14,244 research outputs found

    The study of supply chain management in Chery Automobile Co., LTD

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    Zara and Benetton: Comparison of two business models

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    The project analizes and compares two very important and diferent business models in fast fashion industry: Zara y Benetton models. Their models are so diferent but have been a great success, due to their capacity to respond quickly to demand of the market, then due to their flexibility. In this regard, the project also demonstrates how information sharing have a big role to the success of a company. It improves the efficiency of a company and helps to achieve the customer satisfaction . To achieve a good sharing information, it' s important a good and strenght relationship between manufacturer and retailer

    Entry mode selection for internationalization of giant Chinese state owned companies: The case of entrance in Africa of China communications construction company

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    Enterprise internationalization is an inevitable choice as open economies develop to a certain level. According to the direct investment development path theory of John Dunning, when the GNP Per Capita exceeds 3000,thenetforeigninvestmentwillbepositive.Withrapiddevelopmentoverthepastthreedecades,ChinasinternationaleconomicpositionandinfluencehavesignificantlyimprovedanditsGNPPerCapitahassurpassed 3000, the net foreign investment will be positive. With rapid development over the past three decades, China’s international economic position and influence have significantly improved and its GNP Per Capita has surpassed 4000, it has entered the rapid growth stage for investment development as described in Dunning’s theory. At this stage, the market entry mode selection is the first issue to tackle for enterprise internationalization. This thesis takes China’s giant state owned construction companies as research object and the author analyzes the internal and external environments and the strategic selection for internationalization operation, and describes the conceptions, categories, internal attributes and factors of market entry mode selection for internationalization of construction companies. This thesis focuses on China Communications Construction Company Ltd (hereinafter referred to as CCCC), representative of giant Chinese state owned construction companies, sets up the SWOT analysis and weight system and conducts strategic positioning. Based on the above strategic positioning, the author takes into consideration the national background of these companies and puts forward three assumptions and their theoretical framework. The thesis takes CCCC’s entry into the market of Kenya and Angola as an example, verifies the effectiveness and application of the theoretical framework, and makes up the deficiency of the theory on market entry mode selection for enterprise internationalization, providing reference for enterprises’ market entry practice.Quando as economias abertas atingem um determinado nível de desenvolvimento a internacionalização das empresas torna-se uma escolha inevitável. De acordo com a teoria de investiemnto directo de John Dunning, quando o rendimento per capita excede 3000,oinvestimentoestrangeiroliquidoseraˊpositivo.Comumcrescimentoeconoˊmicoraˊpidonasuˊltimastre^sdeˊcadas,aposic\ca~oeconoˊmicainternacionaldaChinaeinflue^nciamelhoraramsignificativamenteeoseurendimentopercapitaultrapassouos3000, o investimento estrangeiro liquido será positivo. Com um crescimento económico rápido nas últimas três décadas, a posição económica internacional da China e influência melhoraram significativamente e o seu rendimento per capita ultrapassou os 4000. Atingiu, deste modo, o estágio defendido por Dunning. Esta tese tem como objecto de pesquisa as empresas “gigantes” estatais Chinesas do ramo das obras públicas e o autor analisa a envolvente interna e externa e a escolha estratégica dos modos de internacionalização das mesmas. Esta tese foca-se na empresa chinesa – China Communications Construction Company Ltd (CCCC), representante das empresas gigantes estatais chinesas de obras públicas, descrevendo o processo de realização da análise SWOT. Tendo por base o posicionamento estratégico da empresa, o autor analisa o contexto em que esta empresa se desenvolveu e avança com três pressupostos no que concerne à sua internacionalização. A tese compara também os processos de entrada da CCCC em Angola e no Quénia

    A Fuzzy Bayesian Network Model for Quality Control in O2O e-Commerce

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    With the popularization of the online to offline (O2O) e-commerce on fresh food products, how to control the quality is becoming increasingly important. To adequately address this problem, this paper presents a fuzzy Bayesian network model for effectively controlling the quality in O2O ecommerce. Reasoning about uncertain events and incomplete data through an intelligent simulation with Bayesian networks provides a convenient and fast method of evaluation and analysis for e-commerce platforms to quickly select fresh food suppliers. Such a model is capable of appropriately modelling the uncertainty inherent in the fresh food product distribution process. It focuses on the identification of the critical factors that affect the food product quality along the supply chain. This leads to the development of a complete selection and evaluation system for the quality in O2O e-commerce. A simulation study is conducted that shows the proposed model is applicable for effectively controlling the quality in O2O e-commerce. Ultimately, the unloading level, warehouse inspection and warehouse monitoring are determined as the entry points for quality control, with corresponding degrees of influence of 44%, 37%, and 34%. The main points to protect the quality of food are introduced, which provides a theoretical basis for solving fresh food safety problems for business platforms

