5,412 research outputs found

    Regeneration of Somatic Hybrids Between Festuca Arundinacea var. glacescens and Lolium multiflorum LAM.

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    Protoplasts derived from ten suspension cultures of tetraploid Festuca arundinacea var. glaucescens (2n = 4x = 28) and diploid Lolium multiflorum Lam. (2n = 2x =14) were fused to produce somatic hybrids. Regenerated green plants in three fusion combinations were identified as somatic hybrids because they showed characters that were peculiar to both Festuca arundinacea var. glaucescens (hairs on auricle) and Lolium multiflorum Lam. (root-fluorescence). Moreover, the hybrids also had a chromosome number of about forty two

    Orthology guided transcriptome assembly of Italian ryegrass and meadow fescue for single-nucleotide polymorphism discovery

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    Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) represent natural DNA sequence variation. They can be used for various applications including the construction of high-density genetic maps, analysis of genetic variability, genome-wide association studies, and mapbased cloning. Here we report on transcriptome sequencing in the two forage grasses, meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), and identification of various classes of SNPs. Using the Orthology Guided Assembly (OGA) strategy, we assembled and annotated a total of 18,952 and 19,036 transcripts for Italian ryegrass and meadow fescue, respectively. In addition, we used transcriptome sequence data of perennial ryegrass (L. perenne L.) from a previous study to identify 16,613 transcripts shared across all three species. Large numbers of intraspecific SNPs were identified in all three species: 248,000 in meadow fescue, 715,000 in Italian ryegrass, and 529,000 in perennial ryegrass. Moreover, we identified almost 25,000 interspecific SNPs located in 5343 genes that can distinguish meadow fescue from Italian ryegrass and 15,000 SNPs located in 3976 genes that discriminate meadow fescue from both Lolium species. All identified SNPs were positioned in silico on the seven linkage groups (LGs) of L. perenne using the GenomeZipper approach. With the identification and positioning of interspecific SNPs, our study provides a valuable resource for the grass research and breeding community and will enable detailed characterization of genomic composition and gene expression analysis in prospective Festuca Lolium hybrids

    Promoción de raigrás anual naturalizado (Lolium multiflorum L.) en la cuenca del río Salado. Evaluación de la producción invernal de forraje en pastoreo

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    Effective operation of grazing production systems needs control the production of forage at farm level. A nine year old stand of enhanced tame native ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) (RGE) and an annual crop of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L. cv Tama) (RGT) were monitored to test the hypothesis that: (i) herbage biomass in such pastures can be assessed by Ration Calculation methodology as accurately as by more exhaustive procedures, and (ii) enhancement increases amount and quality of forage winter supply. Enhancement includes fertilization with NH4 NO3 and (NH4 ) 2 HPO4, and weed control with Glyphosate (N- (phosphonomethyl glycine)). The Ration Calculation method estimates available herbage dry matter assuming that «one herbage ration» equal to one cow equivalent (CE), consisting of 10 kg DM day-1 with 77.57 MJ of ME. Herbage samples were taken from each paddock, representing harvestable biomass. Grazing harvest efficiency and herbage DM intake (HDMI) were estimated through difference between initial (IHA) and final (FHA) herbage available (kg DM ha-1), before and after grazing, corrected by losses due to grazing. Eight grazing cycles of RGE produced 16 041 kg DM/ha year-1, (2 001 ± 79.3 rations/ha year-1) while ration calculation estimates 9 775 kg DM/ha year-1. The RGT allowed seven grazing cycles, yielded 12 269 kg DM/ha year-1 or 1 144 ± 87.1 rations/ha year-1 compared to 8 688 kg DM/ha year-1 estimated by calculating ration. The ration calculation method did not accurately assess the enhanced cumulative herbage DM produced. Enhancement technology improved production and quality of tame ryegrass in winter time.El manejo de sistemas ganaderos de producción requiere controlar la producción de forraje a nivel de unidad de pastoreo. Con una pastura naturalizada y promocionada durante nueve años de raigras (Lolium multiflorum L.) (RGE) y un cultivo de raigras anual (Lolium multiflorum L. cv. Tama) (RGT) se probaron las hipótesis de que la biomasa forrajera aerea puede ser estimada correctamente por el método del cálculo de raciones como mediante los atributos del forraje, y que la promoción permite aumentar la producción invernal de forraje. La promoción involucra fertilizaciones con NH4 NO3 y (NH4 )2 HPO4 y control de malezas con Glifosato (N- (phosphonomethyl glycine). La estimación de materia seca disponible mediante el calculo de raciones asume que «una ración de forraje» son 10 kg MS día-1 que contienen 77.57 MJ de EM que representan un equivalente vaca (CE). La eficiencia de cosecha y consumo en pastoreo (HDMI) fueron estimados por diferencia entre disponibilidad forrajera inicial (IHA) y final (FHA) antes y después del pastoreo, corregido por pérdidas debidas al pastoreo. El período de crecimiento de la RGE permitió ocho pastoreos produciendo 16 041 kg MS/ha año-1 ó 2 001± 79.3 raciones/ha año-1 comparado con 9 775 kg MS/ha año-1 estimados por cálculo de raciones. En siete pastoreos el RGT produjo 12 269 kg MS/ha año-1 ó 1 144 raciones/ha año-1, comparado con 8 688 kg MS/ha año-1 estimados por el cálculo de raciones. Se concluye que el cálculo de raciones no estima correctamente la biomasa producida por una promoción y que, efectivamente, la tecnología de promoción aumenta la producción y calidad invernal del pastizal natural.Fil: Danelon, Jose Luis. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Magaz, Santiago Horacio. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Magaz, Hernan Miguel. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Colombatto, Dario. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Rooting Pattern Distribution and Spatial Variability of Italian Ryegrass (Lolium Multiflorum Lam) in a Mediterranean Region

