9 research outputs found

    An Image Indexing and Region based on Color and Texture

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    From the previous decade, the enormous rise of the internet has tremendously maximized the amount image databases obtainable. This image gathering such as art works, satellite and medicine is fascinating ever more customers in numerous application domains. The work on image retrieval primarily focuses on efficient and effective relevant images from huge and varied image gatherings which is further becoming more fascinating and exciting. In this paper, the author suggested an effective approach for approximating large-scale retrieval of images through indexing. This approach primarily depends on the visual content of the image segment where the segments are obtained through fuzzy segmentation and are demonstrated through high-frequency sub-band wavelets. Furthermore, owing to the complexity in monitoring large scale information and exponential growth of the processing time, approximate nearest neighbor algorithm is employed to enhance the retrieval speed. Thus, a locality-sensitive hashing using (K-NN Algorithm) is adopted for region-aided indexing technique. Particularly, as the performance of K-NN Approach hinges essentially on the hash function segregating the space, a novel function was uncovered motivated using E8 lattice which could efficiently be amalgamated with multiple probes K-NN Approach and query-adaptive K- NN Approach. To validate the adopted hypothetical selections and to enlighten the efficiency of the suggested approach, a group of experimental results associated to the region-based image retrieval is carried out on the COREL data samples

    Fast kNN Graph Construction with Locality Sensitive Hashing

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    Abstract. The k nearest neighbors (kNN) graph, perhaps the most popular graph in machine learning, plays an essential role for graphbased learning methods. Despite its many elegant properties, the brute force kNN graph construction method has computational complexity of O(n 2 ), which is prohibitive for large scale data sets. In this paper, based on the divide-and-conquer strategy, we propose an efficient algorithm for approximating kNN graphs, which has the time complexity of O(l(d + log n)n) only (d is the dimensionality and l is usually a small number). This is much faster than most existing fast methods. Specifically, we engage the locality sensitive hashing technique to divide items into small subsets with equal size, and then build one kNN graph on each subset using the brute force method. To enhance the approximation quality, we repeat this procedure for several times to generate multiple basic approximate graphs, and combine them to yield a high quality graph. Compared with existing methods, the proposed approach has features that are: (1) much more efficient in speed (2) applicable to generic similarity measures; (3) easy to parallelize. Finally, on three benchmark large-scale data sets, our method beats existing fast methods with obvious advantages

    Locality sensitive hashing for chi2 distance

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    Vector Quantization Techniques for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search on Large-Scale Datasets

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    The technological developments of the last twenty years are leading the world to a new era. The invention of the internet, mobile phones and smart devices are resulting in an exponential increase in data. As the data is growing every day, finding similar patterns or matching samples to a query is no longer a simple task because of its computational costs and storage limitations. Special signal processing techniques are required in order to handle the growth in data, as simply adding more and more computers cannot keep up.Nearest neighbor search, or similarity search, proximity search or near item search is the problem of finding an item that is nearest or most similar to a query according to a distance or similarity measure. When the reference set is very large, or the distance or similarity calculation is complex, performing the nearest neighbor search can be computationally demanding. Considering today’s ever-growing datasets, where the cardinality of samples also keep increasing, a growing interest towards approximate methods has emerged in the research community.Vector Quantization for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search (VQ for ANN) has proven to be one of the most efficient and successful methods targeting the aforementioned problem. It proposes to compress vectors into binary strings and approximate the distances between vectors using look-up tables. With this approach, the approximation of distances is very fast, while the storage space requirement of the dataset is minimized thanks to the extreme compression levels. The distance approximation performance of VQ for ANN has been shown to be sufficiently well for retrieval and classification tasks demonstrating that VQ for ANN techniques can be a good replacement for exact distance calculation methods.This thesis contributes to VQ for ANN literature by proposing five advanced techniques, which aim to provide fast and efficient approximate nearest neighbor search on very large-scale datasets. The proposed methods can be divided into two groups. The first group consists of two techniques, which propose to introduce subspace clustering to VQ for ANN. These methods are shown to give the state-of-the-art performance according to tests on prevalent large-scale benchmarks. The second group consists of three methods, which propose improvements on residual vector quantization. These methods are also shown to outperform their predecessors. Apart from these, a sixth contribution in this thesis is a demonstration of VQ for ANN in an application of image classification on large-scale datasets. It is shown that a k-NN classifier based on VQ for ANN performs on par with the k-NN classifiers, but requires much less storage space and computations

