24 research outputs found

    Quantitative economics as a scientific approach to the solution of problems of a complex nature – in honor of Professor Willem Karel M. Brauers on the occasion of his 90th birthday

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    In the previous century Quantitative Economics substantially evolved in the direction of Mathematical Economics, Econometrics and Operational Research. Professor Willem Karel M. Brauers sees it mainly as a scientific approach to the solutions of problems of a complex nature by Methods such as Input-Output Analysis and Multi-Objective Optimization. At the occasion of his 90th birthday this article highlights the research of Professor Willem Karel M. Brauers, presents a review of his extensive scientific work and lists some of his publications


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    AbstrakSaat ini AMIK dan STIKOM Tunas Bangsa memiliki kurang lebih 100 orang pegawai (staff dan karyawan). Masing-masing pegawai memiliki gaji yang berbeda dan beragam. Setiap tahun nya, manajemen AMIK dan STIKOM Tunas Bangsa memberikan kenaikan gaji kepada para pegawainya. Tetapi jumlah kenaikan nya sangatlah beragam. Sistem pendukung keputusan ini nantinya akan memberikan rekomendasi kepada pihak manajemen berupa perankingan kinerja dari pegawai. Ada beberapa factor yang digunakan didalam sistem pendukung keputusan ini, antara lain masa kerja, pendidikan dan kinerja. Metode yang digunakan adalah Multi-objective Optimization on The Basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA). Dimana kelebihan MOORA adalah memiliki tingkat selektifitas yang baik karena dapat menentukan tujuan dari kriteria yang bertentangan. Kata Kunci: Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, Perankingan, Gaji Pegawai, rekomendasi, MOORA

    Implementasi Metode MOORA pada Proses Seleksi Beasiswa Bidikmisi di Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis STIKOM Bali

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    Pemberian beasiswa Bidikmisi di Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis STIKOM Bali bertujuan untuk membantu para mahasiswa agar mereka dapat mencari ilmu di STIKOM Bali, terutama bagi yang mengalami masalah dalam pembiayaan perkuliahan. Pemberian beasiswa Bidikmisi dilakukan memalui proses seleksi yang dilaksanakan setiap tahun ajaran baru, oleh karena itu membutuhkan suatu metode yang dapat mempertimbangkan berbagai kriteria dalam proses seleksi. Dalam mengambil suatu keputusan yang cepat dan tepat haruslah didukung oleh sebuah sistem. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Multi-Objective Optimization on the basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA). MOORA mampu memberikan informasi yang lebih akurat, di mana metode MOORA digunakan untuk melakukan pemeringkatan terhadap calon penerima beasiswa Bidikmisi. MOORA memiliki kelebihan pada proses pemeringkatan dengan mengoptimalkan dua atau lebih atribut yang saling bertentangan secara bersamaan. Peringkat yang dihasilkan oleh proses MOORA menunjukkan alternatif A4 merupakan alternatif terbaik sebagai penerima beasiswa Bidikmisi di Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis STIKOM Bali

    How to invest in Belgian shares by MULTIMOORA optimization

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    Different multiple objectives expressed in different units make optimization difficult. Therefore, the internal mechanical solution of a Ratio System, producing dimensionless numbers, is preferred to weights, which are most of the time used to compare the different units. In addition, the ratio system creates the opportunity to use a second approach: a non-subjective Reference Point Theory. Therefore, the Reference Point Theory uses the ratios found in the ratio system as co-ordinates for the alternative solutions, which are then compared to a Maximal Objective Reference Point. The two approaches form a control on each other. This overall theory is called MOORA (Multi-Objective Optimization by Ratio Analysis). The results are still more convincing if a Full Multiplicative Form is added, three methods assembled under the name of MULTIMOORA. At that moment, the control by three different approaches forms a guaranty for a solution being as non-subjective as possible. As to calculate the sum of three obtained ranks is not allowed, a theory of Ordinal Dominance is developed in order to remain in the ordinal sphere. MULTIMOORA is used to decide upon an investment in Belgian shares on basis of a ranking in the BEL20 Index

    Integrasi Sentiment Analysis SentiWordNet pada Metode MOORA untuk Rekomendasi Pemilihan Smartphone

