756 research outputs found

    A Review on Solid Waste Site, Landfill Site Allocation Using GIS, Multi Criteria Decision Analysis

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    Increasing use of GIS in various research fields is become a new trend to researchers, and its reason is also appreciable, It is find that GIS and other techniques combine together unexpectedly helps to researchers for doing critical investigations of huge amount of spatial and nonspatial data easily. The main aim of this paper is to review the use of GIS techniques used in sitting solid waste sites and landfills. Sitting solid waste site and landfill site is a very hard and complicated task. It involves various issues which are very sensitive to environment and human life. It is an attempt to find and group together the various researchers’ research thoughts for further study, which will be a guide way for new researchers and solid waste management decision makers. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15082


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    Traditionally the term visualization has been used to describe the process of graphically conveying or presenting end results. This paper argues that the utility of visualization approaches extends beyond these limits as it plays key role in fields of exploration, analysis and presentation, which enhances planner\u27s capabilities to solve complex planning problems. It proposes a transdisciplinary method that combines visualization approaches to site selection, integrated with spatial scenario planning, and stakeholder participation. However, it focuses on visualization as it relates to spatial data, to be applied to all the stages of problem-solving in geographical analysis, from development of initial hypotheses, through knowledge discovery, analysis, presentation and evaluation. It uses three different spatial scenarios – nature conservation, residential expansion, and sustainable development- to investigate the potentials of GIS based visualization to develop maps of a range of plausible future for possible quarrying locations in Lebano

    Land Suitability Analysis as Multi Criteria Decision Making to Support the Egyptian Urban Development

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    Sustainability in urban development is considered as a main concrete stone that effect directly the quality of life for its users. Land Suitability Analysis (LSA) using GIS as a multi criteria support tool reveals the best alternatives for the suitability of sustainable land development. Urban planners working under the umbrella of sustainability using recent technology should contribute their work directly to LSA. This paper aims to develop a new technique to be used by planner to reach best alternative for five main urban sectors (agriculture, Industry, Trade, Tourism, & Residential) using GIS as a multi criteria decision support tool (MCDS), accordingly choosing best city location will be accurately and analyzed upon LSA studies. LSA and MCDS are going to be applied on one survey unit map called Monof along Cairo – Alexandria Road. Results showed that different alternatives could be applied on the area of interest, and all of them are sustainable, but choosing the best deepened on the priority of querying the development sector. The paper suggests a pilot method for land development planning and choosing best city location that would be a guide for the governmental planning organization to support in taking right and analyzed planning decisions

    GIS based modelling for fuel reduction using controlled burn in Australia : case study : Logan City, Queensland