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    It is estimated that less than 10% of the studies on pastures and forages have evaluated the subterranean biomass production. The objective of this study was to evaluate for a Mediterranean region the rooting characteristics and spatial variability of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) under two different soil water status conditions

    Barenbrug Seeding Trial

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    Various proprietary seeding mixtures from Barenbrug, USA were examined to determine their effectiveness during both a spring and autumn establishment period under various levels of traffic. RPR perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), SOS annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), and TurfBlue Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) were mixed at various ratios to examine how they performed under traffic stress. Also of interest was to determine if annual ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass could be used as an alternating dominant species

    Otimização de protocolo para análise de AFLP em Lolium multiflorum Lam.

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    ESTABELECIMENTO DE METODOLOGIA PARA ANÁLISE MOLECULAR DE AZEVÉM ANUAL COM MARCADORES AFLP. O uso de marcadores moleculares no manejo de bancos de germoplasma tem sido cada vez mais expressivo. Entre os diferentes tipos de marcadores moleculares, o AFLP, Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism, apresenta algumas vantagens para uso na caracterização de recursos genéticos, como a detecção de grande número de bandas informativas por reação, com ampla cobertura do genoma e considerável reprodutibilidade, além de não necessitar de dados de seqüenciamento prévio da espécie para a construção de primers. Embora a análise de AFLP seja freqüentemente utilizada em estudos de variabilidade genética em diferentes espécies, o uso da técnica em Lolium multiflorum ainda é incipiente. Com a finalidade de estabelecer um protocolo para o emprego da técnica de AFLP em azevém anual foi conduzido este trabalho. Foram avaliadas as concentrações iniciais de DNA genômico de 100 e 250 ng, a digestão do DNA com 1,25 e 1U das enzimas EcoRI e MSe, e os respectivos tempos de reação de digestão: 3, 6 e 12 horas. Também foram avaliadas quatro concentrações da solução resultante da ligação dos adaptadores: solução sem diluição; diluída 1:5; 1:10 e 1:20 e duas diluições após a reação de pré-amplificação, de 1:25 e 1:50. Como resultado, foi estabelecido como melhor protocolo, no qual foi obtido um maior número e qualidade de fragmentos, o que utiliza a concentração inicial de DNA genômico de 100 ng, num volume final de reação de digestão 10 ?l, com 1U de cada enzima EcoRI e MseI e tempo de reação de 12h a 37°C, com reação de ligação de adaptadores realizada com a adição da solução de ligação de adaptadores, do Kit AFLP? Analysis System I (InvitroGen Life Technologies, Carlsbad, Calif., USA), e 0,4 U de T4 DNA ligase em um volume final de 10?l, por 2h a 20°C. Após a ligação de adaptadores a diluição deverá ser de 1:5. A reação de pré-amplificação deverá ocorrer a partir de 1?l desta última solução (diluída 1:5), 1,0 X PCR buffer com Mg Plus [Tris-HCl (pH 7.6) 20 mM, MgCl2 1,5 mM, KCl 50 mM], BSA 0,003% e 1 U de Taq DNA polimerase, completando com mix de pré-amplificação do Kit AFLP? Analysis System I até alcançar o volume final de 11?l. O produto da pré-amplificação deverá ser diluído 1:25 antes de ser procedida à amplificação seletiva, a qual deve ser realizada utilizando 2,5 ?l da solução de DNA pré-amplificado (diluído 1:25), 1 X PCR buffer com Mg Plus [Tris-HCl (pH 8,4) 20 mM, MgCl2 1,5 mM, KCl 50 mM], BSA (0,003%), 1 U de Taq DNA polimerase, 10 ng de primer EcoRI, 1,5 ng de primer MseI, 0,4mM de DNTps e H2O MilliQ? até completar o volume final de 10?l. Com este protocolo uma única combinação de primers permitiu identificar 58 bandas polimórficas na análise de duas populações de azevém anual.bitstream/CNPGL/15618/1/comunicado_179.pd