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    Besides specification and price, smartphone reviews can affect on consumer interest buying. This study aims to use the value of smartphone review sentiment as one of the attributes/criterias in addition to specifications and prices on the calculation of Decision Support System using MOORA method to generate smartphone recommendations. Sentiment value is obtained from sentiment analysis using SentiWordNet. There are two approaches of MOORA method used in this research, Ratio System and Reference Point Approach. Testing has been done by comparing the results of smartphone recommendations between approaches on the MOORA method, with or without sentiment analysis, on smartphone rankings based on the number of smartphone fans on the GSM Arena site. The test results show that the method of MOORA with Ratio System approach without sentiment analysis has the best accuracy among other approaches

    Dry Port Terminal Location Selection by Applying the Hybrid Grey MCDM Model

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    Globalization and decentralization of production generate the intensive growth of goods and transport flows, mostly performed by the maritime transport. Ports, as the main nodes in the global logistics networks, are becoming congested, space for their expansion limited, and traffic in their hinterland congested. As a solution to these and many other hinterland-transport-related problems stands out the development of dry port (DP) terminals. Selection of their location is one of the most important strategic decisions on which depends their competitiveness in the market and the functionality of the logistics network. Accordingly, the evaluation and selection of locations for the development of the DP in accordance with the requirements of various stakeholders is performed in this paper, as a prerequisite for the establishment of an ecological, economic, and socially sustainable logistics network in the observed area. To solve this problem, a new hybrid model of multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) that combines Delphi, AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process), and CODAS (Combinative Distance-based Assessment) methods in a grey environment is developed. The main contributions of this paper are the defined model, the problem-solving approach based on finding a compromise solution, simultaneous consideration of the environmental, economic, and social sustainability of the DP concept and its implementation in the regional international markets. The applicability of the approach and the defined MCDM model is demonstrated by solving a real-life case study of ranking the potential DP locations in the Western Balkans region. Based on the obtained results, it is concluded that in the current market conditions, it would be most realistic to open three DP terminals, in Zagreb, Ljubljana, and Belgrad

    Robustness of the multi‐objective MOORA method with a test for the facilities sector

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    The definition of robustness in econometrics, the error term in a linear equation, was not only broadened, but in addition moved to the meaning of common language: from a cardinal to a qualitative one. These interpretations were tested by an application on the Facilities Sector in Lithuania. The application is multi‐objective: like costs, experience and effectiveness at the side of the contractors; quality, duration of the work and cost price at the side of the owners. These objectives having all different units the dimensionless ratios of the MOORA method avoids the difficulties of normalization. In a first part of MOORA these ratios were aggregated and in a second one they were used as distances to a reference point. The results of both parts control each other, a test on robustness. Additionally, MOORA shows a robust domination on all other methods of multi‐objective optimization. For the Facilities Sector in Lithuania, both parts of MOORA resulted in a comparable ranking. In this way a double check was made on the robustness of the results. Santrauka Patikimumo apibrėžimas ekonometrikoje, kaip neteisingas terminas tiesinėje lygtyje, buvo ne tik papildytas, bet ir išreikštas įprasta kalba: nuo kiekybinio prie kokybinio. Šios interpretacijos buvo patikrintos taikant jas Lietuvos paslaugų sektoriuje. Taikymas yra daugiatikslis: iš rangovo pusės kaip išlaidos, patirtis, efektyvumas; kokybė, darbo trukmė, kaina iš užsakovo pusės. Minėtieji tikslai turi skirtingus matavimo vienetus. O jų santykiniai dydžiai neturi mato vienetų, todėl taikant MOORA metodą yra išvengiama sunkumų juos normalizuojant. Pirmoje MOORA metodo taikymo dalyje šie santykiai yra sujungiami, o antroje dalyje ieškoma atstumo iki geriausio sprendinio. Abiejų metodo dalių rezultatai pagrindžia sprendinio teisingumą. Tai rodo aiškų MOORA metodo pranašumą, palyginti su kitais daugiatikslio optimizavimo metodais. Taikant abi MOORA metodo dalis Lietuvos paslaugų sektoriui buvo sudarytas lyginamasis rangavimas, buvo atliktas dvigubas rezultatų patikimumo patikrinimas. First published online: 21 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: MOORA, patikimumas, daugiatiksliai metodai, patobulintas naminalių grupių metodas, Delph