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    Bushfire problem is a long-lasting problem which is a big threat and environmental problem in Australia. Planning to control bushfire is very important for Australian Environment. One of the most effective methods to fight bushfire disasters is planning for controlled burns in order to reduce the risk of unwanted bushfire events. Controlled burns management and planning has been always considered as important by town planners. In this study the aim is to produce a tool for prioritizing burn blocks based on diffract criteria in order to help planners have a sound scientific basis for choosing the most important blocks to have controlled burn on. In this study the following research tasks have been considered 1. Investigate criteria related to prescribed burn management and their usability to design a model for analysing long term geospatial suitability of bushfire prescribed burns. 2. Finding out suitable model for scoring blocks designated as fuel reduction bushfire prescribed burns blocks in long term 3. Testing model in a pilot area Several criteria for building up a multi-criteria analysis with GIS model were studied and the corresponding importance weight for them were debated. Research methodology used in this section was investigating literature and methods for determining weights and possibly, using experts’ ideas by interviews or small surveys or running focus groups in a stakeholder organization to find out the most relevant and the most important criteria. Finally eleven most important criteria were chosen and compared to each other by interviewees to find out their importance weight. The model developed considers all the criteria which is usable to plan and prioritize burn blocks selected in the criteria analysis phase. This model works as a basis for having a sound and robust decision on which blocks are most suitable to be burnt in long term point of view. GIS database used in this model were acquired from the pilot area’s relevant authorities. Model was developed based on the ESRI’s ArcGIS analysis tools as well as ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension. In this model Analytical Hierarchical Process Methodology was used for combining criteria importance and develop a unified value-based solution to the study’s Multi Criteria Analysis problem based on two main themes of ‘Implementation’ and ‘Safety’. Model was tested on Logan City Area in south of Queensland, Australia. The case study is an administration area within Australia that all the criteria data has been prepared and acquired from. Results: As combining the final results by overlaying can cause some bias as some blocks show a good match for safety theme but not a good match for implementation and vice versa, two main themes results were combined using an optimization methodology based on probabilistic principles for generating final prioritized blocks. The usability test of the result generated by this model was done by Logan City Council managers and Parks Department bushfire experts. The suitability of the blocks was very close to what experts had in their minds and this model results were validated completely satisfactory by them. All of the blocks ranked by the model were according to what they had a practical perception from the field visit and field knowledge. In overall and in general, the tool created by this study, will help decision makers has a good basis for deciding about long term priorities to plan for controlled burn activities. Decision makers could use this model to have a long term outlook for the budget and resources needed to be allocated to fuel reduction controlled burn practices. This will facilitate short term planning as well.Bushfire problem is a long-lasting problem which is a big threat and environmental problem in Australia. Planning to control bushfire is very important for Australian Environment. One of the most effective methods to fight bushfire disasters is planning for controlled burns in order to reduce the risk of unwanted bushfire events. In controlled burn, some patches or blocks which are risky to cause threat to environment and humans are selected and burned deliberately under a very safe and controlled condition. This way it is ensured that in real situations the ready-to-burn barks and tree canopy or simply ‘fuel load’ are eliminated from the area. This research aims to investigate different approaches to build up spatial model to aid decision makers have a rational justifications for planning controlled burns in long term. This includes finding out suitable model for scoring blocks designated as bushfire prescribed burns blocks. The target of this research is to investigate suitability criteria related to prescribed burn management and use them to design a model for analysing spatial suitability for bushfire prescribed burns. In the process of this research, first it is tried to find out how prescribed burn programs work, what characteristics a burn plan has and how different criteria may contribute in forming suitability for performing a prescribed burn. Then a model has been developed for this purpose. The model output is the prioritized blocks based on two main themes of ‘Safety’ and ‘Implementation’. A combination of these two themes has been used in order to generate prioritized blocks. In this output the higher is the rank of a block it means that it has higher priority to be burn first in long term planning. The model was tested in Logan City area in South East Queensland Australia. Finally the outcome showed a good agreement between planners suitability choice which was based on field visits and the prioritized blocks generated by model. This agreement was investigated gathering different decision makers’ opinions regarding different blocks and comparing it with the actual model outcome. In overall and in general, the tool created by this study, will help decision makers has a good basis for deciding about long term priorities to plan for controlled burn activities. Decision makers could use this model to have a long term outlook for the budget and resources needed to be allocated to fuel reduction controlled burn practices. This will facilitate short term planning as well

    Development of a Multicriteria Scheme for the Identification of Strategic Areas for SUDS Implementation:A Case Study from GijĂłn, Spain

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    Spain has been pinpointed as one of the European countries at major risk of extreme urban events. Thus, Spanish cities pursue new urban plans to increase their resilience. In this scenario, experiences in the implementation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) have increased substantially. Nevertheless, few cities have developed a global urban strategy for SUDS, lacking, in many cases, a method to identify strategic areas to maximize their synergetic benefits. Furthermore, there is still a need for a holistic Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) framework that considers the four pillars of SUDS design. The city of Gijón, NW Spain, has been selected as a case study due to its environmental and climatic stresses. This research presents the methodology developed for this city, which aims to analyze the need for SUDS implementation throughout the identification of strategic areas. With this aim, a combination of Geographic Information System (GIS) software and the MCDA Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) were proposed. The results show the potential for SUDS’ implementation, according to nine criteria related to the SUDS’ design pillars. We found that the areas where the implementation of SUDS would bring the greatest functional, environmental and social benefits are mainly located in consolidated urban areas