    Management for Bachelors

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    The textbook contains educational module, which embraces the content of main regulatory disciplines on specialists training by the direction 6.030601 “Management” in the knowledge branch 03.06 “Management and administration” of the educational and qualification level “Bachelor”. According to the content the disciplines completely conform to curricula approved by scientific and methodological commission on management and agreed with logical and structural scheme of educational process. The textbook embraces almost all aspects of bachelor training. The chapters contain questions for self-control and list of recommended literature. While creating the chapters the results of fundamental and applied scientific researches of the evaluation branch, the forecasting and management of economic potential of complicated industrial system were used

    Modern Perspectives in Business Applications

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    This book is unique! Until now, purchasing and supply management books have had a primarily domestic outlook. However in this book, important issues related to sales management and supply management are handled with a modern perspective. This book has global vision tied into management principles based on an understanding of the sales management and basic job of purchasing and supply management, as all authors have held high-level positions directing the effort. Distinguished researchers from prestigious universities have written chapters and case studies from real-world events that challenge the brightest minds

    Research on union mode of e-waste reverse logistics in China

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    Approach to C2F2C (customer to factory to customer) strategy: a case study of the Fanqing Furniture Company

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    Hotel furniture manufacturers, as key components of modern service industry, have become leading service companies concerning China's economic development. Consumer-driven business model and mass customization are becoming important direction of hotel furniture manufacturers’ transformation and upgrade. In a context of fragmented competition and individualized customers’ demand, it is difficult to take advantage of the low cost and high efficiency of mass production, while meeting the customers’ individualized needs. Internet led business increases the difficulty of balancing the offer of large production and customization, because companies face a high cost (Customer to Factory), while the customers’ satisfaction is low (Factory to Customer). Finding a solution to this trade-off is not only a major challenge in the process of company model transformation, but also an important topic that has not yet been studied in depth. Based on Fanqing Hotel Furniture Company’s empirical case of solving the contradiction between individualized demand and mass production, this thesis studies the evolution of hotel furniture manufacturers’ (HFM) innovation ecosystem and the value co-creation mode. The C2F2C (Customer to Factory to Customer) strategy of Fanqing was constructed based on both company innovation ecosystem theory and customer value co-creation theory. By implementing the C2F2C strategy, Fanqing has realized standardization, informatization and lean production, and also fulfilled customers’ needs and improved their satisfaction. The C2F2C strategy also helps to reduce costs and achieve value co-creation between the company and customers. This thesis explores an effective way to improve technological innovation ability and international competitiveness of HFM in China.As empresas de móveis para hotéis constituem um sector importante no desenvolvimento da indústria de serviços modernos, liderando já a indústria no desenvolvimento económico da China. Seguir um modelo de negócio de personalização em larga escala e orientação para o consumidor aponta ser uma direção significativa a tomar para a transformação e inovação das empresas de serviços. Face à concorrência individualizada e fragmentada na procura de clientes da indústria hoteleira, é difícil oferecer ao cliente uma personalização em larga escala, que permita atingir as vantagens de baixo custo e alta eficiência de produção em volume, atendendo simultaneamente à personalização das necessidades de cada cliente. Na comercialização pela internet é mais difícil equilibrar a oferta de uma produção em larga escala e personalizada, porque é elevado o custo em C2F, mas em contrapartida baixo o nível de satisfação do cliente em F2C. Como suporte empírico, esta tese analisou o caso da empresa de Móveis para Hotéis Fanqing, que resolveu a contradição entre procura individualizada e produção de massa em grande escala, permitindo estudar a evolução para um ecossistema inovador e de criação conjunta de valor entre empresas de móveis e clientes nesta industria de mobiliário para hóteis (HFM). A estratégia da relação cliente para fabricante e deste para cliente (C2F2C) da Fanqing foi desenvolvida com base nas teorias da inovação do ecossistema e da criação de valor conjunta. Ao implementar a estratégia de C2F2C, a Fanqing operou tanto a standardização, a informatização e a produção lean, como a satisfação do cliente preenchendo as suas necessidades. A estratégia C2F2C permite reduzir custos e potencia a criação conjunta de valor entre fabricantes e clientes, explorando uma maneira eficaz de melhorar a capacidade de inovação tecnológica e a competitividade internacional das empresas de móveis para hotéis da China