17 research outputs found

    Automatic Verification of Message-Based Device Drivers

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    We develop a practical solution to the problem of automatic verification of the interface between device drivers and the OS. Our solution relies on a combination of improved driver architecture and verification tools. It supports drivers written in C and can be implemented in any existing OS, which sets it apart from previous proposals for verification-friendly drivers. Our Linux-based evaluation shows that this methodology amplifies the power of existing verification tools in detecting driver bugs, making it possible to verify properties beyond the reach of traditional techniques.Comment: In Proceedings SSV 2012, arXiv:1211.587

    C2TLA+ : Traduction automatique du code C vers TLA+

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    National audienceNous nous intéressons dans ce papier à l'automatisation de la traduction d'un code source C vers un modèle écrit dans le langage de spécification TLA+. Nous proposons alors un outil C2TLA+ pour automatiser le passage d'un code source C vers un modèle écrit dans un langage combinant une logique temporelle avec une logique des actions afin qu'il soit vérifié par le model-checker TLC. Ce papier illustre les règles de représentation et de traduction utilisées pour passer d'une implémentation à une spécification TLA+

    Modal Reactors

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    Complex software systems often feature distinct modes of operation, each designed to handle a particular scenario that may require the system to respond in a certain way. Breaking down system behavior into mutually exclusive modes and discrete transitions between modes is a commonly used strategy to reduce implementation complexity and promote code readability. However, such capabilities often come in the form of self-contained domain specific languages or language-specific frameworks. The work in this paper aims to bring the advantages of modal models to mainstream programming languages, by following the polyglot coordination approach of Lingua Franca (LF), in which verbatim target code (e.g., C, C++, Python, Typescript, or Rust) is encapsulated in composable reactive components called reactors. Reactors can form a dataflow network, are triggered by timed as well as sporadic events, execute concurrently, and can be distributed across nodes on a network. With modal models in LF, we introduce a lean extension to the concept of reactors that enables the coordination of reactive tasks based on modes of operation. The implementation of modal reactors outlined in this paper generalizes to any LF-supported language with only modest modifications to the generic runtime system

    Reversed engineering based on log data

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    State-Based Techniques For Designing, Verifying And Debugging Message Passing Systems

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    Message passing systems support the applications of concurrent events, where independent or semi-independent events occur simultaneously in a nondeterministic fashion. The nature of independence, random interactions and concurrency made the code development of such applications complicated and error-prone. Conventional code development environments or IDEs, such as Microsoft Visual Studio, provide little programming support in this regard. Furthermore, ensuring the correctness of a message passing system is a challenge. Typically, it is important to guarantee that a system meets its desired specifications along its construction process. Model checking is one of the techniques used in software verification which has proven to be effective in discovering hidden design and implementation errors. The required advanced knowledge of formal methods and temporal languages is one of the impediments in adopting model checking by software developers. To integrate model checking environments and conventional IDEs, this dissertation proposes a multi-phase development framework that facilitates designing, verifying, implementing and debugging state-based message passing systems. The techniques and design principles of the proposed framework focus on improving and easing the software development experience. In the first phase, a two-level design methodology is proposed through using abstract high-level communication blocks and hierarchical state-behavioral descriptions that were developed in this research. In the second phase, a new method based on choosing from a pre-determined set of patterns in concurrent communication properties is proposed to facilitate collecting the essential specifications of the system where the atomic propositions are linked with the system design. A complex property can be attained by hierarchically nesting some of these patterns. A procedure to automatically generate formal models in a model checker (MC) language is proposed. Once the model that contains both the design and the properties of the system are generated, a model checker is used to verify the correctness of the proposed system and ensure its compliance with specifications. To help in locating the source of an undesired specification, if any, a procedure to map a counter example generated by the MC to the original design is presented. In the third phase, a skeleton code of the design specification is generated in a general programming language such as Microsoft C\#, Java, etc. moreover, the ability to debug the generated code using a conventional IDE while tracing the debugging process back to the original design was established. Finally, a graphical software tool that supports the proposed framework is developed where SPIN MC is used as a verifier. The tool was used to develop and verify several case studies. The proposed framework and the developed software tool can be considered a key solution for message passing systems design and verification

    Modeling and Analyzing Cyber-Physical Systems Using Hybrid Predicate Transition Nets

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    Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are software controlled physical devices that are being used everywhere from utility features in household devices to safety-critical features in cars, trains, aircraft, robots, smart healthcare devices. CPSs have complex hybrid behaviors combining discrete states and continuous states capturing physical laws. Developing reliable CPSs are extremely difficult. Formal modeling methods are especially useful for abstracting and understanding complex systems and detecting and preventing early system design problems. To ensure the dependability of formal models, various analysis techniques, including simulation and reachability analysis, have been proposed in recent decades. This thesis aims to provide a unified formal modeling and analysis methodology for studying CPSs. Firstly, this thesis contributes to the modeling and analysis of discrete, continuous, and hybrid systems. This work enhances modeling of discrete systems using predicate transition nets (PrTNs) by fully realizing the underlying specification through incorporating the first-order logic with set theory, improving the type system, and providing incremental model composition. This work enhances the technique of analyzing discrete systems using PrTN by improving the simulation algorithm and its efficient implementation. This work also improves the analysis of discrete systems using SPIN by providing a more accurate and complete translation method. Secondly, this work contributes to the modeling and analysis of hybrid systems by proposing an extension of PrTNs, hybrid predicate transition nets (HPrTNs). The proposed method incorporates a novel concept of token evolution, which nicely addresses the continuous state evolution and the conflicts present in other related works. This work presents a powerful simulation capability that can handle linear, non-linear dynamics, transcendental functions through differential equations. This work also provides a complementary technique for reachability analysis through the translation of HPrTN models for analysis using SpaceEx

    A Domain Specific Language Based Approach for Generating Deadlock-Free Parallel Load Scheduling Protocols for Distributed Systems

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    In this dissertation, the concept of using domain specific language to develop errorree parallel asynchronous load scheduling protocols for distributed systems is studied. The motivation of this study is rooted in addressing the high cost of verifying parallel asynchronous load scheduling protocols. Asynchronous parallel applications are prone to subtle bugs such as deadlocks and race conditions due to the possibility of non-determinism. Due to this non-deterministic behavior, traditional testing methods are less effective at finding software faults. One approach that can eliminate these software bugs is to employ model checking techniques that can verify that non-determinism will not cause software faults in parallel programs. Unfortunately, model checking requires the development of a verification model of a program in a separate verification language which can be an error-prone procedure and may not properly represent the semantics of the original system. The model checking approach can provide true positive result if the semantics of an implementation code and a verification model is represented under a single framework such that the verification model closely represents the implementation and the automation of a verification process is natural. In this dissertation, a domain specific language based verification framework is developed to design parallel load scheduling protocols and automatically verify their behavioral properties through model checking. A specification language, LBDSL, is introduced that facilitates the development of parallel load scheduling protocols. The LBDSL verification framework uses model checking techniques to verify the asynchronous behavior of the protocol. It allows the same protocol specification to be used for verification and the code generation. The support to automatic verification during protocol development reduces the verification cost post development. The applicability of LBDSL verification framework is illustrated by performing case study on three different types of load scheduling protocols. The study shows that the LBDSL based verification approach removes the need of debugging for deadlocks and race bugs which has potential to significantly lower software development costs