    Credit risk management of property investments through multi-criteria indicators

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    The economic crisis of 2008 has highlighted the ineffectiveness of the banks in their disbursement of mortgages which caused the spread of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) with underlying real estate. With the methods stated by the Basel III agreements, aimed at improving the capital requirements of banks and determining an adequate regulatory capital, the banks without the skills required have difficulties in applying the rigid weighting coefficients structures. The aim of the work is to identify a synthetic risk index through the participatory process, in order to support the restructuring debt operations to benefit smaller banks and small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), by analyzing the real estate credit risk. The proposed synthetic risk index aims at overcoming the complexity of Basel III methodologies through the implementation of three different multi-criteria techniques. In particular, the integration of objective financial variables with subjective expert judgments into a participatory process is not that common in the reference literature and brings its benefits for reaching more approved and shared results in the debt restructuring operations procedure. Moreover, the main findings derived by the application to a real case study have demonstrated how important it is for the credit manager to have an adequate synthetic index that could lead to the avoidance of risky scenarios where several modalities to repair the credit debt occur

    A multi-criteria fuzzy method for selecting the location of a solid waste disposal facility

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    Facility location is a multicriteria decision process that has important operational and economic impacts and that typically involves uncertainty and vagueness of evaluations. A fuzzy-based method supporting preliminary decision-making about siting solid waste incinerators is proposed building on a structured classification of criteria for location selection developed from the existing literature. The application to a case study revealed the advantages of the methodology. The work intends to provide a general and comprehensive taxonomy of decision criteria that may be adapted to various facility location problems together with a fuzzy inference process that is useful for companies and public administration institutions looking for rigorous but relatively simple decision-making tools in uncertain environments. Future research will compare the developed method with the most common tools for making location decisions. The approach will be then extended to different kinds of facilitie

    Spatial Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) for Airport with Air Traffic Control Tower Site Selection based on GIS Platform

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesAir transportation is fast growing, and safety is of paramount importance in order to protect lives of passengers and crew as well as the properties of commercial airlines and airports facilities providing services to air travelers. To maintain safety and minimize the risk of air traffic accident, it is necessary to put in place adequate infrastructures like the airports with air traffic control tower that will support air traffic and provide accessibility to passengers utilizing air as a medium of transportation to move from one location to the other. Choosing a location to site an airport can be a complex problem because of multiple factors such as maneuverability of aircraft, movement of passengers, location of warehouse and government authorities like security, immigration and customs which need to be considered and most times are influenced by personal interest, political interest or religious affiliations while neglecting safety. Furthermore, airport is a gigantic project that requires substantial allocation from the federal budget in order to fund it, and hence requires careful consideration and critical analysis to make sure that such a project will maximize its potential when completed. Geographic Information Science (GIScience) based approach which is devoid of human influence can be used in solving a complex problem like choosing a location for airport with air traffic control tower. In this study, GIScience based approach such as spatial multi-criteria analysis (MCA) which combines analytic hierarchy process (AHP) with experts’ opinion is used to build a model which produced suitability map for site selection of airports with air traffic control tower in Nigeria. This study discovered that distance to road network (38%), distance to settlement (26%), and slope (12%) are the most contributing criteria in the suitability map. Comparative analysis also showed that 10.4% and 58.3% of existing airports with air traffic control tower are in areas classified as highly suitable and moderately suitable respectively

    Analytic Network Process (ANP) for Housing Quality Evaluation: A Case Study in Ghana

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    Quality of housing is crucial to an individual\u27s quality of life as it is known to affect human health and well-being. Several studies have employed different methods to assess housing quality. These methods, however, failed to account for the interdependence among the factors (criteria) used for evaluating the quality of housing. This thesis proposes an Analytic Network Process (ANP)-based framework, integrated into Geographic Information Systems (GIS), to assess housing quality. ANP is a multicriteria analysis method. It provides a tool for identifying the relative importance of all the elements (criteria) influencing a goal of decision/evaluation problem (e.g., the problem of evaluating housing quality). The method allows for incorporating dependence relationships into the multicriteria evaluation procedure. A case study of housing quality evaluation at the district level in Ghana using the framework is presented. A set of quality based indicators related to the physical (structural material, dwelling types, housing services), socio-economic (tenure and household density (overcrowding) and environmental (modes of solid waste and liquid waste disposal) aspects of dwellings was used for the evaluation. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The GIS-based ANP approach allows for examining spatial distribution of housing quality. It also identifies the most important factors (indicators) contributing to the variability of housing quality in Ghana