    Kompleksinis statinių jūros aplinkoje racionalumo pagrindimas

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    Disertacijoje jūros statiniai tiriami ir vertinami daugiatiksliais sprendimų priėmimo metodais. Pasiūlyti jūros statinių (išorinio giliavandenio uosto, dujų terminalo, vėjo jėgainių parko) galimų variantų plėtros analizės ir vertinimo modeliai ir atlikti šių objektų daugiatiksliai vertinimai. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, trys skyriai, bendrosios išvados, naudotos literatūros sąrašas, autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašas ir priedai. Įvadiniame skyriuje aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, aprašomas tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas bei uždaviniai, aprašomas mokslinis darbo naujumas, ginamieji teiginiai. Įvado pabaigoje pristatomi autoriaus pranešimai konferencijose ir publikacijos, pateikiama disertacijos struktūra. Pirmajame skyriuje pateikiama literatūros apžvalga nagrinėjama tematika. Pateikiama uostų infrastruktūros apžvalga, Klaipėdos jūrų uosto trumpas palyginimas su konkuruojančiais Baltijos jūros uostais. Nagrinėjamas suskystintų gamtinių dujų (SGD) terminalo poreikis ir statybos galimybės Klaipėdoje. Apžvelgiamos galimybės statyti vėjo jėgainių parką Baltijos jūroje ties Lietuvos krantais. Skyriaus pabaigoje formuluojamos išvados ir tikslinami disertacijos uždaviniai. Antrajame skyriuje pateikiamos jūros statinių vystymosi ir plėtojimo kryptys, daugiatikslio sprendimo priėmimo sąvoka ir daugiatikslių vertinimo metodų suskirstymas į grupes, taip pat pateikti daugiatiksliai metodai, kuriais vertinami jūros statiniai. Trečiajame skyriuje pateiktas praktinių uždavinių sprendimas skirtingiems jūros statiniams (giliavandenio uosto parinkimas, SGD terminalo vietos parinkimas, vėjo jėgainių modelio parinkimas, statybos eiliškumo nustatymas, vėjo jėgainės pamatų tipo nustatymas). Disertacijos tema autorius paskelbė šešis mokslinius straipsnius, iš kurių 4 referuojami duomenų bazės Thomson ISI Web of Science cituojamuose žurnaluose ir du straipsniai pristatyti tarptautinėse ir respublikinėse mokslo konferencijose

    Sustainable construction taking into account the building impact on the environment

