8 research outputs found

    Locating Depots for Capacitated Vehicle Routing

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    We study a location-routing problem in the context of capacitated vehicle routing. The input is a set of demand locations in a metric space and a fleet of k vehicles each of capacity Q. The objective is to locate k depots, one for each vehicle, and compute routes for the vehicles so that all demands are satisfied and the total cost is minimized. Our main result is a constant-factor approximation algorithm for this problem. To achieve this result, we reduce to the k-median-forest problem, which generalizes both k-median and minimum spanning tree, and which might be of independent interest. We give a (3+c)-approximation algorithm for k-median-forest, which leads to a (12+c)-approximation algorithm for the above location-routing problem, for any constant c>0. The algorithm for k-median-forest is just t-swap local search, and we prove that it has locality gap 3+2/t; this generalizes the corresponding result known for k-median. Finally we consider the "non-uniform" k-median-forest problem which has different cost functions for the MST and k-median parts. We show that the locality gap for this problem is unbounded even under multi-swaps, which contrasts with the uniform case. Nevertheless, we obtain a constant-factor approximation algorithm, using an LP based approach.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Tight Analysis of a Multiple-Swap Heuristic for Budgeted Red-Blue Median

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    Budgeted Red-Blue Median is a generalization of classic kk-Median in that there are two sets of facilities, say R\mathcal{R} and B\mathcal{B}, that can be used to serve clients located in some metric space. The goal is to open krk_r facilities in R\mathcal{R} and kbk_b facilities in B\mathcal{B} for some given bounds kr,kbk_r, k_b and connect each client to their nearest open facility in a way that minimizes the total connection cost. We extend work by Hajiaghayi, Khandekar, and Kortsarz [2012] and show that a multiple-swap local search heuristic can be used to obtain a (5+ϵ)(5+\epsilon)-approximation for Budgeted Red-Blue Median for any constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. This is an improvement over their single swap analysis and beats the previous best approximation guarantee of 8 by Swamy [2014]. We also present a matching lower bound showing that for every p≥1p \geq 1, there are instances of Budgeted Red-Blue Median with local optimum solutions for the pp-swap heuristic whose cost is 5+Ω(1p)5 + \Omega\left(\frac{1}{p}\right) times the optimum solution cost. Thus, our analysis is tight up to the lower order terms. In particular, for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 we show the single-swap heuristic admits local optima whose cost can be as bad as 7−ϵ7-\epsilon times the optimum solution cost

    The Non-Uniform k-Center Problem

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    In this paper, we introduce and study the Non-Uniform k-Center problem (NUkC). Given a finite metric space (X,d)(X,d) and a collection of balls of radii {r1≥⋯≥rk}\{r_1\geq \cdots \ge r_k\}, the NUkC problem is to find a placement of their centers on the metric space and find the minimum dilation α\alpha, such that the union of balls of radius α⋅ri\alpha\cdot r_i around the iith center covers all the points in XX. This problem naturally arises as a min-max vehicle routing problem with fleets of different speeds. The NUkC problem generalizes the classic kk-center problem when all the kk radii are the same (which can be assumed to be 11 after scaling). It also generalizes the kk-center with outliers (kCwO) problem when there are kk balls of radius 11 and ℓ\ell balls of radius 00. There are 22-approximation and 33-approximation algorithms known for these problems respectively; the former is best possible unless P=NP and the latter remains unimproved for 15 years. We first observe that no O(1)O(1)-approximation is to the optimal dilation is possible unless P=NP, implying that the NUkC problem is more non-trivial than the above two problems. Our main algorithmic result is an (O(1),O(1))(O(1),O(1))-bi-criteria approximation result: we give an O(1)O(1)-approximation to the optimal dilation, however, we may open Θ(1)\Theta(1) centers of each radii. Our techniques also allow us to prove a simple (uni-criteria), optimal 22-approximation to the kCwO problem improving upon the long-standing 33-factor. Our main technical contribution is a connection between the NUkC problem and the so-called firefighter problems on trees which have been studied recently in the TCS community.Comment: Adjusted the figur

    Improved Approximation Algorithms for Matroid and Knapsack Median Problems and Applications