    Indexation sémantique des images et des vidéos par apprentissage actif

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    Le cadre général de cette thèse est l'indexation sémantique et la recherche d'informations, appliquée à des documents multimédias. Plus précisément, nous nous intéressons à l'indexation sémantique des concepts dans des images et vidéos par les approches d'apprentissage actif, que nous utilisons pour construire des corpus annotés. Tout au long de cette thèse, nous avons montré que les principales difficultés de cette tâche sont souvent liées, en général, à l'fossé sémantique. En outre, elles sont liées au problème de classe-déséquilibre dans les ensembles de données à grande échelle, où les concepts sont pour la plupart rares. Pour l'annotation de corpus, l'objectif principal de l'utilisation de l'apprentissage actif est d'augmenter la performance du système en utilisant que peu d'échantillons annotés que possible, ainsi minimisant les coûts de l'annotations des données (par exemple argent et temps). Dans cette thèse, nous avons contribué à plusieurs niveaux de l'indexation multimédia et nous avons proposé trois approches qui succèdent des systèmes de l'état de l'art: i) l'approche multi-apprenant (ML) qui surmonte le problème de classe-déséquilibre dans les grandes bases de données, ii) une méthode de reclassement qui améliore l'indexation vidéo, iii) nous avons évalué la normalisation en loi de puissance et de l'APC et a montré son efficacité dans l'indexation multimédia. En outre, nous avons proposé l'approche ALML qui combine le multi-apprenant avec l'apprentissage actif, et nous avons également proposé une méthode incrémentale qui accélère l'approche proposé (ALML). En outre, nous avons proposé l'approche de nettoyage actif, qui aborde la qualité des annotations. Les méthodes proposées ont été tous validées par plusieurs expériences, qui ont été menées et évaluées sur des collections à grande échelle de l'indice de benchmark internationale bien connue, appelés TRECVID. Enfin, nous avons présenté notre système d'annotation dans le monde réel basé sur l'apprentissage actif, qui a été utilisé pour mener les annotations de l'ensemble du développement de la campagne TRECVID en 2011, et nous avons présenté notre participation à la tâche d'indexation sémantique de cette campagne, dans laquelle nous nous sommes classés à la 3ème place sur 19 participants.The general framework of this thesis is semantic indexing and information retrieval, applied to multimedia documents. More specifically, we are interested in the semantic indexing of concepts in images and videos by the active learning approaches that we use to build annotated corpus. Throughout this thesis, we have shown that the main difficulties of this task are often related, in general, to the semantic-gap. Furthermore, they are related to the class-imbalance problem in large scale datasets, where concepts are mostly sparse. For corpus annotation, the main objective of using active learning is to increase the system performance by using as few labeled samples as possible, thereby minimizing the cost of labeling data (e.g. money and time). In this thesis, we have contributed in several levels of multimedia indexing and proposed three approaches that outperform state-of-the-art systems: i) the multi-learner approach (ML) that overcomes the class-imbalance problem in large-scale datasets, ii) a re-ranking method that improves the video indexing, iii) we have evaluated the power-law normalization and the PCA and showed its effectiveness in multimedia indexing. Furthermore, we have proposed the ALML approach that combines the multi-learner with active learning, and also proposed an incremental method that speeds up ALML approach. Moreover, we have proposed the active cleaning approach, which tackles the quality of annotations. The proposed methods were validated through several experiments, which were conducted and evaluated on large-scale collections of the well-known international benchmark, called TrecVid. Finally, we have presented our real-world annotation system based on active learning, which was used to lead the annotations of the development set of TrecVid 2011 campaign, and we have presented our participation at the semantic indexing task of the mentioned campaign, in which we were ranked at the 3rd place out of 19 participants.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF