27 research outputs found

    A comparative force assessment of 4 methods to move a patient up a bed

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    This study compared four different postures and positions regularly suggested for moving a patient up towards the head of the bed, using both novice and expert users. The trial was carried out in a laboratory using 21 participants (10 novices and 11 experts). All participants completed all conditions (n = 4) three times each (n = 3 repetitions). The physical force at each hand was recorded using electronic four compression/tension meters, recorded on DasyLab software. After each condition a subjective review questionnaire was completed. The data was processed with excel and SPSS to evaluate the differences between the conditions. A significant statistical reduction was found when comparing combined force for all carers (F(3,27) = 24.63, p <.05) and the load per individual (F(2.21,44.21) = 27.26, p <.05). However there was found to be no statistical difference between left and right hand or upper or lower hand. Transfers carried out with the carer pulling the patient towards them corresponded with a lower force to complete the transfer. This study suggests that a position with an oblique offset base and an action of pull and push in line with the carer could be the preferred position for a wide range of patient transfers

    Mišićno-skeletna opterećenja u radu medicinskih sestara i upotreba ergonomskotehničkih pomagala Musculoskeletal strain of nursing staff and use of ergonomics technical aids

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    Uvod: Medicinske sestre u svome su radu svakodnevno izložene dinamičkim opterećenjima u njezi bolesnika. Zdravstvena njega profesionalna je djelatnost u kojoj se pojavljuje iznadprosječan broj mišićno-skeletnih ozljeda i bolesti te izostanka sa posla. Cilj je ovog rada istražiti izloženost nepovoljnim kritičkim tjelesnim položajnima, opterećenijima stresom u kliničkoj praksi s upotrebom ergonomsko-tehničkih pomagala kod zdravstvenih djelatnika koji rade na različitim odjelima u zdravstvenoj njezi. Metoda: Metodom OWAS (Ovako Working posture Analysis System) zabilježeni su kritički tjelesni položaji (n=15) tijekom 7,5 satnog radnog vremena. U istraživanju su sudjelovali zdravstveni djelatnici u eksperimentalnoj skupini (n=28) i kontrolnoj skupini (n=28), promatrani u sklopu redovitog svakodnevnog rada i provođenja različitih sestrinskih intervencija. Ukupan broj promatranja bio je 56. Istraživanje je provedeno u Univerzitetskom Kliničkom Centru Maribor. Rezultati: Neparametrijski Mann-Whitney test u 13 od 15 kritičnih situacija pokazao je statistički znatno smanjenje u korist korištenja ergonomsko tehničkih pomagala. Upotreba pomagala smanjila je ukupno opterećenje lokomotornog sustava u 7.5 sati radnog vremena s 20.6 % na 7.7 %. Rasprava: Nužno je u radnu okolinu medicinskih sestara implementirati i provesti mjere koje slijede ciljevima smanjenja pojave mišićno-skeletnih poremećaja među zdravstvenim djelatnicima. Zaključak: Korištenje ergonomsko-tehničkih pomagala znatno smanjuje kritične položaje tijela i biomehanička opterećenja kralježnice kod zdravstvenih djelatnika. Rezultati pokazuju da se ergonomsko-tehnička pomagala u kliničkim uvjetima koriste, iako produžuju vrijeme izvođanja intervencije. Uvođenjem ergonomsko-tehničkih pomagala u kliničkom okruženju doprinijet ćemo smanjenju rizika od ozljeda mišićno-skeletnog sustava i poremećaja kod medicinskih sestara. Uz istodobno uvođenje drugih ergonomskih mjera pridonijet ćemo konačnoj humanizaciji radnih mjesta u zdravstvu

    Job Stress and its Relationship with the Musculoskeletal Disorders among Office Workers of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Iran

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    Pleiepersonalets selvrapporterte evaluering av opplæring i ergonomisk forflytning, bruk av teknikker og hjelpemidler i en kommune - en longitudinell pilotstudie

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    Healthcare workers' self-reported evaluation of ergonomic transfer training, use of techniques and aids in a municipality - a longitudinal pilot study Healthcare workers’ self-reported evaluation of ergonomic transfer training, use of techniques and aids in a municipality – a longitudinal pilot. Traditionally, healthcare work in nursing homes is regarded as physically strenuous work with a risk of back injuries stemming from adverse movement techniques. The purpose of the study was to analyse healthcare workers’ self-reported evaluation of ergonomic transfer training in a municipality in Norway. The training aimed to improve healthcare personnel’s ergonomic patient handling. N = 73 health care employees from a nursing home and homes to the disabled. Mean response rate during the three points of measurement was 77 %. Data were collected by questionnaire at baseline, at the end of the training, at 18 months, and 36 months after baseline. Then the data were compared using quantitative analysis at group level. Participants reported adequate training, improved availability of transferrelated resources, and increased use of transfer techniques over the course of the measurement periods. Respondents who asked transfer experts for guidance used transfer techniques more than others did

