6 research outputs found

    Unresolved Object Detection Using Synthetic Data Generation and Artificial Neural Networks

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    This research presents and solves constrained real-world problems of using synthetic data to train artificial neural networks (ANNs) to detect unresolved moving objects in wide field of view (WFOV) electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) satellite motion imagery. Objectives include demonstrating the use of the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Sensor and Scene Emulation Tool (ASSET) as an effective tool for generating EO/IR motion imagery representative of real WFOV sensors and describing the ANN architectures, training, and testing results obtained. Deep learning using a 3-D convolutional neural network (3D ConvNet), long short term memory (LSTM) network, and U-Net are used to solve the problem of EO/IR unresolved object detection. U-Net is shown to be a promising ANN architecture for performing EO/IR unresolved object detection. In two of the experiments, U-Net achieved 90% and 88% pixel prediction accuracy. In addition, the results show ASSET is capable of generating sufficient information needed to train deep learning models

    Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks for Online Disturbance Detection in Satellite Image Time Series

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    A satellite image time series (SITS) contains a significant amount of temporal information. By analysing this type of data, the pattern of the changes in the object of concern can be explored. The natural change in the Earth’s surface is relatively slow and exhibits a pronounced pattern. Some natural events (for example, fires, floods, plant diseases, and insect pests) and human activities (for example, deforestation and urbanisation) will disturb this pattern and cause a relatively profound change on the Earth’s surface. These events are usually referred to as disturbances. However, disturbances in ecosystems are not easy to detect from SITS data, because SITS contain combined information on disturbances, phenological variations and noise in remote sensing data. In this paper, a novel framework is proposed for online disturbance detection from SITS. The framework is based on long short-term memory (LSTM) networks. First, LSTM networks are trained by historical SITS. The trained LSTM networks are then used to predict new time series data. Last, the predicted data are compared with real data, and the noticeable deviations reveal disturbances. Experimental results using 16-day compositions of the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MOD13Q1) illustrate the effectiveness and stability of the proposed approach for online disturbance detection

    Large Area Land Cover Mapping Using Deep Neural Networks and Landsat Time-Series Observations

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    This dissertation focuses on analysis and implementation of deep learning methodologies in the field of remote sensing to enhance land cover classification accuracy, which has important applications in many areas of environmental planning and natural resources management. The first manuscript conducted a land cover analysis on 26 Landsat scenes in the United States by considering six classifier variants. An extensive grid search was conducted to optimize classifier parameters using only the spectral components of each pixel. Results showed no gain in using deep networks by using only spectral components over conventional classifiers, possibly due to the small reference sample size and richness of features. The effect of changing training data size, class distribution, or scene heterogeneity were also studied and we found all of them having significant effect on classifier accuracy. The second manuscript reviewed 103 research papers on the application of deep learning methodologies in remote sensing, with emphasis on per-pixel classification of mono-temporal data and utilizing spectral and spatial data dimensions. A meta-analysis quantified deep network architecture improvement over selected convolutional classifiers. The effect of network size, learning methodology, input data dimensionality and training data size were also studied, with deep models providing enhanced performance over conventional one using spectral and spatial data. The analysis found that input dataset was a major limitation and available datasets have already been utilized to their maximum capacity. The third manuscript described the steps to build the full environment for dataset generation based on Landsat time-series data using spectral, spatial, and temporal information available for each pixel. A large dataset containing one sample block from each of 84 ecoregions in the conterminous United States (CONUS) was created and then processed by a hybrid convolutional+recurrent deep network, and the network structure was optimized with thousands of simulations. The developed model achieved an overall accuracy of 98% on the test dataset. Also, the model was evaluated for its overall and per-class performance under different conditions, including individual blocks, individual or combined Landsat sensors, and different sequence lengths. The analysis found that although the deep model performance per each block is superior to other candidates, the per block performance still varies considerably from block to block. This suggests extending the work by model fine-tuning for local areas. The analysis also found that including more time stamps or combining different Landsat sensor observations in the model input significantly enhances the model performance