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    We consider the matroid median problem, wherein we are given a set of facilities with opening costs and a matroid on the facility-set, and clients with demands and connection costs, and we seek to open an independent set of facilities and assign clients to open facilities so as to minimize the sum of the facility-opening and client-connection costs. We give a simple 8-approximation algorithm for this problem based on LP-rounding, which improves upon the 16-approximation by Krishnaswamy et al. We illustrate the power and versatility of our techniques by deriving: (a) an 8-approximation for the two-matroid median problem, a generalization of matroid median that we introduce involving two matroids; and (b) a 24-approximation algorithm for matroid median with penalties, which is a vast improvement over the 360-approximation obtained by Krishnaswamy et al. We show that a variety of seemingly disparate facility-location problems considered in the literature -- data placement problem, mobile facility location, k-median forest, metric uniform minimum-latency UFL -- in fact reduce to the matroid median or two-matroid median problems, and thus obtain improved approximation guarantees for all these problems. Our techniques also yield an improvement for the knapsack median problem

    Locating Depots for Capacitated Vehicle Routing

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133597/1/net21683_am.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133597/2/net21683.pd

    Approximation Algorithms for Clustering and Facility Location Problems

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    Facility location problems arise in a wide range of applications such as plant or warehouse location problems, cache placement problems, and network design problems, and have been widely studied in Computer Science and Operations Research literature. These problems typically involve an underlying set F of facilities that provide service, and an underlying set D of clients that require service, which need to be assigned to facilities in a cost-effective fashion. This abstraction is quite versatile and also captures clustering problems, where one typically seeks to partition a set of data points into k clusters, for some given k, in a suitable way, which themselves find applications in data mining, machine learning, and bioinformatics. Basic variants of facility location problems are now relatively well-u nderstood, but we have much-less understanding of more-sophisticated models that better model the real-world concerns. In this thesis, we focus on three models inspired by some real-world optimization scenarios. In Chapter 2, we consider mobile facility location (MFL) problem, wherein we seek to relocate a given set of facilities to destinations closer to the clients as to minimize the sum of facility-movement and client-assignment costs. This abstracts facility-location settings where one has the flexibility of moving facilities from their current locations to other destinations so as to serve clients more efficiently by reducing their assignment costs. We give the first local-search based approximation algorithm for this problem and achieve the best-known approximation guarantee. Our main result is (3+epsilon)-approximation for this problem for any constant epsilon > 0 using local search which improves the previous best guarantee of 8-approximation algorithm due to [34] based on LP-rounding. Our results extend to the weighted generalization wherein each facility i has a non-negative weight w_i and the movement cost for i is w_i times the distance traveled by i. In Chapter 3, we consider a facility-location problem that we call the minimum-load k-facility location (MLkFL), which abstracts settings where the cost of serving the clients assigned to a facility is incurred by the facility. This problem was studied under the name of min-max star cover in [32,10], who (among other results) gave bicriteria approximation algorithms for MLkFL when F=D. MLkFL is rather poorly understood, and only an O(k)-approximation is currently known for MLkFL, even for line metrics. Our main result is the first polytime approximation scheme (PTAS) for MLkFL on line metrics (note that no non-trivial true approximation of any kind was known for this metric). Complementing this, we prove that MLkFL is strongly NP-hard on line metrics. In Chapter 4, we consider clustering problems with non-uniform lower bounds and outliers, and obtain the first approximation guarantees for these problems. We consider objective functions involving the radii of open facilities, where the radius of a facility i is the maximum distance between i and a client assigned to it. We consider two problems: minimizing the sum of the radii of the open facilities, which yields the lower-bounded min-sum-of-radii with outliers (LBkSRO) problem, and minimizing the maximum radius, which yields the lower-bounded k-supplier with outliers (LBkSupO) problem. We obtain an approximation factor of 12.365 for LBkSRO, which improves to 3.83 for the non-outlier version. These also constitute the first approximation bounds for the min-sum-of-radii objective when we consider lower bounds and outliers separately. We obtain approximation factors of 5 and 3 respectively for LBkSupO and its non-outlier version. These are the first approximation results for k-supplier with non-uniform lower bounds