    J Occup Rehabil

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    PurposeThis study examined the impact of a Safe Resident Handling Program (SRHP) on length of disability and re-injury, following work-related injuries of nursing home workers. Resident handling-related injuries and back injuries were of particular interest.MethodsA large national nursing home corporation introduced a SRHP followed by three years of training for 136 centers. Lost-time workers\u2019 compensation claims (3 years pre-SRHP and 6 years post-SRHP) were evaluated. For each claim, length of first episode of disability and recurrence of disabling injury were evaluated over time. Differences were assessed using Chi square analyses and a generalized linear model, and \u201cavoided\u201d costs were projected.ResultsThe SRHP had no impact on length of disability, but did appear to significantly reduce the rate of recurrence among resident handling-related injuries. As indemnity and medical costs were three times higher for claimants with recurrent disabling injuries, the SRHP resulted in significant \u201cavoided\u201d costs due to \u201cavoided\u201d recurrence.ConclusionsIn addition to reducing overall injury rates, SRHPs appear to improve long-term return-to-work success by reducing the rate of recurrent disabling injuries resulting in work disability. In this study, the impact was sustained over years, even after a formal training and implementation program ended. Since back pain is inherently a recurrent condition, results suggest that SRHPs help workers remain at work and return-to-work.U19 OH008857/OH/NIOSH CDC HHS/United StatesU19OH008857/ACL/ACL HHS/United States2020-06-01T00:00:00Z29785467PMC64227237736vault:3165

    Occup Environ Med

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    ObjectivesHealthcare workers have high rates of low back pain (LBP) related to handling patients. A large chain of nursing homes experienced reduced biomechanical load, compensation claims and costs following implementation of a safe resident handling programme (SRHP). The aim of this study was to examine whether LBP similarly declined and whether it was associated with relevant self-reported occupational exposures or personal health factors.MethodsWorker surveys were conducted on multiple occasions beginning with the week of first SRHP introduction (baseline). In each survey, the outcome was LBP during the prior 3 months with at least mild severity during the past week. Robust Poisson multivariable regression models were constructed to examine correlates of LBP cross-sectionally at 2 years (F3) and longitudinally at 5\u20136 years (F5) post-SRHP implementation among workers also in at least one prior survey.ResultsLBP prevalence declined minimally between baseline and F3. The prevalence was 37% at F3 and cumulative incidence to F5 was 22%. LBP prevalence at F3 was positively associated with combined physical exposures, psychological job demands and prior back injury, while frequent lift device usage and \u2018intense\u2019 aerobic exercise frequency were protective. At F5, the multivariable model included frequent lift usage at F3 (relative risk (RR) 0.39 (0.18 to 0.84)) and F5 work\u2013family imbalance (RR=1.82 (1.12 to 2.98)).ConclusionsIn this observational study, resident lifting device usage predicted reduced LBP in nursing home workers. Other physical and psychosocial demands of nursing home work also contributed, while frequent intense aerobic exercise appeared to reduce LBP risk.U19 OH008857/OH/NIOSH CDC HHS/United StatesU19OH008857/ACL HHS/United States2018-06-01T00:00:00Z27919063PMC586080

    Prevalence and Factors Associated with Occupational Musculoskeletal Disorders among the Nurses of a Tertiary Care Center of Nepal

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    Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are injuries or pain in the human musculoskeletal system which could lead to temporary or permanent impairments. The nature of nursing jobs makes nurses vulnerable to MSDs. This study aimed to assess the prevalence and potential risk factors associated with MSDs among nurses. Methods: In between March to June 2021, a cross-sectional study was conducted among 165 nurses using self-administered questionnaires. A standardized Nordic Questionnaire was used to measure MSDs. Pearson’s chi-square test and binary logistic regression at a 5% level of significance were performed to identify factors associated with upper extremities and spinal musculoskeletal disorders (UMSD) and lower extremities musculoskeletal disorders (LMSD). Variables associated with UMSD and LMSD in bivariate analysis were subjected to multiple logistic regression.  Results: The prevalence of UMSD and LMSD experienced by nurses was 86.1% (95% CI: 79.4%-90.9%) and 66.1% (95% CI: 58.9%-74.3%), respectively. Among several factors, working in same position for long periods (AOR: 4.16, 95% CI: 1.2-13.4), not receiving training in injury prevention programs (AOR: 3.15, 95% CI: 1.0-9.2), not enough rest breaks during the day (AOR: 4.65, 95% CI: 1.3-15.9) and moderate to higher job stress (AOR: 3.62, 95% CI: 1.2-10.8) were found to be significantly associated with UMSD. Not having enough rest breaks during the day (AOR: 2.19, 95% CI: 1.0-4.7) was significantly associated with LMSD. Conclusion: Higher prevalence of MSDs among nurses is a serious concern that threatens individual health as well as the overall healthcare system. Sensitization and capacity enhancement programs on the issue could prevent MSDs among nurses