742 research outputs found

    Non-myopic Sensor Path Planning for Emitter Localization with a UAV

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    This paper addresses the problem of localizing a stationary RF emitter with a mobile UAV, equipped with a single directional antenna. By rotating around its vertical axis, it determines a bearing towards the emitter. Our interest is in optimally selecting the measurement positions to achieve a fast localization. The majority of such systems described in the literature use greedy planning to select the next measurement position. This work experimentally tests an algorithm that performs a non-myopic planning until the final localization step. The algorithm is based on the policy rollout principle and showed good performance in previous simulative studies. It is adapted to match the needs of a real world setup and evaluated in flight trials. Adaptions include the avoidance of close range measurements to prevent inaccurate measurements at high elevation, and the filtering of poor measurements

    Robust Exploration Strategies for a Robot exploring a Wireless Network

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    Integration of robots into wireless networks is important for a number of scenarios. One of the tasks is network exploration for which the most basic case is finding the physical outline of the network. We propose a robust algorithm for exploring the outline of a network with a mobile robot. For this algorithm we study robustness against noise for several sensory inputs

    Sensor Path Planning for Emitter Localization

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    The localization of a radio frequency (RF) emitter is relevant in many military and civilian applications. The recent decade has seen a rapid progress in the development of small and mobile unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which offer a way to perform emitter localization autonomously. The path a UAV travels influences the localization significantly, making path planning an important part of a mobile emitter localization system. The topic of this thesis is path planning for a UAV that uses bearing measurements to localize a stationary emitter. Using a directional antenna, the direction towards the target can be determined by the UAV rotating around its own vertical axis. During this rotation the UAV is required to remain at the same position, which induces a trade-off between movement and measurement that influences the optimal trajectories. This thesis derives a novel path planning algorithm for localizing an emitter with a UAV. It improves the current state of the art by providing a localization with defined accuracy in a shorter amount of time compared to other algorithms in simulations. The algorithm uses the policy rollout principle to perform a nonmyopic planning and to incorporate the uncertainty of the estimation process into its decision. The concept of an action selection algorithm for policy rollout is introduced, which allows the use of existing optimization algorithms to effectively search the action space. Multiple action selection algorithms are compared to optimize the speed of the path planning algorithm. Similarly, to reduce computational demand, an adaptive grid-based localizer has been developed. To evaluate the algorithm an experimental system has been built and the algorithm was tested on this system. Based on initial experiments, the path planning algorithm has been modified, including a minimal distance to the emitter and an outlier detection step. The resulting algorithm shows promising results in experimental flights

    The significance of passive acoustic array-configurations on sperm whale range estimation when using the hyperbolic algorithm

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    In cetacean monitoring for population estimation, behavioural studies or mitigation, traditional visual observations are being augmented by the use of Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) techniques that use the creature’s vocalisations for localisation. The design of hydrophone configurations is evaluated for sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) range estimation to meet the requirements of the current mitigation regulations for a safety zone and behaviour research. This thesis uses the Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) of cetacean vocalisations with a three-dimensional hyperbolic localisation algorithm. A MATLAB simulator has been developed to model array-configurations and to assess their performance in source range estimation for both homogeneous and non-homogeneous sound speed profiles (SSP). The non-homogeneous medium is modelled on a Bellhop ray trace model, using data collected from the Gulf of Mexico. The sperm whale clicks are chosen as an exemplar of a distinctive underwater sound. The simulator is tested with a separate synthetic source generator which produced a set of TDOAs from a known source location. The performance in source range estimation for Square, Trapezium, Triangular, Shifted-pair and Y-shape geometries is tested. The Y-shape geometry, with four elements and aperture-length of 120m, is the most accurate, giving an error of ±10m over slant ranges of 500m in a homogeneous medium, and 300m in a non-homogeneous medium. However, for towed array deployments, the Y-shape array is sensitive to angle-positioning-error when the geometry is seriously distorted. The Shifted-pair geometry overcomes these limits, performing an initial accuracy of ±30m when the vessel either moves in a straight line or turns to port or starboard. It constitutes a recommendable array-configuration for towed array deployments. The thesis demonstrates that the number of receivers, the array-geometry and the arrayaperture are important parameters to consider when designing and deploying a hydrophone array. It is shown that certain array-configurations can significantly improve the accuracy of source range estimation. Recommendations are made concerning preferred array-configurations for use with PAM systems

    Association-Free Multilateration Based on Times of Arrival

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    The four key challenges of advanced multisensor navigation and positioning

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    The next generation of navigation and positioning systems must provide greater accuracy and reliability in a range of challenging environments to meet the needs of a variety of mission-critical applications. No single navigation technology is robust enough to meet these requirements on its own, so a multisensor solution is required. Although many new navigation and positioning methods have been developed in recent years, little has been done to bring them together into a robust, reliable, and cost-effective integrated system. To achieve this, four key challenges must be met: complexity, context, ambiguity, and environmental data handling. This paper addresses each of these challenges. It describes the problems, discusses possible approaches, and proposes a program of research and standardization activities to solve them. The discussion is illustrated with results from research into urban GNSS positioning, GNSS shadow matching, environmental feature matching, and context detection

    Reducing Uncertainty in Head and Neck Radiotherapy with Plastic Robotics

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    One of the greatest challenges in achieving accurate positioning in head and neck radiotherapy is that the anatomy at and above the cervical spine does not act as a single, mechanically rigid body. Current immobilization techniques contain residual uncertainties that are especially present in the lower neck that cannot be reduced by setting up to any single landmark. The work presented describes the development of a radiotherapy friendly mostly-plastic 6D robotic platform for positioning independent landmarks, (i.e., allowing remote, independent positioning of the skull relative to landmarks in the thorax), including analysis of kinematics, stress, radiographic compatibility, trajectory planning, physical construction, and phantom measurements of correction accuracy. No major component of the system within the field of imaging or treatment had a measured attenuation value greater than 250 HU, showing compatibility with x-ray-based imaging techniques. Relative to arbitrary overall setup errors of the head (min = 1.1 mm, max = 5.2 mm vector error) the robotic platform corrected the position down to a residual overall error of 0.75 mm +/- 0.33 mm over 15 cases as measured with optical tracking. This device shows the potential for providing reductions to dose margins in head and neck therapy cases, while also reducing setup time and effort