23 research outputs found

    Homeomorphically Irreducible Spanning Trees, Halin Graphs, and Long Cycles in 3-connected Graphs with Bounded Maximum Degrees

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    A tree TT with no vertex of degree 2 is called a {\it homeomorphically irreducible tree}\,(HIT) and if TT is spanning in a graph, then TT is called a {\it homeomorphically irreducible spanning tree}\,(HIST). Albertson, Berman, Hutchinson and Thomassen asked {\it if every triangulation of at least 4 vertices has a HIST} and {\it if every connected graph with each edge in at least two triangles contains a HIST}. These two questions were restated as two conjectures by Archdeacon in 2009. The first part of this dissertation gives a proof for each of the two conjectures. The second part focuses on some problems about {\it Halin graphs}, which is a class of graphs closely related to HITs and HISTs. A {\it Halin graph} is obtained from a plane embedding of a HIT of at least 4 vertices by connecting its leaves into a cycle following the cyclic order determined by the embedding. And a {\it generalized Halin graph} is obtained from a HIT of at least 4 vertices by connecting the leaves into a cycle. Let GG be a sufficiently large nn-vertex graph. Applying the Regularity Lemma and the Blow-up Lemma, it is shown that GG contains a spanning Halin subgraph if it has minimum degree at least (n+1)/2(n+1)/2 and GG contains a spanning generalized Halin subgraph if it is 3-connected and has minimum degree at least (2n+3)/5(2n+3)/5. The minimum degree conditions are best possible. The last part estimates the length of longest cycles in 3-connected graphs with bounded maximum degrees. In 1993 Jackson and Wormald conjectured that for any positive integer d4d\ge 4, there exists a positive real number α\alpha depending only on dd such that if GG is a 3-connected nn-vertex graph with maximum degree dd, then GG has a cycle of length at least αnlogd12\alpha n^{\log_{d-1} 2}. They showed that the exponent in the bound is best possible if the conjecture is true. The conjecture is confirmed for d425d\ge 425

    Long paths in random Apollonian networks

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    We consider the length L(n)L(n) of the longest path in a randomly generated Apollonian Network (ApN) An{\cal A}_n. We show that w.h.p. L(n)nelogcnL(n)\leq ne^{-\log^cn} for any constant c<2/3c<2/3

    Spanning trees without adjacent vertices of degree 2

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    Albertson, Berman, Hutchinson, and Thomassen showed in 1990 that there exist highly connected graphs in which every spanning tree contains vertices of degree 2. Using a result of Alon and Wormald, we show that there exists a natural number dd such that every graph of minimum degree at least dd contains a spanning tree without adjacent vertices of degree 2. Moreover, we prove that every graph with minimum degree at least 3 has a spanning tree without three consecutive vertices of degree 2

    List of Forthcoming Articles

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    Counting cycles in planar triangulations

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    We investigate the minimum number of cycles of specified lengths in planar nn-vertex triangulations GG. It is proven that this number is Ω(n)\Omega(n) for any cycle length at most 3+max{rad(G),(n32)log32}3 + \max \{ {\rm rad}(G^*), \lceil (\frac{n-3}{2})^{\log_32} \rceil \}, where rad(G){\rm rad}(G^*) denotes the radius of the triangulation's dual, which is at least logarithmic but can be linear in the order of the triangulation. We also show that there exist planar hamiltonian nn-vertex triangulations containing O(n)O(n) many kk-cycles for any k{nn5,,n}k \in \{ \lceil n - \sqrt[5]{n} \rceil, \ldots, n \}. Furthermore, we prove that planar 4-connected nn-vertex triangulations contain Ω(n)\Omega(n) many kk-cycles for every k{3,,n}k \in \{ 3, \ldots, n \}, and that, under certain additional conditions, they contain Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2) kk-cycles for many values of kk, including nn

    The circumference of a graph with no K3, t-minor

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    It was shown by Chen and Yu that every 3-connected planar graph G contains a cycle of length at least | G |log 3 2, where | G | denotes the number of vertices of G. Thomas made a conjecture in a more general setting: there exists a function β (t) > 0 for t ≥ 3, such that every 3-connected graph G with no K3, t-minor, t ≥ 3, contains a cycle of length at least | G |β (t). We prove that this conjecture is true with β (t) = log8 t t + 1 2. We also show that every 2-connected graph with no K2, t-minor, t ≥ 3, contains a cycle of length at least | G | / tt - 1. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.preprin

    Dense circuit graphs and the planar Tur\'an number of a cycle

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    The planar Turaˊn number\textit{planar Tur\'an number} exP(n,H)\textrm{ex}_{\mathcal P}(n,H) of a graph HH is the maximum number of edges in an nn-vertex planar graph without HH as a subgraph. Let CkC_k denote the cycle of length kk. The planar Tur\'an number exP(n,Ck)\textrm{ex}_{\mathcal P}(n,C_k) is known for k7k\le 7. We show that dense planar graphs with a certain connectivity property (known as circuit graphs) contain large near triangulations, and we use this result to obtain consequences for planar Tur\'an numbers. In particular, we prove that there is a constant DD so that exP(n,Ck)3n6Dn/klog23\textrm{ex}_{\mathcal P}(n,C_k) \le 3n - 6 - Dn/k^{\log_2^3} for all k,n4k, n\ge 4. When k11k \ge 11 this bound is tight up to the constant DD and proves a conjecture of Cranston, Lidick\'y, Liu, and Shantanam

    The Largest Bond in 3-Connected Graphs

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    A graph G is connected if given any two vertices, there is a path between them. A bond B is a minimal edge set in G such that G − B has more components than G. We say that a connected graph is dual Hamiltonian if its largest bond has size |E(G)|−|V (G)|+2. In this thesis we verify the conjecture that any simple 3-connected graph G has a largest bond with size at least Ω(nlog32) (Ding, Dziobiak, Wu, 2015 [3]) for a variety of graph classes including planar graphs, complete graphs, ladders, Mo ̈bius ladders and circular ladders, complete bipartite graphs, some unique (3,g)- cages, the generalized Petersen graph, and some small hypercubes. We will also go further to prove that a variety of these graph classes not only satisfy the conjecture, but are also dual Hamiltonian