    Control of Italian ryegrass (Lolium perenne L. spp. multiflorum Lam. Husnot) in wheat (Triticum spp.) and evaluation of resistance to acetyl-CoA carboxylase inhibiting herbicides

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    Control of Italian ryegrass is important to Tennessee wheat producers. Control of Italian ryegrass has become more difficult over the years due to diclofop resistance. Italian ryegrass resistance to diclofop has been documented in several countries including the US. Tennessee producers have begun to notice that ryegrass escapes are becoming more prevalent than in years past. The purpose of this research was to use glasshouse methods to screen selected populations of Italian ryegrass for resistance to diclofop and to a more recent wheat herbicide pinoxaden and to utilize field experiments to develop herbicide programs for control Italian ryegrass in the field. Resistance to diclofop was found in eight TN populations. The eight populations did not show cross-resistance to pinoxaden. One population from Union County, NC (R1) was found to be resistant to both diclofop and pinoxaden. The level of resistance to pinoxaden of the R1 population was 14 x that of the susceptible population.Field experiments demonstrated preemergence (PRE) Italian ryegrass control with chlorsulfuron (71 to 94%) and flufenacet + metribuzin (84 to 96%). Italian ryegrass control with pendimethalin applied PRE or delayed preemergence (DPRE) was variable (0 to 85%). Postemergence control of Italian ryegrass was good with pinoxaden, mesosulfuron, flufenacet + metribuzin, and chlorsulfuron + flucarbazone (\u3e80%). Timing of application and herbicide treatment had no effect upon wheat yield, except for diclofop and pendimethalin treatments where Italian ryegrass was not controlled. Pinoxaden is in the phenylpyrazolin herbicide family which offers control of Italian ryegrass but is not toxic to wheat. Pinoxaden has only been on the market for three years yet several wheat producers have suspected resistance in Italian ryegrass biotypes.An experiment was conducted to identify Italian ryegrass biotypes resistant to pinoxaden and to determine the mechanism of resistance using derived Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequence (dCAPS) methods. Two populations were found resistant to pinoxaden, one from the state of Washington (R2) and the other from North Carolina (R1). The substitution of isoleucine by leucine at the 1781 ACCase residue was identified in the R1 biotype but not in the R2. The NC1 biotype is the first known pinoxaden resistant Italian ryegrass population to be documented having the 1781 target-site mutation

    Development and mapping of DArT markers within the Festuca - Lolium complex

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Grasses are among the most important and widely cultivated plants on Earth. They provide high quality fodder for livestock, are used for turf and amenity purposes, and play a fundamental role in environment protection. Among cultivated grasses, species within the <it>Festuca-Lolium </it>complex predominate, especially in temperate regions. To facilitate high-throughput genome profiling and genetic mapping within the complex, we have developed a Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) array for five grass species: <it>F. pratensis</it>, <it>F. arundinacea</it>, <it>F. glaucescens</it>, <it>L. perenne </it>and <it>L. multiflorum</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The DArTFest array contains 7680 probes derived from methyl-filtered genomic representations. In a first marker discovery experiment performed on 40 genotypes from each species (with the exception of <it>F. glaucescens </it>for which only 7 genotypes were used), we identified 3884 polymorphic markers. The number of DArT markers identified in every single genotype varied from 821 to 1852. To test the usefulness of DArTFest array for physical mapping, DArT markers were assigned to each of the seven chromosomes of <it>F. pratensis </it>using single chromosome substitution lines while recombinants of <it>F. pratensis </it>chromosome 3 were used to allocate the markers to seven chromosome bins.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The resources developed in this project will facilitate the development of genetic maps in <it>Festuca </it>and <it>Lolium</it>, the analysis on genetic diversity, and the monitoring of the genomic constitution of the <it>Festuca × Lolium </it>hybrids. They will also enable marker-assisted selection for multiple traits or for specific genome regions.</p

    ×"Schedolium krasanii" - a new nothospecies name

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    Für die Bastardformel Lolium multiflorum × Schedonorus arundinaceus wird der Nothospeziesname ×Schedolium krasanii vorgeschlagen.For the hybrid formula Lolium multiflorum × Schedonorus arundinaceus the new nothospecies name ×Schedolium krasanii is proposed

    Crown Rust Resistance in Transgenic Italian Ryegrass (\u3cem\u3eL. Multiflorum\u3c/em\u3e) Expressing a Rice Chitinase Gene and Crosses with Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Hybrid Ryegrass

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    Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) is one of the most important forage grasses in the temperate region. In ryegrasses, crown rust (Puccinia coronata) is the most serious foliar fungal disease and brings about a reduction of herbage yield and loss of palatability to grass-eating domestic animals. In this study, we tried to increase tolerance to the pathogen by introducing a rice chitinase gene using particle bombardment