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    The paper describes a construction impact on the environment, people and their health, taking into account its subsequence. The authors offer an optimal way of building construction in order to satisfy the environmental control standards and impact on the environment. There are a few criteria of ecological materials compared with conventional materials. The aim of this investigation is to develop approach of building project ranking. The paper deals with analysis of the construction alternatives of one‐flat dwelling houses. A few alternatives are given about how to choose an optimal project. The impact of construction on the environment is discussed. Analysis is performed taking into account building life‐cycle impact on the environment, its financial and social conditions. The investigation includes pollution of building material production, construction processes, taking into account building longevity, price, running cost and utilization input of energy. Multicriteria assessment of the alternatives is made, considering impact not only on humans, but also on the environment. According to the described environmental, financial and qualitative criteria and by the assistance of newly‐developed multicriteria method SAW‐G, it was calculated, that a blockhouse, made mostly of wood‐based materials with the result of 0.303 is by 6.6% a better alternative than a wood‐frame building with the result of 0.286, made from wood‐based and mineral‐based materials, and the worst result of 0.280 was in a building from traditional bricks (a wood‐based house is by 7.5% better than a brick house). AHP approach and SAW‐G method are useful tools to help support a decision in convention site selection. Santrauka Aprašomas statybos darbu padariniu poveikis aplinkai, žmonems ir ju sveikatai. Autoriai siūlo optimalu varianta iš pateiktu statybos projektu, atitinkančiu aplinkos apsaugos reikalavimus. Pateikti ekologišku statybiniu medžiagu kriterijai, palyginti su tradiciniu medžiagu kriterijais. Šio tyrimo tikslas yra sukurti statybos proceso klasifikavimo eile, atsižvelgiant i ekonominius ir aplinkos apsaugos aspektus. Nagrinejamos vienbučio gyvenamojo namo statybos alternatyvos. Pateiktos kelios alternatyvos, kaip parinkti optimalu projekto varianta. Aptartas gamybos darbu ir statybos poveikis aplinkai. Analize atliekama atsižvelgiant i statybos gyvavimo ciklo poveiki aplinkai, finansines bei socialines aplinkybes. Tyrimas apima tarša statybiniu medžiagu gamybos procese bei vykstant statybos procesui. Vertinama pastato ilgaamžiškumas, kaina, eksploatavimo išlaidos bei utilizacijos procesui suvartojama energija. Atliktas šiu alternatyvu daugiakriterinis ivertinimas, apibrežiant ju nauda ne tik žmonems, bet ir aplinkai. Remiantis straipsnyje aprašytais aplinkos apsaugos, finansiniais ir kokybiniais kriterijais, nauju daugiakriteriniu SAW‐G metodu buvo apskaičiuota, kad blokinis namas, pastatytas naudojant daugiausia medienos medžiagas (rezultatas 0,303), yra 6,6 % geresnis už nama (rezultatas 0,2860), pastatyta iš medinio karkaso ir naudojant mineralines bei medienos medžiagas, o blogiausias rezultatas ‐ tai namas iš tradicinio plytu mūro (rezultatas 0,280) (medinis namas yra 7,5 % geresnis už mūrini). AHP ir SAW‐G metodai yra tinkami tokiems uždaviniams spresti. Резюме Описано влияние последствий строительства на окружающую среду, человека и его здоровье. Из приведенных строительных проектов, соответствующих экологическим стандартам, авторами статьи выбран оптимальный вариант. Приведены критерии экологичных строительных материалов и сравнены с традиционными материалами. Целью настоящего исследования было разработать очередность классификации строительного процесса с учетом экономических и экологических аспектов. Проанализированы альтернативы строительства одноквартирного жилого дома с целью выбора оптимального проекта. Обсуждено влияние строительства на окружающую среду. Анализ проведен с учетом воздействия жизненного цикла здания на окружающую среду, а также финансовых и социальных аспектов. Исследовалось загрязнение от производства строительных материалов, от процесса строительства с учетом долголетия дома, цены, расходов на эксплуатацию, а также энергии, расходуемой при утилизации. Произведен многокритериальный анализ вышеупомянутых альтернатив, оценена польза, приносимая как человеку, так и окружающей среде. На основании критериев охраны окружающей среды, финансов и качества работ с помощью нового многокритериального метода SAW-G было установлено, что блочный дом, построенный из деревянных материалов с результатом 0,303, на 6.6% лучше, чем дом из деревянного каркаса с минеральными и деревянными материалами с результатом 0,286. Наихудшим вариантом оказался дом, построенный из традиционной кирпичной кладки с результатом 0,280 (деревянный дом лучше кирпичного на 7,5%). Для решения задач такого типа оказались приемлемыми методы AHP и SAW-G. First Publish Online: 27 Jun 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai: statyba, medžiagos, pastatas, aplinka, išteklių eikvojimas, daugiakriterinis vertinimas, poveikis aplinkai, SAW, SAW-G, AHP metodas. Ключевые слова: строительство, материалы, дом, окружающая среда, истощение ресурсов, многокритериальная оценка, воздействие на окружающую среду, методы SAW, SAW-G, AHP

    Multi-Stage Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Siting Electric Vehicle Charging Stations within and across Border Regions

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    Electric Vehicles (EVs) replace fossil fuel vehicles in effort towards having more sustainable transport systems. The battery of an EV is recharged at a charging point using electricity. While some recharging will be required at locations where vehicles are normally parked, other recharging could be necessary at strategic locations of vehicular travel. Certain locations are suitable for EV charging station deployment, others are not. A multi-stage decision analysis methodology for selecting suitable locations for installing EV charging station is presented. The multi-stage approach makes it possible to select critical criteria with respect to any defined objectives of the EV charging station and techno-physio-socio-economic factors without which the EV charging station could not be deployed or would not serve its designated purpose. In a case, the type of charging station is specified, and a purpose is defined: rapid EV charging stations intended for public use within and across border regions. Applied in siting real EV charging stations at optimal locations, stages in the methodology present additional techno-physio-socio-economic factors in deploying the type of EV charging stations at optimal locations and keep the EV charging stations operating within acceptable standards. Some locations were dropped at the critical analysis stage; others were dropped at the site-specific analysis stage and replacement sites were required in certain instances. Final locations included most optimal, less optimal, least optimal, and strategic or special need locations. The average distances between contiguous recharging locations were less than 60 miles. Using any specified separation standard, the number of additional EV charging stations required between EV charging stations were determinable with the Pool Box. The Overall Charging Station Availability quadrants suggest that the overall user experience could get worse as less-standardized additional EV charging stations are deployed