28 research outputs found

    Dynamic sharing of a multiple access channel

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    In this paper we consider the mutual exclusion problem on a multiple access channel. Mutual exclusion is one of the fundamental problems in distributed computing. In the classic version of this problem, n processes perform a concurrent program which occasionally triggers some of them to use shared resources, such as memory, communication channel, device, etc. The goal is to design a distributed algorithm to control entries and exits to/from the shared resource in such a way that in any time there is at most one process accessing it. We consider both the classic and a slightly weaker version of mutual exclusion, called ep-mutual-exclusion, where for each period of a process staying in the critical section the probability that there is some other process in the critical section is at most ep. We show that there are channel settings, where the classic mutual exclusion is not feasible even for randomized algorithms, while ep-mutual-exclusion is. In more relaxed channel settings, we prove an exponential gap between the makespan complexity of the classic mutual exclusion problem and its weaker ep-exclusion version. We also show how to guarantee fairness of mutual exclusion algorithms, i.e., that each process that wants to enter the critical section will eventually succeed

    Chapter 12 Wireless Protocols

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    Wireless communication was one of the major success stories of the last decades. Today, different wireless standards such as wireless local area networks (WLAN) are omnipresent. In some sense, from a distributed computing viewpoint wireless networks are quite simple, as they cannot form arbitrary network topologies. Simplistic models of wireless networks include geometric graph models such as the so-called unit disk graph. Modern models are more robust: The network graph is restricted, e.g., the total number of neighbors of a node which are not adjacent is likely to be small. This observation is hard to capture with purely geometric models, and motivates more advanced network connectivity models such as bounded growth or bounded independence. However, on the other hand, wireless communication is also more difficult than standard message passing, as for instance nodes are not able to transmit a different message to each neighbor at the same time. And if two neighbors are transmitting at the same time, they interfere, and a node may not be able to decipher anything

    Quasi-Optimal Energy-Efficient Leader Election Algorithms in Radio Networks

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    International audienceRadio networks (RN) are distributed systems (\textit{ad hoc networks}) consisting in n≄2n \ge 2 radio stations. Assuming the number nn unknown, two distinct models of RN without collision detection (\textit{no-CD}) are addressed: the model with \textit{weak no-CD} RN and the one with \textit{strong no-CD} RN. We design and analyze two distributed leader election protocols, each one running in each of the above two (no-CD RN) models, respectively. Both randomized protocols are shown to elect a leader within \BO(\log{(n)}) expected time, with no station being awake for more than \BO(\log{\log{(n)}}) time slots (such algorithms are said to be \textit{energy-efficient}). Therefore, a new class of efficient algorithms is set up that matchthe Ω(log⁥(n))\Omega(\log{(n)}) time lower-bound established by Kushilevitz and Mansour