39,857 research outputs found

    Behavioral Modelling of Digital Devices Via Composite Local-Linear State-Space Relations

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    This paper addresses the generation of accurate and efficient behavioral models of digital ICs. The proposed approach is based on the approximation of the device port characteristics by means of composite local linear state-space relations whose parameters can effectively be estimated from device port transient responses via well-established system identification techniques. The proposedmodels have been proven to overcome some inherent limitations of the state-of-the-art models used so far, and they can effectively be implemented in any commercial tool as Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE) subcircuits or VHDL-AMS hardware descriptions. A systematic study of the performances of the proposed state-space models is carried out on a synthetic test device. The effectiveness of the proposed approach has been demonstrated on a real application problem involving commercial devices and a data link of a mobile phon

    Simulation verification techniques study: Simulation performance validation techniques document

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    Techniques and support software for the efficient performance of simulation validation are discussed. Overall validation software structure, the performance of validation at various levels of simulation integration, guidelines for check case formulation, methods for real time acquisition and formatting of data from an all up operational simulator, and methods and criteria for comparison and evaluation of simulation data are included. Vehicle subsystems modules, module integration, special test requirements, and reference data formats are also described

    Spacelab software development and integration concepts study report, volume 1

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    The proposed software guidelines to be followed by the European Space Research Organization in the development of software for the Spacelab being developed for use as a payload for the space shuttle are documented. Concepts, techniques, and tools needed to assure the success of a programming project are defined as they relate to operation of the data management subsystem, support of experiments and space applications, use with ground support equipment, and for integration testing

    Parametric Macromodels of Digital I/O Ports

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    This paper addresses the development of macromodels for input and output ports of a digital device. The proposed macromodels consist of parametric representations that can be obtained from port transient waveforms at the device ports via a well established procedure. The models are implementable as SPICE subcircuits and their accuracy and efficiency are verified by applying the approach to the characterization of transistor-level models of commercial devices

    Locally-Stable Macromodels of Integrated Digital Devices for Multimedia Applications

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    This paper addresses the development of accurate and efficient behavioral models of digital integrated circuits for the assessment of high-speed systems. Device models are based on suitable parametric expressions estimated from port transient responses and are effective at system level, where the quality of functional signals and the impact of supply noise need to be simulated. A potential limitation of some state-of-the-art modeling techniques resides in hidden instabilities manifesting themselves in the use of models, without being evident in the building phase of the same models. This contribution compares three recently-proposed model structures, and selects the local-linear state-space modeling technique as an optimal candidate for the signal integrity assessment of data links. In fact, this technique combines a simple verification of the local stability of models with a limited model size and an easy implementation in commercial simulation tools. An application of the proposed methodology to a real problem involving commercial devices and a data-link of a wireless device demonstrates the validity of this approac

    Simulation verification techniques study. Subsystem simulation validation techniques

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    Techniques for validation of software modules which simulate spacecraft onboard systems are discussed. An overview of the simulation software hierarchy for a shuttle mission simulator is provided. A set of guidelines for the identification of subsystem/module performance parameters and critical performance parameters are presented. Various sources of reference data to serve as standards of performance for simulation validation are identified. Environment, crew station, vehicle configuration, and vehicle dynamics simulation software are briefly discussed from the point of view of their interfaces with subsystem simulation modules. A detailed presentation of results in the area of vehicle subsystems simulation modules is included. A list of references, conclusions and recommendations are also given

    Scan Test Coverage Improvement Via Automatic Test Pattern Generation (Atpg) Tool Configuration

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    The scan test coverage improvement by using automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) tool configuration was investigated. Improving the test coverage is essential in detecting manufacturing defects in semiconductor industry so that high quality products can be supplied to consumers. The ATPG tool used was Mentor Graphics Tessent TestKompress (version 2014.1). The study was done by setting up a few experiments of utilizing and modifying ATPG commands and switches, observing the test coverage improvement from the statistical reports provided during pattern generation process and providing relatable discussions. By modifying the ATPG commands, it can be expected to have some improvement in the test coverage. The scan test patterns generated were stuck-at test patterns. Based on the experiments done, comparison was made on the different coverage readings and the most optimized method and flow of ATPG were determined. The most optimized flow gave an improvement of 0.91% in test coverage which is acceptable since this method does not involve a change in design. The test patterns generated were converted and tested using automatic test equipment (ATE) to observe its performance on real silicon. The test coverage improvement using ATPG tool instead of the design-based method is important as a faster workaround for back-end engineers to provide high quality test contents in such a short product development duration

    DFT and BIST of a multichip module for high-energy physics experiments

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    Engineers at Politecnico di Torino designed a multichip module for high-energy physics experiments conducted on the Large Hadron Collider. An array of these MCMs handles multichannel data acquisition and signal processing. Testing the MCM from board to die level required a combination of DFT strategie

    A formally verified compiler back-end

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    This article describes the development and formal verification (proof of semantic preservation) of a compiler back-end from Cminor (a simple imperative intermediate language) to PowerPC assembly code, using the Coq proof assistant both for programming the compiler and for proving its correctness. Such a verified compiler is useful in the context of formal methods applied to the certification of critical software: the verification of the compiler guarantees that the safety properties proved on the source code hold for the executable compiled code as well