynomial time algorithm (with running time O(n4)) has been recently developed for interval graphs. Even though interval and circular-arc graphs look superficially similar, they differ substantially, as circular-arc graphs are not perfect. In this paper, we prove that for every path P of a circular-arc graph G, we can appropriately “cut” the circle, such that the obtained (not induced) interval subgraph G′ of G admits a path P′ on the same vertices as P. This non-trivial result is of independent interest, as it suggests a generic reduction of a number of path problems on circular-arc graphs to the case of interval graphs with a multiplicative linear time overhead of O(n). As an application of this reduction, we present the first polynomial algorithm for the longest path problem on circular-arc graphs, which turns out to have the same running time O(n4) with the one on interval graphs, as we manage to get rid of the linear overhead of the reduction. This algorithm computes in the same time an n-approximation of the number of different vertex sets that provide a longest path; in the case where G is an interval graph, we compute the exact number. Moreover, our algorithm can be directly extended with the same running time to the case where every vertex has an arbitrary positive weight

    Longest Path Problems on Ptolemaic Graphs

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    Longest path problem is a problem for finding a longest path in a given graph. While the graph classes in which the Hamiltonian path problem can be solved efficiently are widely investigated, there are few known graph classes such that the longest path problem can be solved efficiently. Polynomial time algorithms for finding a longest cycle and a longest path in a Ptolemaic graph are proposed. Ptolemaic graphs are the graphs that satisfy the Ptolemy inequality, and they are the intersection of chordal graphs and distance-hereditary graphs. The algorithms use the dynamic programming technique on a laminar structure of cliques, which is a recent characterization of Ptolemaic graphs

    Longest Path Problems on Ptolemaic Graphs

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