3 research outputs found

    Détection de bateaux dans les images de radar à ouverture synthétique

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    Le but principal de cette thèse est de développer des algorithmes efficaces et de concevoir un système pour la détection de bateaux dans les images Radar à Ouverture Synthetique (ROS.) Dans notre cas, la détection de bateaux implique en premier lieu la détection de cibles de points dans les images ROS. Ensuite, la détection d'un bateau proprement dit dépend des propriétés physiques du bateau lui-même, tel que sa taille, sa forme, sa structure, son orientation relative a la direction de regard du radar et les conditions générales de l'état de la mer. Notre stratégie est de détecter toutes les cibles de bateaux possibles dans les images de ROS, et ensuite de chercher autour de chaque candidat des évidences telle que les sillons. Les objectifs de notre recherche sont (1) d'améliorer 1'estimation des paramètres dans Ie modèle de distribution-K et de déterminer les conditions dans lesquelles un modèle alternatif (Ie Gamma, par exemple) devrait être utilise plutôt; (2) d'explorer Ie modèle PNN (Probabilistic Neural Network) comme une alternative aux modèles paramétriques actuellement utilises; (3) de concevoir un modèle de regroupement flou (FC : Fuzzy Clustering) capable de détecter les petites et grandes cibles de bateaux dans les images a un seul canal ou les images a multi-canaux; (4) de combiner la détection de sillons avec la détection de cibles de bateaux; (5) de concevoir un modèle de détection qui peut être utilisé aussi pour la détection des cibles de bateaux en zones costières.Abstract: The main purpose of this thesis is to develop efficient algorithms and design a system for ship detection from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery. Ship detection usually involves through detection of point targets on a radar clutter background.The detection of a ship depends on the physical properties of the ship itself, such as size, shape, and structure; its orientation relative to the radar look-direction; and the general condition of the sea state. Our strategy is to detect all possible ship targets in SAR images, and then search around each candidate for the wake as further evidence.The objectives of our research are (1) to improve estimation of the parameters in the K-distribution model and to determine the conditions in which an alternative model (Gamma, for example) should be used instead; (2) to explore a PNN (Probabilistic Neural Networks) model as an alternative to the commonly used parameteric models; (3) to design a FC (Fuzzy Clustering) model capable of detecting both small and large ship targets from single-channel images or multi-channel images; (4) to combine wake detection with ship target detection; (5) to design a detection model that can also be used to detect ship targets in coastal areas. We have developed algorithms for each of these objectives and integrated them into a system comprising six models.The system has been tested on a number of SAR images (SEASAT, ERS and RADARSAT-1, for example) and its performance has been assessed

    A robust framework for medical image segmentation through adaptable class-specific representation

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    Medical image segmentation is an increasingly important component in virtual pathology, diagnostic imaging and computer-assisted surgery. Better hardware for image acquisition and a variety of advanced visualisation methods have paved the way for the development of computer based tools for medical image analysis and interpretation. The routine use of medical imaging scans of multiple modalities has been growing over the last decades and data sets such as the Visible Human Project have introduced a new modality in the form of colour cryo section data. These developments have given rise to an increasing need for better automatic and semiautomatic segmentation methods. The work presented in this thesis concerns the development of a new framework for robust semi-automatic segmentation of medical imaging data of multiple modalities. Following the specification of a set of conceptual and technical requirements, the framework known as ACSR (Adaptable Class-Specific Representation) is developed in the first case for 2D colour cryo section segmentation. This is achieved through the development of a novel algorithm for adaptable class-specific sampling of point neighbourhoods, known as the PGA (Path Growing Algorithm), combined with Learning Vector Quantization. The framework is extended to accommodate 3D volume segmentation of cryo section data and subsequently segmentation of single and multi-channel greyscale MRl data. For the latter the issues of inhomogeneity and noise are specifically addressed. Evaluation is based on comparison with previously published results on standard simulated and real data sets, using visual presentation, ground truth comparison and human observer experiments. ACSR provides the user with a simple and intuitive visual initialisation process followed by a fully automatic segmentation. Results on both cryo section and MRI data compare favourably to existing methods, demonstrating robustness both to common artefacts and multiple user initialisations. Further developments into specific clinical applications are discussed in the future work section