3,355 research outputs found

    Presentation: The interdisciplinary field of Logic, Language and Information

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    A Tutorial on the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm Including Maximum-Likelihood Estimation and EM Training of Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars

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    The paper gives a brief review of the expectation-maximization algorithm (Dempster 1977) in the comprehensible framework of discrete mathematics. In Section 2, two prominent estimation methods, the relative-frequency estimation and the maximum-likelihood estimation are presented. Section 3 is dedicated to the expectation-maximization algorithm and a simpler variant, the generalized expectation-maximization algorithm. In Section 4, two loaded dice are rolled. A more interesting example is presented in Section 5: The estimation of probabilistic context-free grammars.Comment: Presented at the 15th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2003). Example 5 extended (and partially corrected

    Journal of Logic, Language and Information, Special Issue on Euler and Venn Diagrams

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    Predicting the Position of Attributive Adjectives in the French NP

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    Cet article est une version révisée de l'article paru dans Student session of the European Summer School for Logic, Language and Information, Copenhague : Danemark (2010)International audienceThis article proposes a quantitative study of the placement alternation for the adjective within the noun phrase in French. Taking the hypothesis that position constraints are mostly preferential as a starting point, we develop a methodology based on statistical inference in order to provide a formal account of the relative importance of different groups of constraints. Results show the relative importance of lexical constraints and that frequency-based and length constraints are the best predictors. This suggests that the placement of adjectives not only depends on our knowledge of lexical items but also on the knowledge of the way in which we use them in discourse, i.e. on usage

    An Efficient Distribution of Labor in a Two Stage Robust Interpretation Process

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    Although Minimum Distance Parsing (MDP) offers a theoretically attractive solution to the problem of extragrammaticality, it is often computationally infeasible in large scale practical applications. In this paper we present an alternative approach where the labor is distributed between a more restrictive partial parser and a repair module. Though two stage approaches have grown in popularity in recent years because of their efficiency, they have done so at the cost of requiring hand coded repair heuristics. In contrast, our two stage approach does not require any hand coded knowledge sources dedicated to repair, thus making it possible to achieve a similar run time advantage over MDP without losing the quality of domain independence.Comment: 9 pages, 1 Postscript figure, uses aclap.sty and psfig.tex, In Proceedings of EMNLP 199

    Comparing and evaluating extended Lambek calculi

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    Lambeks Syntactic Calculus, commonly referred to as the Lambek calculus, was innovative in many ways, notably as a precursor of linear logic. But it also showed that we could treat our grammatical framework as a logic (as opposed to a logical theory). However, though it was successful in giving at least a basic treatment of many linguistic phenomena, it was also clear that a slightly more expressive logical calculus was needed for many other cases. Therefore, many extensions and variants of the Lambek calculus have been proposed, since the eighties and up until the present day. As a result, there is now a large class of calculi, each with its own empirical successes and theoretical results, but also each with its own logical primitives. This raises the question: how do we compare and evaluate these different logical formalisms? To answer this question, I present two unifying frameworks for these extended Lambek calculi. Both are proof net calculi with graph contraction criteria. The first calculus is a very general system: you specify the structure of your sequents and it gives you the connectives and contractions which correspond to it. The calculus can be extended with structural rules, which translate directly into graph rewrite rules. The second calculus is first-order (multiplicative intuitionistic) linear logic, which turns out to have several other, independently proposed extensions of the Lambek calculus as fragments. I will illustrate the use of each calculus in building bridges between analyses proposed in different frameworks, in highlighting differences and in helping to identify problems.Comment: Empirical advances in categorial grammars, Aug 2015, Barcelona, Spain. 201

    Forgetting complex propositions

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    This paper uses possible-world semantics to model the changes that may occur in an agent's knowledge as she loses information. This builds on previous work in which the agent may forget the truth-value of an atomic proposition, to a more general case where she may forget the truth-value of a propositional formula. The generalization poses some challenges, since in order to forget whether a complex proposition π\pi is the case, the agent must also lose information about the propositional atoms that appear in it, and there is no unambiguous way to go about this. We resolve this situation by considering expressions of the form [π]φ[\boldsymbol{\ddagger} \pi]\varphi, which quantify over all possible (but minimal) ways of forgetting whether π\pi. Propositional atoms are modified non-deterministically, although uniformly, in all possible worlds. We then represent this within action model logic in order to give a sound and complete axiomatization for a logic with knowledge and forgetting. Finally, some variants are discussed, such as when an agent forgets π\pi (rather than forgets whether π\pi) and when the modification of atomic facts is done non-uniformly throughout the model

    Complexity of Grammar Induction for Quantum Types

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    Most categorical models of meaning use a functor from the syntactic category to the semantic category. When semantic information is available, the problem of grammar induction can therefore be defined as finding preimages of the semantic types under this forgetful functor, lifting the information flow from the semantic level to a valid reduction at the syntactic level. We study the complexity of grammar induction, and show that for a variety of type systems, including pivotal and compact closed categories, the grammar induction problem is NP-complete. Our approach could be extended to linguistic type systems such as autonomous or bi-closed categories.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2014, arXiv:1412.810